Our Love Chemistry


Zico was growing impatient waiting for Gwen and Jihoon to arrive. Almost three hours have already passed but still they’re not home. He can’t help but be uneasy. He paced back and forth at the terrace; his thoughts darted in all directions. He was worried sick about the two. What if they met an accident? Not long enough, he saw a cab stop by at the gate. They emerged from the cab with bags of groceries at hand. His restless heart was now relieved.
As he was watching them go inside, he became conscious of his thoughts. Why was he worrying? Ever since he first saw Gwen, he started feeling all this weirdness in him. Was he, by any chance, in love with her? Anniyo, love is a strong word. He doesn’t love her….yet. Nonetheless, he was convinced that he was enchanted by her and that he cared for her.
“Hyung, I’m back! Here are the things you wanted me to buy.” Zico was startled Jihoon. He was so drowned in deciphering his emotions that he was caught off guard. He stood there just looking at Jihoon’s eyes. He looked stupid but he seriously did not know what to say by the sudden interruption.
“Hey? Are you there?” Jihoon waved his hands at his dumbfounded hyung’s face. That gesture snapped Zico back to reality. 
“Oh, yeah.” He managed to utter. “Hey! Where have you been? What took you so long? Do you know how worried I was?” then and there, he spoke the words Jihoon wasn’t expecting.
“Obviously, we went to the grocery store. And hyung, since when did you start to be concerned about me?” his dongsaeng retorted. “Or was it even me you were worried with?” a smile broke free from Jihoon’s lips. His hyung’s concern for him was a sham which makes one thing be evident, he likes Gwen.
“And since when did stupid things start filling your head?” he was hesitant on what to say, afraid that surprising words might flow out of his mouth again.
“Since you started acting weird.” Jihoon walked towards the kitchen joining BBomb and U-kwon who were eating sandwich at the counter. Zico followed his donsaeng afraid that he might tell the others about his glitch earlier.
“Hey! We’re not yet done!” Zico shouted at Jihoon. 
“So, what else do I need to know?” Jihoon replied back. He was determined to take revenge for all the bullying he suffered from him.
“Hey, what’s this all about?” BBomb asked. 
“We seem to be missing something.” U-Kwon said eyeing Zico and Jihoon suspiciously. Zico was sweating hard. The thought of being caught drove the hell out of him.
Nothing.” Jihoon looked at Zico teasingly.
“Chincha?” BBomb was confused. Zico and Jihoon was exchanging weird looks. It was unmistakable that something was going on.
“I smell something fishy.”U-Kwon felt the same as BBomb. 
 “Forget it.” Zico shot Jihoon a deadly look. He walked away leaving the three behind.
“Guys these days, all acting weird.” U-Kwon complained as he continued devouring his sandwiches. 
“I agree with you hyung. Someone is really acting weird these days.” Jihoon puckishly smiled.
“Seems like you know something we don’t. Mind sharing them with your hyungs?" BBomb imitated his dongsaeng’s mischievous smile.
“I wish I knew something.” Jihoon’s smile grew bigger, naughtier than before. He left BBomb and U-Kwon. He cannot let them know just yet. He’s gritty to make the most out of his new discovery. He found Zico restlessly lying in the sofa. He’s so see-through, he thought.
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.”Jihoon said as he walked pass Zico towards his room. I’m in trouble, Zico thought as he rubbed his temples.
from now on, P.O. will  be addreseed   as Jihoon
as i recently found out that his
hyungs call him Jihoon, not P.O.
and P.O. is tiresome to type :)
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My Poor Zico ;(( Zico will Win ! Hwaiting Oppa! :DD Update Soon!
faddyrobot09 #2
ahhhhhhhh yay for updates! 3 chapters in a day!?! yessir! and lmao at her thoughts of zico beiing a troll! cracked me up! i loved the part when kyung came in and caught zico and jihoon in an awkward situation! fun times! and oh man, can't believe gwen isn't getting the hint from zico!
Gwen, isn't it obvious that Zico turned into an ogre whever you brought Jaehyo's name? lol<br />
Zico is really hilarious too, who knows a boy full of swag would be like that when he's jealous? lmao<br />
uh uh, i smell competition!<br />
update soon! hwaiting~
AHHHH I LOVE THIS FIC HAHAHAHAH it's so funny how Zico get's so pissed for no reason and he does all these funny hilarious things. I LOVE THIS IMMA SUBSCRIBE.
lol Jihoon, it's only been two days and you're already feel so protective over Gwen<br />
and woah, Zico got a rival now uh? Jaehyo <333 lol<br />
why did P.O said, he would choose Zico over Jaehyo if he were Gwen? <br />
Hae Ji's job is to die for kekeke, it would be a great thing if i can get a job in YG ent!<br />
thank you for updating! :D
cl & zico looks like long lost siblings to me, but ever heard of the mushy gushy belief that soulmates are look-a-likes? haha
faddyrobot09 #7
yes chemical engineers are pretty crazy! with the amount of classes they take, i'm amazed how they do it! hooking up with a girl, who already has something going on for her + an idol = jjang! lol. jihoon teasing zico is sooo cute. endearing really. girl, it doesn't matter if he's younger. choose who the heart wants! lol. yg!?! they're awesome! hahahahaha. cl & zico collab? that'd be just amazing!
@naeul: he's tight lipped! haha :)<br />
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@arronyan: thank you so much for liking it. i like that part too XD
HAHA i love the part 'Jaehyo! Is he really that handsome that he can make her giggle? Ok, screw that. He’s an ulzzang.'<br />
P.O is so cute OMG i want to pinch his cheeks!!! and his voice is so manly!!! <br />
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lmao Zico why wouldn't you tag along too? i know you want it!<br />
it's just funny to see that Zico likes her so much but he didn't wanna show it to her! lol<br />
thank you for updating! hwaiting~