
Our Love Chemistry


Zico’s POV
We had just arrived home when we saw Gwen walking out of her door. She’s dresses casually so I don’t think she’s going to school or work. I wanted to ask her where she’s headed to but wouldn’t it be weird? I mean were not friends yet. 
“Noona! Where are you going?” Good maknae, now my curiosity will be satisfied.
“Oh, anneonghaseyo Jihoon-ssi. You see, I haven’t got any food in my fridge and I’m almost starving to death. So I’m going to a restaurant to feed myself and then hit the grocery to buy stuffs.” Did she ever miss the fact that we were also there? Aren’t we worth a greeting at least? 
“Hey, I’m also starving,” Taeil blurted.
“Me too,” Jaehyo added.
“Me three,” BBomb said. Ok, so what are these guys thinking? Hmmm, let me see, since I am the leader, I think I can manipulate this situation :)
“Well, it’s almost lunch time so why don’t we all go to the restaurant and eat? Is that ok with everyone?" I composedly said. They should never know how badly I want to get to know her.
“Come on noona,” P.O. said.
“Jihoon-ssi, is that ok with your hyungs? I mean Zico didn’t even said I can come and worst, they might not want me to come.” She whispered to P.O. audible enough for me and U-Kwon to also hear.  Babo! I said let’s ALL go to the resto.But wait, she knows me? Yaay! She knows me!
“Zico! Invite our neighbor at this very instant!” U-Kwon said. Aish, even though I’m the leader, he’s still older than me and times like this when he bosses me around.
“If you haven’t heard what I said, let me repeat that for you. Let’s ALL go to the restaurant. And when I say all, I mean everyone of us including you..ahm, I’m not being rude but what’s your name by the way?” I pretended I didn’t know her.
“Oh right, guess I was very hungry to forget all the formalities. Anneonghaseyo. I’m Gwenaelle Fiorre but you can call me Gwen,” she said. Did I ever say this before but she’s got a beautiful smile. Now, it’s our turn to introduce ourselves.
“Do you wanna be? Block B! Anneonghaseyo, Block B imnida.” We chorused.
“Wassup? I’m Zico, Block B’s leader and producer.” I said in a bad boy, gangster kind of way. She smiled at me.
“Hello. I'm, as you can see, the visual of Block B, Park Kyung.”
“I’m Block B’s smile representative, U-Kwon.”
“I'm  Block B’s dancer and chic representative, BBomb.”
“Anneonghaseyo, I’m Block B's sub-vocalist and nothing else, Jaehyo.” She giggled! I can’t believe she giggled at Jaehyo! Is he really that handsome that he can make her giggle? Ok, screw that. He’s an ulzzang.
“I'm Block B's main vocalist, Lee Taeil.”
“Noona, you already know me,” P.O. was acting cute. He’s always acting cute over girls.
“Wow, I still can’t believe I’m neighbors with Block B. Jihoon-ssi, can you pinch my cheeks so I will know if I’m dreaming or not?” P.O reached for her cheeks and pinched it. “Aww! That hurts. It hurts enough to bring me back to reality that I’m terribly hungry so can we go now?” Omo, she’s so cute! I want to pinch her cheeks, too! 
It’s a good thing our manager hyungs were not here, we might have some car issues. We hopped in the car with Kyung on the wheels and Gwen beside her. The rest of us were stuffed in the back. Shortly, a group conversation took place and we got to know her more. We were shocked to know that this 20-year old lass was a chemical engineer with a big time position at the company she’s working with. I stayed out of the conversation all the time, afraid that I might show excessive interest on her. I was so quiet that my existence can hardly be felt but little do they know that I was all ears when she’s talking. I can’t help but notice how her gaze always lingers on Jaehyo hyung. Does she like him? 
The ride to the resto seemed to last forever but alas, we arrived there safely. We pulled our hoods on while getting out of the car so we can’t be recognized. We got inside and settled ourselves in a private room since a handful of people were dining at the moment. 
Gwen never fails to surprise me and this time, she ordered a lot of food. I was never alone with that thought as P.O. asked her “Noona, are you going to eat all of that? You might get fat, you know.” Another shock came from her answer, “Neh, I’m going to eat all of these. Pshh, Jihoon-ssi, life’s too short to care about being skinny, unless you’re job requires you to be skinny, which in my case doesn’t. You see, I love food and I’m going to eat as much as I could. There’s enough time to be skinny when I’m dead anyway.” We all looked at her with a what-did-you-say look, much more like O.O  .
“Do you always eat like that?” the bemused Taeil dared to ask.
“Neh,” she smiled. “Among the seven deadly sins, I’m most guilty of gluttony.”
“But if you always eat like that, how come you’re not fat?” Kyung asked.
“Uhm, well, for every action there’s always an equal but opposite reaction, right? Since I eat a lot, I find ways to burn all these food in my stomach. Trust me, you won’t get fat if you sweat out what you eat.” She said in a matter-of-fact way. We all nodded in approval and continued eating.
After we were done feeding our hungry stomachs, we left. Since Gwen still needs to buy some grocery, we dropped her off in the nearby grocery store with P.O. tagging alongside her. Aish, I want to tag along, too! Maybe next time, I guess.
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My Poor Zico ;(( Zico will Win ! Hwaiting Oppa! :DD Update Soon!
faddyrobot09 #2
ahhhhhhhh yay for updates! 3 chapters in a day!?! yessir! and lmao at her thoughts of zico beiing a troll! cracked me up! i loved the part when kyung came in and caught zico and jihoon in an awkward situation! fun times! and oh man, can't believe gwen isn't getting the hint from zico!
Gwen, isn't it obvious that Zico turned into an ogre whever you brought Jaehyo's name? lol<br />
Zico is really hilarious too, who knows a boy full of swag would be like that when he's jealous? lmao<br />
uh uh, i smell competition!<br />
update soon! hwaiting~
AHHHH I LOVE THIS FIC HAHAHAHAH it's so funny how Zico get's so pissed for no reason and he does all these funny hilarious things. I LOVE THIS IMMA SUBSCRIBE.
lol Jihoon, it's only been two days and you're already feel so protective over Gwen<br />
and woah, Zico got a rival now uh? Jaehyo <333 lol<br />
why did P.O said, he would choose Zico over Jaehyo if he were Gwen? <br />
Hae Ji's job is to die for kekeke, it would be a great thing if i can get a job in YG ent!<br />
thank you for updating! :D
cl & zico looks like long lost siblings to me, but ever heard of the mushy gushy belief that soulmates are look-a-likes? haha
faddyrobot09 #7
yes chemical engineers are pretty crazy! with the amount of classes they take, i'm amazed how they do it! hooking up with a girl, who already has something going on for her + an idol = jjang! lol. jihoon teasing zico is sooo cute. endearing really. girl, it doesn't matter if he's younger. choose who the heart wants! lol. yg!?! they're awesome! hahahahaha. cl & zico collab? that'd be just amazing!
@naeul: he's tight lipped! haha :)<br />
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@arronyan: thank you so much for liking it. i like that part too XD
HAHA i love the part 'Jaehyo! Is he really that handsome that he can make her giggle? Ok, screw that. He’s an ulzzang.'<br />
P.O is so cute OMG i want to pinch his cheeks!!! and his voice is so manly!!! <br />
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lmao Zico why wouldn't you tag along too? i know you want it!<br />
it's just funny to see that Zico likes her so much but he didn't wanna show it to her! lol<br />
thank you for updating! hwaiting~