It was only just a ....

Our Love Chemistry


Gwen’s POV
I woke up to an enchanting morning. It’s a beautiful day so I decided to have a stroll in the nearby park. As I reached the park, I noticed something unusual. The park seems to be a bit deserted today. I looked around and only saw a few people hanging around. I walked around and found a bench near a fountain so I sat there. I looked around again. I got this weird feeling inside me. It seems that the people in the park were slowly diminishing but I didn’t care since the beauty of nature took my focus away. Morning dews were covering the grass and leaves of the plants. Rays of sunshine were beaming from the sky. It’s still 06:24 am and the park looks like a paradise. 
Tweet tweet tweet.
What a lovely sound. It came from a blue bird playing in the bird bath a few steps away from the bench I’m sitting. The bird looked really happy playing with water. I kept on staring at it. When the bird grew tired of playing, it flew away. I followed it with my gaze. I suddenly realized that I was now all alone in the park. Before I can turn my head to look around, a pair of hands covered my eyes!
I froze in horror but my fear slowly faded away since that person was covering my eyes as gently as possible. I noticed that his/her hands were very soft. I can’t even tell if those hands belonged to a man or o woman.
“Knock! Knock!” it’s a man’s voice! His voice is so alluring that all my fear vanished. 
“Who’s there?” I answered with a voice loud enough for him to hear.
“Your heart.”
“Your heart who?”
You’re my Mona Lisa
You’re my rainbow sky
And my only prayer is that you’ll realize
That you’ll always be beautiful in my eyes
He started singing. His voice was beyond words to describe. It’s so beautiful that it sends shivers through my spine.
You will always be beautiful in my eyes,” he continued. But wait, that’s an English song right? And hello, I’m like in Korea. So who could this guy be?
And the passing years will show that you will always grow even more beautiful in my eyes.”
“Hey! Wait a minute! Where’s ‘your heart’?” this is a knock knock game, right? He’s supposed to incorporate those words in the song.
My heart? Isn’t it with you?” Awwwww. My own heart just melted over his cheesy pick-up line. Right then he removed his hands from my eyes and hugs me from the back. I tried to turn around to see who this guy was then suddenly…
I opened my eyes in disbelief. Kriiiing! I reached for my alarm clock and turned it off. It’s already 10:18. How long was the alarm ringing? Kyaaaaaa! What a nice way to start a day. I never got the chance to know who that mystery man was!  I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again hoping that my dream would resume from where it got interrupted. I rolled on my bed, hugged my pillow, rolled some more and rolled again but to my disappointment, I can’t seem to go back to sleep! 
Psshhh! I got up. Since it’s a vain attempt to fall back to sleep, I decided to take a bath instead. After washing up, I headed towards the kitchen only to realize that I still hadn’t bought some grocery. Aigoo, can this day be more unfortunate? I grabbed my wallet and keys; I’m off to the grocery store. But I think I’ll hit the restaurant first. I’m really hungry now.
Boring chappies,right?
Mianhe, I can't seem to make it fast-paced
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My Poor Zico ;(( Zico will Win ! Hwaiting Oppa! :DD Update Soon!
faddyrobot09 #2
ahhhhhhhh yay for updates! 3 chapters in a day!?! yessir! and lmao at her thoughts of zico beiing a troll! cracked me up! i loved the part when kyung came in and caught zico and jihoon in an awkward situation! fun times! and oh man, can't believe gwen isn't getting the hint from zico!
Gwen, isn't it obvious that Zico turned into an ogre whever you brought Jaehyo's name? lol<br />
Zico is really hilarious too, who knows a boy full of swag would be like that when he's jealous? lmao<br />
uh uh, i smell competition!<br />
update soon! hwaiting~
AHHHH I LOVE THIS FIC HAHAHAHAH it's so funny how Zico get's so pissed for no reason and he does all these funny hilarious things. I LOVE THIS IMMA SUBSCRIBE.
lol Jihoon, it's only been two days and you're already feel so protective over Gwen<br />
and woah, Zico got a rival now uh? Jaehyo <333 lol<br />
why did P.O said, he would choose Zico over Jaehyo if he were Gwen? <br />
Hae Ji's job is to die for kekeke, it would be a great thing if i can get a job in YG ent!<br />
thank you for updating! :D
cl & zico looks like long lost siblings to me, but ever heard of the mushy gushy belief that soulmates are look-a-likes? haha
faddyrobot09 #7
yes chemical engineers are pretty crazy! with the amount of classes they take, i'm amazed how they do it! hooking up with a girl, who already has something going on for her + an idol = jjang! lol. jihoon teasing zico is sooo cute. endearing really. girl, it doesn't matter if he's younger. choose who the heart wants! lol. yg!?! they're awesome! hahahahaha. cl & zico collab? that'd be just amazing!
@naeul: he's tight lipped! haha :)<br />
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@arronyan: thank you so much for liking it. i like that part too XD
HAHA i love the part 'Jaehyo! Is he really that handsome that he can make her giggle? Ok, screw that. He’s an ulzzang.'<br />
P.O is so cute OMG i want to pinch his cheeks!!! and his voice is so manly!!! <br />
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lmao Zico why wouldn't you tag along too? i know you want it!<br />
it's just funny to see that Zico likes her so much but he didn't wanna show it to her! lol<br />
thank you for updating! hwaiting~