A Name for the Baby



They were all looking at the baby and wondering how were they going to hide the nameless baby from the company, how? Just how?

“We could say she’s someone cousin, we have to take care of because no one else can” Chen suggested.

“No, won’t work” Luhan said. “What about just telling them the truth?”

“They could take the baby from us and put her in an orphanage.” Tao answered. In this point everyone agreed “How about just hiding her?”

“That could work out, but can’t because of manager hyung” Xiumin pointed out.

“We should tell manager hyung not to tell, maybe he would understand” Chen said.

“Yes, but he also may betray us and tell the company” Lay continued.

“What can we do?” Chen asked once again. No one had an answer for him.

“Duizhang, what are you thinking?” Xiumin asked. “Have any idea of how to hide her?”

“No, I was thinking of names” all of the members turned and looked at him as if he had gone crazy. “The baby” he explained, “She doesn’t have a name. So I was thinking of some. I want them to have a meaning and I want it to be Korean, I don’t particularly like the names I have come up with”

“We get to name the baby?” Tao said excited, when all the members nodded he shouted. “WE GET TO NAME THE BABY!”

Taos’ shout made the baby startled and she started crying.

All the members looked at each other shocked. No one had the slight idea of what to do. They turned in the direction of the oldest of all the members.

“Xiumin do something!” Kris said while looking distressed.

“What do I do?” the baby’s cries where getting louder and the members more distressed. “Kris, you are the leader you do something!”

“Yes duizhang do something!” all of the members chorused.

“AISH! What to do?” Kris stood up and walked in the direction of the baby. Her small face was getting red and her small fist where moving in front of her.

“Hello there you beautiful” Kris said while awkwardly smiling “please stop crying, come on baby girl, no more tears.” the cries didn’t stop but the volume decreased.

“It’s working” the members whispered among themselves

“Why are you crying baby? Stop crying, come on stop, everything will be okay” But the baby didn’t understand, how could she? “Guys, guys, Kris has to carry her to calm her down.” Chen suddenly said.

“WHAT? Why?” Kris asked he had never felt so frustrated in his life.

“Internet says so” Chen said while pointing at the cell phone in his hand “look let me read it. How to calm a crying baby:
1. Lift her gently, keep a hand on her head and slowly move side to side, talk to the baby in a soothing voice and the baby will start to calm down. If this doesn't work go to step 2. Warning the step one may take time to accomplish."

Kris slowly extended his arms in the direction of the wailing baby. And he lifted her. To his surprise the baby didn't fall. He proceeded to put one of his hands on the back of the head of the baby and started moving side to side, he started singing ‘Angel’ to her.

All of the members watched in awe of how the leaders’ mouth formed a small smile at the now calm baby, he slowly her hair and the baby smiled. Kris smile became wider.

“I know the perfect name for you.” he said, when the baby fell asleep in his strong arms, it was weird how such a small body was so full of energy, of how that small baby had won over his heart so easily.

“Soo Hee” he said to the members. “That’s her name”

“I like it, but what does it mean?” Lay asked.

“Soo means smile or pretty, Hee means happiness. Together it would be pretty happiness” Kris answered.

“Perfect” all of the members agreed as they looked to the new angel that had entered their life.

“My little Soo Hee” Kris said as he kissed her forehead. “Sleep well”


(A.N://) Short update... they jsut named the baby in this chapter, next there will be surprises.


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3 more days and finals are over, i will update then


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suliman #1
Please update soon
Chapter 19: Hahaha..this story is too cute and funny..I LOVEDD IT...poor chen chen..haha
avisdawn #3
Chapter 19: poor chen, haha XD
haenana #4
This is good ... Exo as a daddy is cute... Going to read more... Btw, im a new subbie
Chapter 18: Omo!!!sehunnie kissed manager hyung,,haha,,goodjob author-nim,,this is a nice story,,i like!!!
Agee3231 #6
Chapter 18: It would be funny if Luhan was the dad
HunTy1204 #7
Chapter 18: Lolz xD. i cant stop laughing xD
Chapter 11: What's going to happen now? How will K react?
Chapter 10: What excuse are they going to use? Can Baekhyun keep a secret?