To Tell or Not To Tell


All of the members where watching the sleeping Soo Hee in Kris arms, they were mesmerized by the scene in front of them.Tehywere so engrossed in watching the baby sleep that they didn't hear the manager entering the dorm.

"Guys I brought food, are you hungry?" The manager appeared and was surprised by seeing all the member sitting around Kirs watching hold a "BABY!?!? WHAT IS A BABY DOING IN HERE?" the manager screamed, all the members immediately told him to shush it. They looked at the baby worrying hoping she haven't waked up. Mercifully the baby was still asleep.

The manager made sings for the boys to follow him. They nodded and went after the manager and entered one of the rooms.

Kris was left behind, as he slowly walked to the basket and with a lot of care put the baby in it. 

He smiled at the sight of her, the baby was just beautiful.

Kris entered to see the manager looking at all the members, the members had their heads hung low, not daring to look at their hyung.

The manager turned and saw how the usual confident leader, looked at the floor as he walked. Seeing the leader like that just made him worry even more.

"Guys" the manager started, keeping his voice down aware of the baby sleeping next door. "What the actual is going on?" he asked. "Who is that baby? What is the baby doing here?" He looked at all the members, but his gaze lingered a little more on Kris, knowing he would be the one to answer him.

The members had all the same thoughts running though their minds, they knew that if they told the manager the truth there was a big chance of him telling the company about the baby... but there was also the chance of him not telling and helping them take care of the baby.

Tao looked up to the leader and started at him, until he too raised his head, turning and seeing all the members looking at him. They  were all worried, all of them for the same reasons, they all knew their leader was not perfect, but they knew he would make the best decision, they trusted him enough to let him decide. To tell the truth, or not to tell it.

But Kris was waiting for one of the members to give him a signal, he wanted one of his hyungs to tell him what to do, but a signal never came, they just watched him. Waiting. Hoping. Expecting that his answer would be the best, not just for them but for the baby too.

Xiumin noticed how restless Kris looked, so he nodded, knowing Kris would understand what he meant. Chen seeing Xiumin nod, did the same. Luhan noticed the action and noded along. 

That was all the encouragement Kris needed, he would tell the truth. He just hopped he was making the right choice.

Kris took a bid breath

"The baby was left at our doorsteps." Kris started. The manager made him sings to proceed. "She was left here with a letter." Kris paused again to take another breath. "One of the members is the father, we do not know which one thought." Kris finished with a rush, waiting to see the manager reaction. He didn't shout as the members expected, nor he said anything. He just stood there watching them all with something in his eyes, something the members had never seen in his eyes when he looked at them. Disappointment.

The manager let out a sight.

"I told you. I warned you. I told you countless times not to get ually engaged with anyone, not while being idols, not while just having debuted. But you" He made a point to look at all the members, meeting theirs eyes. "didn't listened, I specifically told you to be careful, to avoid having . This could ruin everything you guys had ever worked hard on. Every tear, every smile, every wound, every time you got up to practice. every time you said, just one more, just one last try, everything could be ruined."

"Hyung, are you mad at us?" Tao asked with tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"No, Tao, I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed." Tao's tears started to fall.

"I'm so sorry, hyung, I'm so sorry." Tao sobbed in his hands.

The manager just patted his back and left. 

Leaving all the members alone, looking shocked. 

They heard a laughter, surprised they went outside to see the manager looking at the now awake baby, making weird faces at her.

The laughter was heard again, it was the manager's, he was laughing at the reactions the baby girl did at his faces.

The members looked at each other.

"The manager lost a screw" Lay suddenly said, he sounded horrified.

Suddenly the manager noticed their presence and looked away guilty.

"I was just -ahjem" he cleared the manager cleared his throat. "Umm, I was just... I was going to take her to the orphanage but then she started making those cute faces that I couldn't resist"

The members looked at each other, knowing that Kris had made the right decision. The was no way in hell that the manager would now tell the company.

"We need to buy stuff for Soo Hee" Chen pointed out. "Like a crib, and food, and diapers, and toys, and clothes."

"Yes, but we will do it tomorrow, tonight, lets just rest." Xiumin said. 






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3 more days and finals are over, i will update then


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suliman #1
Please update soon
Chapter 19: Hahaha..this story is too cute and funny..I LOVEDD IT...poor chen chen..haha
avisdawn #3
Chapter 19: poor chen, haha XD
haenana #4
This is good ... Exo as a daddy is cute... Going to read more... Btw, im a new subbie
Chapter 18: Omo!!!sehunnie kissed manager hyung,,haha,,goodjob author-nim,,this is a nice story,,i like!!!
Agee3231 #6
Chapter 18: It would be funny if Luhan was the dad
HunTy1204 #7
Chapter 18: Lolz xD. i cant stop laughing xD
Chapter 11: What's going to happen now? How will K react?
Chapter 10: What excuse are they going to use? Can Baekhyun keep a secret?