Two Dorks Plus One







Yuri’s POV



I immediately went to look for those two so called “friends” of mine after the pain was gone.


I found them at the cafeteria, boy was it lunch time already?


I definitely don’t have any sense of time now. Wasn’t it just a minute ago that I got up from bed?


Truth be told, I feel empty and lonely lately. And by means of empty, not stomach-empty, but more like heart-empty.


If you let Sooyoung define empty, she’d most definitely answer the former.


This person eats so much I really wonder where all those deposited foods go.


What's even more shocking is that she's still hungry 70% of the time.


He’s got a well defined body, taller by centimeters than me, and is tanned skin, just like me.


Yes TAN. Not dark. But TAN.


Kim Taeyeon is an opposite though, height and skin color-wise. He’s shorter than us, we all the time for being short. He believes he would still grow any taller, poor guy needs to stop dreaming. HaHaHa.


He’s white, like really white. Like milky-white white.


Oh! and I just remembered. That was his nickname when we were kids, yes we basically grew up together too.


Hmmmmm “MILKY WHITE-SKINNED KIM TAEYEON.” I’ll remember that, it might come in handy in the future. And I need to find a nickname for Sooyoung too. Just in case.


Childish, I know. But hey, at least they keep me entertained.


I stopped for a while near the trash bin to throw the gum wrappers I had on my pocket.



Then I saw her there, towards the end of the cafeteria looking beautiful as usual. And everything slowed down, yes my mind is playing tricks again. You know, she’s a true beauty because she doesn’t act like one unlike those other arrogant girls. Believe it or not, she could be a total heartbreaker, but she’s different in a way, she’s natural just like that. She shines, just like a jewel. She always catches my attention.

 I smiled at the view. She’s clapping her hands, her gag friend Hyoyeon must have cracked another joke. Then I headed towards my friends’ table.



A smirked appeared on my face as they noticed me coming towards them.


“ohuh… WE’RE IN TROUBLE.” Both stopped eating for a while.


“nahhhh, I’m not gonna take my revenge today.”


They smiled in victory, like they won a battle as they did a fist pump. I’LL GET MY REVENGE NOT TODAY. BUT TOMORROW.  I smirked again.



“What’s wrong with you?” Taeyeon asked.




“You were smirking to yourself just now. That’s not normal.”


“You talk, solve math problems and DJ in your sleep. That’s not normal.” I countered back.


“Touché.” He said in defeat as he continued munching on the tray of food. I smiled wide. Take that Kim Taeyeon! Ha!




“Are you alright now?” Taeyeon asked of me seriously seconds later.




“You sure?”


“Of course.” I smiled.


“Seriously Sooyoung, slow down on that burger for Pete’s sake. If your sister was here, she’ll scold you for good.” I informed Sooyoung seeing her current state.


And just like a cue, she magically appeared out of nowhere. Damn, she always does this.


I almost fell on my chair when her face appeared all of a sudden between me and Sooyoung.



“AHHHHH! Seohyun, you seriously need to stop that. You always give me a heart attack.     As far as I know the school nurse is not here today and the hospital is a good kilometers away from our school.” I said as I held my heart for good.



And they laughed out loud after I said that. Why? I don’t even know. IT WASN’T EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY!






chapter dedicated to introduce Sooyoung and Taeyeon to the story. the next few chapters would still be in yuri's pov, fany's pov will appear later on.

This is more like a filler chapter actually, but everything will be unraveled soon.

Thanks to everyone who have subscribed,

but i'd really love to see your opinions on this one though, i meant like the story itself. i'll really apreciate it.. :)

till the next update..



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Chapter 4: please update soon
Chapter 11: Heey update pleasee ><
Chapter 11: Just passing by to leave my comment! :D
Now, Tippany Hwang Miyoung, since Jessica Jung Sooyeon already hit your head with the truth, GO. GET. YURI. BACK!
I wanna see Yulttiiiiii!~ xD and, well, I hope you don't abandon this fic. :)
Chapter 11: hi author, please don't abandoned this fic... :(
i like your fic, really
Chapter 11: Yay for the latest update!
Thank you Jess for letting Tiffany realized her feelings for Yul and oh no, please continue to write don't leave this story please?
Chapter 10: When you will update??
Chapter 10: update soon....
Chapter 10: Aigoo~ -_- Why is Tiffany even going with Taecyeon? Geez, I hope her father scare her away forever >:) and then he'll vote for Yuri to be her boyfie :"> omo, YulTi!! Hahaha sorry for that, author-ssi~

Thanks for the update! ^u^
KwonStephanie #9
Chapter 10: Geez, i don't understand with you at all, Tiff..
Anyway, welcome back, author!! :D
Chapter 9: Fany wae?? Poor Yul ㅠ.ㅠ just pair Yuri with someone else for awhile. Someone like Bora so it will be chaotic ;D