Step Nine

10 Steps To Hear: Kiss Me ♥

I looked at the mirror and a big smile spread across my lips when I saw that the sweater that Yongguk had given me as a gift, served perfectly. I remember perfectly how his cheeks were flushed as he handed me the sweater. He usually tries to hide his shyness but that day he couldn’t, and I thanked for it internally. After all, it's not every day that I get to see Yongguk flushed and almost tripping over the words.

I approached more the mirror until my face was inches from touching it. I noticed more closely the sweater and my fingers began to draw the lines of the little hearts that were patterned in the sweater. A small squeak came out of my throat as I remembered the quick kiss he gave me on my cheek. Instantly, my fingers went through my cheek and the smile widened on my thin lips, and without thinking, I gave another squeal. Oh, I can’t contain my joy. My ears heard a knock on the door and my eyes stopped at the door of my room.

“______.” My dad put his head amidst the door.

“Yeah.” I said, looking at him. He opened the door wider and stepped inside my room.

"Here's some pig?" He asked and I frowned in confusion because of his question, a little out of context.

“Pig?” I asked, still feeling a bit confused and he nodded in response. "Why would be here a pig?" I asked, looking around me, trying to look for some pig but I couldn’t find it. “There’s no pig in here.” My eyes turned to look at my dad.

"So what were those squeaks I was listening?" When he finished asking the question, my cheeks started getting warm. My squeaks were so loud so that he could hear? Oh God, what a shame. “______, don’t tell me that the squeaks were yours." He looked at me, surprised, and I didn’t answer. As they say, who remain silent, consents. As I didn’t answer, my dad knew that the answer was positive. He leaned against the door and covered his mouth, then began to laugh too loud while pointing with his index finger at me. What a shame. Next time, I have to control myself.

"Yah, don’t laugh at me." I asked with my cheeks redder and after a few seconds he calmed his laughter. I puffed my cheeks and I sat on the bed. My dad sat beside me and put his arm around my shoulders.

"There, there. I've stopped." He said shaking my shoulders and I sighed. "Oh, I have to tell you the ninth step." He got up from bed and I looked at him, waiting for him to say the ninth step. "Ninth step: cook spaghetti with him." He gave a soft laugh as he finished saying the step.

“Spaghetti?” I asked with a small smile. I love spaghetti and now that my dad talked about it. I feel like eating spaghetti. I looked at the little clock that was resting on my bedside table and noticed the hours 11:25h. Oh, it's time to start making spaghetti. At that moment, my ears heard the doorbell ring and my dad left my room, hurried to go open the door. I blinked my eyes a few times. Ok, is it me, or my dad loves to open the door? I shook my head and walked to the living room. While my feet stepped on the wood floor, my ears heard a deep and known voice. Wait, I know this voice. I turned the corner of the hallway and looked directly at the door.

“______.” Yongguk said my name and my eyes stopped in his bright and round eyes. My lips formed a smile when I saw his gummy smile. He approached me and gave me a quick kiss on my right cheek. I blushed a little, and he kissed my other cheek. "That's how French greet each other, right?" He asked and I nodded smiling more. Today, he’s more cheerful than usual. Did something good happen? He pulled away a little of me and took out his coat. My eyes stopped at my dad. Yongguk walked to the couch and sat down. My dad came up to me and gave me a cheerful smile.

"We're making progress." He patted my shoulder and my cheeks, which hadn’t yet returned to its normal color, turned red again. "Go ahead and continue with the steps." My dad gestured to the back of Yongguk and I bit my lower lip. My head just thought: Me. Kitchen. Yongguk. Spaghetti. Something good will happen?

“______-ah.” Yongguk's voice broke my thoughts and my heart suddenly stopped beating for a few seconds. Wait, wait there a minute. He.. He called me ______-ah?! Oh my God, a saint fell below the altar. It's the first time he calls me that way. I turned my face to look at him. "Do you have plans for today?" He asked passing his hand through his unruly and silky hair.

“Ani.” I shook my head. I didn’t know he was coming. Technically, I'd call him for when he had a free moment to help me cook the spaghetti, but it looks like he stepped forward. "I was cooking spaghetti. Want to help me?" I asked, pointing to the kitchen. He picked up the TV remote, turned off it, and in mere seconds, stopped in front of me.

“Let’s go.” He nodded. He grabbed my wrist and started walking quietly to the kitchen but he stopped halfway and turned his head to face me. "By the way, that sweater suits you very well." He complimented and then returned to he’s initial path, ie, to the kitchen. I put my apron and he put my dad's apron. I couldn’t suppress a smile when I saw him with the apron. He’s so cute. Both started looking the utensils to cook the spaghetti. Both were near the kitchen sink, when I started a normal conversation.

“Yongguk.” I called him and he looked at me. "Why are you happier today?" I asked, taking a slice of the carrot that I was cutting, to the mouth.

"There's no particular reason." He shrugged. "Except that today, before coming, I read something about kisses." He said starting to cut the onion and I choked with the carrot. Did I hear right? He said kisses? I coughed a few times while he tapped lightly on my back. "Yah, eat more slowly." He protested when he saw that I was better and I looked into his eyes, my view was somewhat fogged because of the small tears that my eyes had formed when I choked.

"You read something about kisses?" I asked, coughing a little and I wiped the remaining tears.

"Yes. It was an article in which a person had never kissed anyone and his first kiss was with his girlfriend." He began to explain with a smile as he cut quietly the rest of the onions. "He said it was a great experience having given his first kiss to his loved one." He put the onions in the pan that was heating on the stove. "You know, I haven’t given my first kiss yet." He said in a whisper, and I put the carrots in the pan.

“I know.” I nodded slightly. “I also haven’t given my first kiss." I said and leaned against the sink, waiting for the water to heat up to put the spaghetti. He did the same, and rested his shoulder on mine. He crossed his arms and laughed, staring at the ceiling. “What?” I asked and smiled too because his laugh was contagious.

“Nothing.” He shrugged. "Just feel like laughing." He uncrossed his arms and leaned over the kitchen sink.

“Oh, I see.” I said, putting the index finger on my chin. “Yongguk, why did you call me, ______-ah?” I asked out of nowhere and he pulled me up and put me between his legs. He hugged my shoulders and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"I think, calling you, ______-ah, is more amorous.” I felt him shrugging. I separated myself from him a little and put the spaghetti in the pan. “Why? You don’t like me to call you that?" He asked and I raised my face to look into his bright eyes.

"I love that you call me that." I said with a sincere smile plastered on the lips. He my cheek and the kitchen filled up with a sudden silence. My eyes traveled down his beautiful face, and it seems that I wouldn’t get bored anytime soon. Suddenly Yongguk turned his back and looked into the pan.

“It’s ready.” He said turning off the stove and grabbed a spoon. He breathed lightly and took a bit to the mouth. His eyes widened when he tasted the flavor. "Hmmm, this is really good." He showed me his thumb and I smiled. This was the second time I was cooking spaghetti and luckily I managed to prepare it properly, with the help of Yongguk of course.

"Let me try." I asked the lips a little. He took out a bit of spaghetti of the pan and blew to cool the spaghetti. He approached the spoon to my lips but stopped halfway.

"Wait, I have a better idea." He picked up a strand of spaghetti and put the tip in his mouth. He approached the other tip of my mouth and we both began to eat. I was so engrossed trying to taste the flavor that I wasn’t even notice what I was doing. When I came back to earth, I saw that our lips were millimeters away. Our noses touched and my heart began to beat wildly. It’s today? It’s today that I’ll be kissed for the first time? Before I even feel the lips of Yongguk, the trickle of the spaghetti broke up and I looked at Yongguk’s eyes. He had his cheeks flushed and gulped when he saw the short distance that separated our lips. Too fast, he pulled his face of mine. "Mian, I have to go to the bathroom." He invented an excuse and started to run to the bathroom. I sighed and put my hands in the banking. I was a little dizzy because of the approach. My legs were weak, and my heart was beating so frantically that could form a song in my ears. My eyes stopped on the steaming pan.

"Well, I have to eat to drown my sorrows." I grumbled to myself and started eating. I looked at the spaghetti and sighed. I'm hungry, but I'm hungry for kisses.


Ninth step:

Almost, doesn’t mean anything, because I didn’t feel his lips.

                                AUTHOR'S NOTES 

1 more, 1 more.. I'm excited ~ Oh, thank you so much for the votes ^^,

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bumpkin #1
yongguk is so cute i cannotttt
chuppoppo #2
Chapter 10: ahhh sorry for reading this a few years too late >0<
but this is too cute, authornim!!!
and herpes?? hahahah lol
dalamjwi07 #3
Chapter 10: Kiss Me Yongguk >///<, I wish I have a cool daddy like that, oops, sorry dad, he cant read these comment by the way
Chapter 4: So this step purposely made Yongguk jealous?? She was lying, pretending she didn't know he was Buky. But Buky's appearance is out of my prediction!! Moreover, he was there because her father!! LOL!! I'm laughing~!! XD
Chapter 3: Yeah~ I like it~! But this step is like using Yongguk XD Hahah~ Just kidding Author-nim~ (^u^)v *peace sign* Cheesy~ Omona~ Why is it black and red? It brings gothic atmosphere but red and black is my favorite combination~!! \(^0^)/
Chapter 2: Her daddy is total hilarious!! XD Daebakk!! b(^0^)d Idk her age, around 20? Or same age as Yonggukie?
Chapter 1: Her father wouldn't mind they are kissing? I thought he would say he had kissed his mom~ XD
Chapter 10: I like the actions before the kiss happened~♡
Cool dad everr
Chapter 10: Wow, I wish my dad was like that xD Lol Yongguk was so adorable! <3