Step One

10 Steps To Hear: Kiss Me ♥

'He approached her and looked at her, up and down, in a meticulous way. He his lips seductively and brought his face up to be close to the woman's face. The moon was the only one who was watching them, at this romantic and warm moment. Their lips were almost touching when...'


"Heck, kill him now." A deep voice said and the person raised his arm and threw the book I was reading through the air. "Bang, bang, and he’s gone. It's as simple as that." I turned my face to the right in disbelief. I hate when Yongguk watch movies in my house because it's always the same thing. He doesn’t sit still and he’s always talking. But I'm guilty. If I already know that he’s like this, then why did I come to his side? Oh well, the answer is simple, because I miss him and I need to enjoy every moment with him. He sighed and shook his head in disappointment. "I would do better." He protested and turned his face to the left, making our eyes met. He joined his eyebrows in curiosity when he noticed that I didn’t divert my gaze.

“My book.” I said pointing to the corner of the living room. There was my book, half open on the floor. "Did you see what you did?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and he put a hand on his neck, rubbing it.

"I did it again, didn’t I?" He asked with a small sheepish smile on his lips and the only thing I did was nod. “Sorry.” He asked and reached for the empty bowl of popcorn. "Oh, there’s no more popcorn." He looked away from the bowl and looked at me. He smiled broadly and I already knew what he wanted. “______.” He said my name in a whisper and joined his hands. "Can you make more popcorn?" He asked in a loving way and I crossed my arms. “Please.” He pouted and I suppressed a laugh. He can be so cute when he wants people to make him favors, but the worst is that he’s only cute when he wants something. “Please.” He asked again and I nodded. I'm sure if I didn’t do what he wanted, he would piss me off, until he succeeds.

I got up from the white and fluffy couch and walked into the kitchen. I the microwave and put the popcorn inside. I leaned against the kitchen counter and looked at the ceiling. I have to stop reading romance books. The romance books involve affectionate acts and kisses, which I never did, kissing. How it will be, feel the lips of the loved one? How it will be, feel the softness of Yongguk’s lips?

"I'll never be kissed in life. I'll always have my lips, s." I brought my hands to my face and I covered it. I get so melancholy when I think of kisses. Why Yongguk hasn’t tried to kiss me? And why whenever I try to kiss him, he moves away? He doesn’t know how much it hurts me to know that he doesn’t want to kiss me. For God's sake, I don’t have herpes.

"Oh God, ______, don’t be so ironic." I heard the shrill voice of my father and took the hands from my face and I could see him rolling his eyes. I already said that I hate my dad? Oh yes, I hate him because he always hears what he shouldn’t hear, such as, this moment. Nah, I'm lying. I love him.

“Susshh.” I took the index finger to my lips. "Don’t say anything ok?" I asked and the microwave beeped indicating that the popcorn was ready.

"I can’t keep silent, ______." My dad stopped in front of me and crossed his arms. Both had a problem. We were both stubborn. My personality is similar to my father, but the shape of my face and eyes are similar to my mother. Unfortunately, I never met her because she left me and my father when I was two months of birth. My dad had to educate me alone and it’s with great pride that I say he educated me very well. “I need to help you.” He put his hands on my shoulders and I looked at him.

"You're going to help me? How?" I asked shaking my shoulders a bit for him to take his hands and filled a bowl of popcorn.

"I'll tell you 10 steps for you to hear Yongguk asking you to kiss him." He opened the tap and washed his hands to begin preparing the snack. My father is sometimes so stubborn that neither lets me prepare the snack and prefers to be himself preparing the snack. Yes, I know, my father has brain flaws, I know it perfectly.

"Oh, yes. Will you really help me?" I asked looking closely at him and he nodded smiling. “Hmmm.. Okey.” I said jokingly and he opened the refrigerator door.

"First step: ask him if he ever kissed someone." My father said quietly and closed the refrigerator door with his . I stopped halfway and looked at him.

"Are you serious about this?" I asked. I thought he was joking with me but apparently wasn’t. My dad nodded for the millionth time and I sighed. Oh well, I can try, I don’t lose anything right? I walked into the room with a bowl of popcorn in hand and when I approached Yongguk, I handed him the popcorn and he didn’t look away from the TV screen. I shrugged and grabbed the book that was on the floor. With another sigh, I sat on the couch and opened the book. I knew exactly on which page I was. My eyes scanned the known letters and when I got to the part where I had been interrupted by Yongguk, I closed the book in a thud. I had lost the appetite to read.

I landed the book on the wooden table that was in front of me and looked at the television. The movie that was showing on television was about shots, what else could it be? Yongguk loves war movies while I prefer comedy. I don’t know what the interest in war movies is, but well, tastes aren’t to be discussed. After all, if all liked the same things, it would be boring.

“______.” Yongguk called me and I took my eyes off the television to look at him. He put his arm on the couch and gave me the bowl of popcorn. "You want to see the movie with me?" He asked with a small smile and I shrugged. What else can I do? Today is sunday. "You'll see that it's fun." He gave two light slaps on my shoulder and then looked back at the television.

“Pssst.” I heard a noise and looked to the left side. My dad was against the wall and only his head was showing. He showed me the index finger and whispered something like 'first step.' I rolled my eyes and my dad came out of my sight. It seems he was talking really serious when he said that would help me. Oh, here we go.

“Yongguk.” I called him and he apparently didn’t hear because the movie was more important. It seems that everything was always prowling around the damn movie. “Yongguk.” I called him again and this time I shook his arm.

“Hmmm..” He mumbled and I sighed. Well, I'll ask the question anyway.

"Have you ever kissed someone?" I asked a little high to see if he was aware of what I was talking about.

“Yeah.” He replied shortly after I ask the question and my heart skipped a beat. He already had another girlfriend? He already loved someone else? I didn’t know he had someone else in the past, another person to whom he has kissed.

"Oh, so have you had another girlfriend before me?" I asked with my voice a little weak. The sadness was invading my heart. I know I shouldn’t be sad because it’s already part of the past, but it's stronger than me.

“No.” He said and I frowned. I was no longer noticing anything. I shook his arm for the second time and this time he looked at me.

"If you don’t answer right to my question, I’ll turn off the damn TV." I said and snorted. I was getting upset and he realized it.

"Yes, I've kissed and no, I haven’t had a girlfriend before you. You're my first." He explained the things quietly, but I knew that his ears were attentive to the sounds of the movie.

“Oh.” It was the only thing I could say. My brain was still processing things up and was taking some time to fully understand what was happening. No, I'm not stupid but every time I ask him something and he answered me in a completely different way, I'm confused. "Wait.. So, who you kissed?” I asked grabbing his arm. "Your lips aren’t s?" I made another question and he smiled shyly when he heard the word ''. Oh my God, is he thinking about what I think he’s thinking? Oh no.

"My lips are.." He brought his hand to his mouth and coughed. "s.." He completed the sentence and I frowned. Now I was completely lost. "My lips are s because I haven’t kissed anyone." He explained and I crossed my arms.

"Explain it all at once and clearly." I asked wrangling.

"I've kissed you in dreams, so my lips are still s." He explained and my mind processed things quickly. Oh, now I get it. It's about time.

"Oh, but why haven’t you tried to kiss me, Yongguk?" I asked and saw his adam's apple shake. He coughed and looked directly into the television. I'm sure he will not respond. Well, it seems that at least I got to know that he hasn’t kissed anyone. I'm glad for that. I took some popcorn of the bowl, and our fingers touched up slightly and my lips weren’t unable to form a smile. I love touching him. I love him and I love to see how he gets shy when I talk about kisses. I joined two fingers and put them in his temple. “Bang, bang. You’re dead, Bang Yongguk.” I said in a mocking tone, and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"You've just killed me, Choi ______?" He asked in a deep voice and looked at me seriously. I gulped and turned away from him until I feel my back on the edge of the couch. "Oh, you shouldn’t have done that." He shook his head and moved closer to me and put my legs on his lap. “Bang bang.” He pointed to my chest and then to his. “Choi ______, killed Bang Yongguk, because of love, since she appeared in his life." He said with a beautiful smile and I smiled blushing. Oh God, what a Mr. Bang, I have.


First Step:

The sweetest kiss is one that is exchanged with the eyes a thousand times before reaching the mouth.

                                AUTHOR'S NOTES 

First chapter is up ^^, Tell me what you guys think ^^, Bai bai *waves*

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bumpkin #1
yongguk is so cute i cannotttt
chuppoppo #2
Chapter 10: ahhh sorry for reading this a few years too late >0<
but this is too cute, authornim!!!
and herpes?? hahahah lol
dalamjwi07 #3
Chapter 10: Kiss Me Yongguk >///<, I wish I have a cool daddy like that, oops, sorry dad, he cant read these comment by the way
Chapter 4: So this step purposely made Yongguk jealous?? She was lying, pretending she didn't know he was Buky. But Buky's appearance is out of my prediction!! Moreover, he was there because her father!! LOL!! I'm laughing~!! XD
Chapter 3: Yeah~ I like it~! But this step is like using Yongguk XD Hahah~ Just kidding Author-nim~ (^u^)v *peace sign* Cheesy~ Omona~ Why is it black and red? It brings gothic atmosphere but red and black is my favorite combination~!! \(^0^)/
Chapter 2: Her daddy is total hilarious!! XD Daebakk!! b(^0^)d Idk her age, around 20? Or same age as Yonggukie?
Chapter 1: Her father wouldn't mind they are kissing? I thought he would say he had kissed his mom~ XD
Chapter 10: I like the actions before the kiss happened~♡
Cool dad everr
Chapter 10: Wow, I wish my dad was like that xD Lol Yongguk was so adorable! <3