Step Two

10 Steps To Hear: Kiss Me ♥

I looked at my reflection in the large mirror in front of me and sighed. Why my hair had to be stupid today? And right now I have to work. Well, the only solution is to tie it in a ponytail, though I can’t tie it very well, but well, that's what I'll do. With a sigh, I straightened my shirt and opened the door of my room. As I came down the stairs to go to the kitchen, my mind was remembering the last day I was with Yongguk. After the 'bang bang' scene, we saw the movie until the end and then unfortunately he had to go. That happened just a week ago. This past week was so boring and slow, very slow.

"Good morning ______." The voice of my dad awakened my mind, and the moments faded from my brain but later I'm sure I would remember the moments again. Yongguk has that spell on me. Regardless of time and place, I’m almost always thinking about him. Of course I don’t always think about him because I think its obsession and let us say that I'm not obsessed with him.

"Good morning, dad." I greeted my dad with a small smile on my face and opened the refrigerator door taking the milk pack. I filled a glass of milk and drank it. We were in the summer, so no need to warm the milk and besides, fresh milk is good in the morning. At least, that's what I think.

"See, the first step went as expected." My dad took a glass of milk to his mouth. "I already have the second step ready." He drank the rest of his milk and I was half of mine. "You will see that Yongguk will start to be bold with you, and you two can take your relationship to another level." He finished talking with laughter and when I heard what he said, I choked on the milk and spilled it on the ground. A little shy, I looked at my dad, my cheeks burned with shame because of what he said. How is he able to say that to his own daughter?

"Yah, don’t say stupid things." I avert my gaze from his and took the mop that was leaning against a corner to clean the milk I had spilled. Yesterday in order to clean the house, I forgot to put it in place. "I don’t understand how a father can say such a thing to a daughter." I said still cleaning the floor and he didn’t say anything. "You don’t want to protect me from the bad boys?" I asked, and put the mop again in the corner.

"You're no longer a baby girl." He took the cups that were on the table and put it in the sink to wash. "You already know the necessary things and Yongguk isn’t a bad guy." He put dishwashing liquid in the sponge to wash the cups.

“Yeah, yeah, ok.” I rolled my eyes and I approached my dad. "Well, I'm going to work. See you later." I gave him a popped kiss on his cheek and headed towards the front door.

“______.” My dad called me and I stopped walking and turned back. "Second step: listen to what he has to say." My dad said the second step and closed the tap. I approached him and frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked, straightening my ponytail. "I always hear him." I said quietly. I wasn’t realizing, the reason for this step. That’s, in my opinion, has no logic.

“Ups.” He stepped back and covered his mouth with his fingers. He doesn’t seem to have 45 years old; he looks like a teenager at this point. Apparently my normal age and the psychological age of my dad are equal. "I think I told Yongguk something I shouldn’t."

“Ahn?” I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "Spit it out." I asked tapping with the foot on the tiled kitchen.

"I told him you were thinking about kissing a friend of yours." He said too fast and my eyes widened.

“WHAT?” I asked a little high and he covered his ears. "Why did you tell him that? Furthermore, it’s a lie." I protested and snorted. Well I say that my father sticks his nose where he’s not called. I admit that sometimes he’s so inconvenient and curious.

"Well, it was only a small lie." He showed me the little finger. "And well, I told him that you wanted to kiss Buky." He said the person's name and my eyes widened more. He said Buky? But Buky, is the best friend of Daehyun’s girlfriend. Yes, I and Daehyun’s girlfriend are friends and I met Buky a month ago or so.

"I don’t want to hear anymore." I raised my hands to the ceiling and left home with my feet hitting the ground heavily. Why my dad told that to Yongguk? And if Yongguk wants to break up with me? And worse, what if he thinks I've been cheating? Oh my God. I don’t know how I'll get out of this mess.

With my stomach wrapped, I walked into the coffee shop where I worked and with a heavy heart I opened the shop door. I greeted people and put the black and white apron with some letters stamped in red. I like working here. I can talk to people and get to know them too. It's good to meet new people. Sometimes this job can be a bit tiring but I love what I do and money is no problem, my bosses pay me well. I don’t want my dad sustains me for the rest of his life.

"Good morning." A deep voice greeted me and I looked at the person. It was a boy, the hood was covering his head but I could see some golden brown strands coming out the hood, and a black scarf was wrapped around his neck, covering almost his mouth. My eyes looked at his face and in a snap I knew perfectly the person who was ahead of me. It was Yongguk. He was disguised but I could see him in the middle of a crowd.

"What are you doing here?" I asked softly. Nobody could know that Yongguk of BAP was here at this time talking to a simple employed but this simple employed is his girlfriend.

"I need you to hear me." He said in a low tone, and I sighed. My dad told me that I would have to hear him. Oh, what have I done to deserve this?

"Now I can’t. I'm on my work schedule and I entered about 10 minutes ago." I looked at the black and round clock that was on the counter. The bell above the door rang, indicating that some people had entered. "Let's talk in another day." I said and would turn my back to him when he rubbed with his fingers on my arm, preventing me from continuing.

"I'll be waiting." He glared at me and I suppressed a sigh. I can’t be very affectionate with him when I'm at my workplace. One of the things that work demand is to know how to separate work life from personal life.

"I'm still going to take a while." I looked directly at him for him to realize that it would be best to postpone this conversation but he’s so stubborn that annoys me. He shrugged and walked over to a table. He dragged a chair and sat down. I don’t believe he will be there for 4 hours. I bet he'll get tired. Some people appeared in front of me causing me to take off my eyes of Yongguk. I spent a week without seeing him and now that I have the chance to see him, my dad ruined everything.




I landed one chamomile tea on the table where Yongguk, was sitting. Lacked precisely 20 minutes for me to leave and that was the first thing he had asked during the 4 hours. Yes, he was 4 hours sitting in the chair looking outside. If it were me, I hadn’t endured but he’s patient. I'm not patient nor never was.

My heart felt like it was going to get out of the chest, every minute that my eyes saw, passing on the clock. I don’t know why I'm afraid, after all, I didn’t do anything wrong. I have my conscience clean but my mind is clouded with negative thoughts. I don’t even want to think about what he will say.

"______, your shift is over. You can go." My boss warned me and I gulped. I took the apron and put it in one of the shelves that the counter had. I approached slowly Yongguk and nudged his shoulder. He turned his face to see me and nodded. Both left the shop and started walking aimlessly. The sun was high in the sky, and a light wind blew softly through the nearly deserted streets. I looked at Yongguk in my peripheral vision and he stuck his hands in his pockets. Is he nervous? I don’t see the reason for that.

“______.” He called me and stopped walking. I also stopped and looked at him. He bit his lower lip slightly causing my eyes not abandon his lips. "You.. Do you want to kiss Buky?" He asked whispering and I stepped forward to be closer to him. I lifted my head a bit because he was taller than me.

“No.” I shook my head. "Why would I want to kiss Buky?" I asked and he squeezed his scarf, which was on his neck.

"Maybe because I never kissed you." He said, tightening further the scarf. I could see the tips of his fingers to turn white because of the strength with which he was tightening the scarf. "Maybe because you want to experiment, kiss someone different.. Someone who isn’t me." He said the last words loosely and I shook my head a second time.

"Why would I want to kiss someone that isn’t you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and he sighed.

"Because.. Because I don’t know." He put a hand on my shoulder. "Since your dad told me you wanted to kiss Buky, I was paranoid." He put his other hand on my other shoulder. "I was always thinking that you didn’t want anything with me and that our relationship was a facade. I didn’t know what to do." He spoke quickly and gestured with his fingers, a little nervous. “I didn’t kn..”

“Shhhh..” I put the index finger on his lip. "Take it easy." I asked and he looked at me with his beautiful eyes. "I don’t wanna kiss Buky ok?" I asked and he nodded slowly. He leaned closer to me, put his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug.

"Please, never get tired of me and never wish to kiss someone other than me." He asked whispering near my ear and I broke a little the hug.

“I, Choi ______, will never leave Bang Yongguk.” I gave a small smile and he passed with his warm fingers across my forehead.

“Choi ______, will always be of Bang Yongguk.” He said and leaned my head on his chest, hugging me again. At this point, the only thing my mind said was 'thank you so much dad.'


Second step,

Sometimes you don’t need a kiss, to know how much I love you.

                                AUTHOR'S NOTES 

Well.. Thank you so much for your support, votes, comments and affection ~♥

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bumpkin #1
yongguk is so cute i cannotttt
chuppoppo #2
Chapter 10: ahhh sorry for reading this a few years too late >0<
but this is too cute, authornim!!!
and herpes?? hahahah lol
dalamjwi07 #3
Chapter 10: Kiss Me Yongguk >///<, I wish I have a cool daddy like that, oops, sorry dad, he cant read these comment by the way
Chapter 4: So this step purposely made Yongguk jealous?? She was lying, pretending she didn't know he was Buky. But Buky's appearance is out of my prediction!! Moreover, he was there because her father!! LOL!! I'm laughing~!! XD
Chapter 3: Yeah~ I like it~! But this step is like using Yongguk XD Hahah~ Just kidding Author-nim~ (^u^)v *peace sign* Cheesy~ Omona~ Why is it black and red? It brings gothic atmosphere but red and black is my favorite combination~!! \(^0^)/
Chapter 2: Her daddy is total hilarious!! XD Daebakk!! b(^0^)d Idk her age, around 20? Or same age as Yonggukie?
Chapter 1: Her father wouldn't mind they are kissing? I thought he would say he had kissed his mom~ XD
Chapter 10: I like the actions before the kiss happened~♡
Cool dad everr
Chapter 10: Wow, I wish my dad was like that xD Lol Yongguk was so adorable! <3