evil intentions

Meant 2 Be Forever (BOOK 2)
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Dara' POV


I turned around.


"Miss Sandy, don't worry about them. Just business talk." the guy said.


"Sounds too serious..." i  answered.


"Well, for some it is." he answered.



I didn't correct him when he said my sister's name. He guided me away from the door.



"Is it time for dinner?" I asked him.


"Yes, i was just about to call miss Uee and Mr. Kim, but hearing that, they must be still busy. Mr. President invited us to stay for dinner, hope it's okay?" he said as we walk the hallway towards the stairs.


"Of course, why shouldn't it be?" I smiled at him, he's cute. I'm also having a little fun pretending to be Sandy.


"That's good to hear then." he answered as we went down."You must be so happy he's here..."


"Huh? oh right, yes." i chuckled, he means my brother-in-law. I imagine Sandy being very happy right now. We heard voices as we are about to enter the dinning room. As soon as we entered, the guy beside me stopped.




Sandy just stood up from her chair.


"Oh Dara, i was just about to go up and get you..." my sister went to me and grabbed my hand."Thank you Mr. Lee." she said to the guy beside me. She led me to a chair and she sat down beside me.


I stole a glance at Mr. Lee. He walk around the table and sat down across from ne. He was looking at me curiously. I mouthed "Sorry" and gave an apologetic smile. He smiled back.


"Mr. Kim and miss Uee are still busy,I ask one of the maids to get them later." He told Mr. Choi, who just smiled and nodded.



After dinner we went to the living room for tea and coffee. I guess Top's parents wanted to spend time with him. Sandy told me that she and Top spent the whole afternoon together - which didn't really surprised me.



Top is having a quiet conversation with his parents, it seems like they're not that in good terms- while me and Sandy on the other hand started talking about the time we were apart.



She asked about Jiyong and I told her that he's busy with work, that's why he wasn't able to come.


"They have this amazing beach,we'll have fun tomorrow." She told me smiling.


"That's a good idea." Mrs. Choi answered, she must have heard our conversation. " I'll ask the cook to prepare your snacks so you could enjoy your swim." She smiled at us.


"Mom, you could join us." Sandy said at the same time Uee and another guy entered.



This must be Mr. Kim. I saw him looked surprised at me and Sandy. I nearly smiled - it's so amusing when people only find out about us being twins.



"I can't dear, I have an appointment I can't reschedule tomorrow. Maybe Uee and Mr. Kim would accompany you. People your age should hang out, it would be good for the company if you have great rapport. You can also ask Mr. Lee to join. " She smiled at Top. "What do you think son."


"Sure... My wife must have wanted to swim since she arrived and since we have free day tomorrow it's not a bad idea. Mr. Kim and Mr. Lee can join us if they're free." She looked at Mr. Kim and nodded in his direction.


"I'll make time for it. Seunghyun its been to long since we last hanged out." He smiled back at Top.


"We'll join you." Uee answered as she gestured at Mr. Lee.


"Excellent... I'll prepare evrything before I leave tomorrow." Mrs. Choi said with a satisfied smile.


"Thank you Mom." Top answered. She just smiled at her son.







It seems just the perfect day for a swim. Sandy said she wanted something grilled and barbequed so here I am standing in front of a grill with meat and fish prepared by the cook. Jae arrived early and is currently making salad and preparing vegetables on the table. Sandy said she's going to get Dara and almost an hour has passed.


"What's taking them so long." Jae said which just voiced out my exact thoughts.I smiled at my friend.


"Women..." I said as an answer and he chuckled.


"You seem to have a gem for a wife..." He suddenly said.


"The very best." I answered.


"How about her sister?" I chuckled.


"In a very serious relationship. I wouldn'tbe surprised if they suddenly announce they're getting married." I answered.


"But he's not here... Maybe..." I cut him off.


"Yah, Kim Jaejoong.... You're my friend but that's my wife's sister.I don't want her to have additional pro

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Just saw - 403 subs exact... i feel so ashamed that i haven’t touch and updated this like in forever... 😭 still thanks ❤️❤️❤️


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Icequeen31 #1
Chapter 32: I hope you Can update ?
annzky #2
Chapter 32: Hi there, thanks for this story. . Hope u update this one. . Have a great day... I already read all of ur stories. . . Keep on writing beautiful stories. . Fyting. . . By d way im a Tabisan. . Hehe. .
Chapter 32: I cannot! I feel really sad for Dara! Her being sick then her boyfriend has to pretend to be someone elses boyfriend. Huhu
GirliedeDios #4
Chapter 32: She'll do anything for him. Jiyong is very lucky to have her.
lightning_TabiSan #5
Chapter 31: Stupid Jiyong! Why cant he put some distance between him and Taeyon ..... argghh!

With Dara being seeing and if she happens to see that bakery scene in the news ..... aigoo, I think I'm beginning to root and cheer for Jae and Dara!

Please Authornim, let Jae rescue Dara this time :)
dorememe #6
Chapter 31: finally! new chapter! oh..jiyong...! don't fight!!!
thanks a lot. very happy to read again.
lowhigh #7
Chapter 31: wow..update..ㅠ.ㅠ
Thank you soooooooooooooo much!!!!!
GirliedeDios #8
Chapter 30: Tried my very best to catch-up on the last available chapter. Glad that nothing bad happened to Sandy and her relationship with Tabi. Dara seems unwell and Jiyong is too busy to notice. I hope it ain't that bad.
Chapter 30: Its CA? Hmmm.
nylanna_twisted #10
unnie please update soon.. kamsahamnida!