They're Coming...

EXO and the 12 Maidens: Genesis [HIATUS]

It was finally time for the EXO boys to set off for the Deralut Islands. Only, there was a little problem. All the people they talked to either had no idea such a place existed, or had responded with absolute horror and kept telling them "beware!", "are you crazy?", or "you really don't want to go there!" You could say that they were having a rather difficult time. 

"Aish, it's already two in the afternoon and we didn't even get a ride yet!" Lay shouted out in frustration. Contrary to popular belief, Lay wasn't the most patient or calm member at all. People always assumed that since he was the healer, he would be the most level headed and gentle. Think again. He would often act rashly and recklessly, and at times he could be the most stubborn person in the world. Well, there goes his "gentle healer" image flying out the window...
Now some might say, why not let Kai teleport them all there? I mean, it's quicker and more efficient, right? Wrong. Here are some reasons:
1) It's super exhausting. I mean, Kai has only managed to teleport 3 people at most at one time. So to ask him teleport his limit of 3 people 4 times is basically asking him to kill himself. Great idea, huh?
2) Teleportation only works if Kai has been to the place before. I'm pretty sure he hasn't been to the Deralut Islands before. If he has, then EXO wouldn't be having a problem right now.
Finally, 3) Kai's ability of teleportation can kill him. Similar to reason one, Kai can be killed when or while using his supernatural power. Kai is one of the maknaes, and was one of the last EXO members to get his power. Because of his lack of experience and training to keep his power under control, Kai is put at risk whenever he teleports. Also, if he teleports with anyone else, he puts them at risk too. So if he's killed while teleporting the eleven others, all twelve will die.
Back to EXO. After many hours of asking, bribing, and being rejected multiple times, the twelve found an adventure-seeking sailor man at the age of forty three named Leroy. "Oh sure! You're the first customers I've had that actually wanted to go there! There are rumors about the place you know. Stories of creatures never seen by man's eyes that are said to have thirteen heads, stories of lost fishermen who had never returned. May I ask why you youngsters wanna go there?" Leroy asked.
"Personal matters" Kris answered, in as few words as possible. "So I see... Very well, young gentlemen! Hop aboard and I'll take you to the cursed Deralut of charge, of course. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to take a look for myself" Leroy proudly announced. All twelve of the EXO boys boarded the boat, which was fairly old for the red paint on the deck was peeling off. Once everyone was on, Leroy grabbed a sword and cut of the ropes that held the boat to the dock. He then took hold of the wooden steering wheel upon his boat and shouted for all to hear, "Off we go! And I would greatly advise that you hold on to whatever you can find! I don't have a boat steering license!"
*At Shade Troupe's Headquarters*
"They're seven hundred sixty two kilometers east, at Gathar Harbor...Now they're on the move. We should be expecting them in about a day or two," Celestia said with her eyes closed, "My detection barrier tells me that there are thirteen males on board, twelve with supernatural powers and the other is pretty much useless". Celestia then opened her eyes and looked up at Baise for further instruction.
"Let's give them a little warning, shall we? Lumia, send a telepathic message to Thrimmle giving my thanks. It seems her files on those EXO guys were accurate" Baise said with a lopsided smile. Lumia nodded her head in response and closed her eyes to send the message.
 Meanwhile, Baise looked to the person to her left. "Sydri, why don't you use your weather manipulation to give that boat of theirs a little action. Nothing too drastic, just some thunderclouds and rough waves should be good enough". Then she turned her head to her right side. 
"Immi, could you dispatch some of your tracking bees to keep tabs on our twelve targets?" The woman identified as Immi didn't utter a single word, but instead got up and left the room, shutting the door behind her.
Another woman with angel white hair that reached down to the tips of her fingers and a purple colored tattoo of an X on her forehead stepped forward. "Yes, Xena?" Celestia asked. "I think we should do some training. True, we still have quite a bit of time before EXO arrives, but we shouldn't be here just talking and making idle chat" Xena suggested.
With that, all the women in the room took their belongings and left the room and walked to the training room which was about fifteen doors down.
*On Leroy's Boat*
"Suho! Try to calm the waves with your water powers! Chen and Baekhyun are going to try to use theirs to keep the lightning from striking the boat and keep the clouds away!" yelled Chanyeol from the upper deck down to Suho, who was on the lower deck. The howling of the wind and the crashing if the sea made it hard to hear anything. "Gotcha!" Suho yelled back.
Making large arm circles, the water that had spilt over onto the boat's deck started to accumulate around Suho. With a big motion, Suho pushed all that water that he had collected away from him and back down into the sea. Just then, another rough wave send buckets of water onto the deck, wetting the floors again. "Looks like I'll be doing this for a while.." Suho muttered under his breath.
On the upper deck, Chen and Baekhyun were working furiously to control the lightning and thunderclouds. Chen, controlling the voltage and directing the bolts away from the boat, and Baekhyun trying to break through the clouds with his light.
The others were either gathering  the water that overflowed into buckets and throwing them overboard, or trying to signal help with their powers. Leroy had the help of two EXO members, D.O. and Xiumin, to help steer the boat out of the storm.
*Back at Headquarters*
Opal and another leader named Yve were battling it out in the training room. Opal lifted her fist up to punch Yve in the arm, but  Yve saw that coming and instantly forged a shield of metal and blocked the attack. Then the shield disappeared and Yve lunged in to kick Opal right in the face. Opal barely managed to dodge. 
To spectators, the whole fight was a blur. Both Yve and Opal had enhanced speed abilities so only those with eyes that were trained to look at fast moving things could actually see what was going on. 
Yve lunged in for a punch to the face, but that left her side exposed. Seizing the chance, Opal jabbed at Yve's hip, making Yve stumble. Then Opal took the collar of Yve's shirt with one hand and with the other, delivered a straight right to Yve's chin, sending her flying into a wall on the opposite side of the room.
Thrimmle, who was serving as scorekeeper and referee, announced the winner. "Knockdown and critical hit. The win goes to Opal!" Opal wore a triumphant smirk on her face as she watched Yve slowly get up.
"Oh? You can still stand? Seems like I should've used 20 percent more power in that punch" Opal taunted. Yve slowly raised her head, eyes displaying a deep shade of emerald. "SHUT UP!!!!" Yve used her speed to flash in front of Opal, but Opal merely smirked even wider. "What, can't accept your defeat? Funny, I'd think you'd be tired after losing continuously three times in a row"
The air filled with tension. Yve once again tried to punch Opal to get her revenge. But before Yve could land a punch on Opal, a strong barrier separated the two. "That's enough Yve. Opal, you too" Celestia said, arms crossed across her chest and a disapproving frown on her face.
This time, Sydri spoke. "You know, you have a real bad habit of pissing off your opponent, Opal"
Opal turned her head. "That's just part of the fun. That look of hatred in their eyes, the bloodlust their aura gives off-"
"Okay, never mind, we get it," Sydri cut in, "Sometimes you're such a sadistic person"
Opal sighed. "Hey, what can I say? I was born this way."
Lumia suddenly burst into the room. "Baise, it's time." Baise immediately got the signal and whipped out her phone to call the remaining three leaders. "Aiden, Aiven, Falni....I've got a little job for you..."
After the phone call was done, Baise snapped the phone shut and sent everyone in the room a knowing look.
"Ladies, it's showtime"
There it is! I updated twice in one week!
Thanks to my subscribers! There aren't many, but I am thankful, nevertheless ;)
There's gonna be some action in the next chapter... EXO will meet three of the leaders!!!!
Also, who is your favorite character from the Shade Troupe? Leave a comment!
See ya!  -SeriouslyOMG
Your reward for reading the chapter ♥ 
Okay, bye for realz. Gonna go flip some tables now. :)
(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
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boomshakalaka14 #1
MingMingMingMinggyu #2
Chapter 23: 'Tis okay I shall wait for ur triumphant return *waits* seriously tho do well in school most important thing ever focus on that more haha
Chapter 22: This is a prequel?! OMG this is such a good story I thought I was the main thing! Can't wait for the real story to begin!!!
Chapter 12: Why is Kai speaking like a stereotypical ghetto girl...? (though it is ridiculously funny/confusing...) And what's this punishment that Sydri is supposed to get, and for what?
MingMingMingMinggyu #5
Chapter 22: Omg this is a prequel...? I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ACTUALLY STORY /jumps around in glee but not really cuz I'm tired lol/
piatoot #6
Chapter 20: loving it..loving you.. <3
MingMingMingMinggyu #7
Chapter 19: lolz heheheheh so funny
Pandas4love #9
Chapter 19: Ahahaha his sausage!!! Lol authornim you're hilarious! Thanks for the update though!!
boomshakalaka14 #10
Chapter 19: haha kai held his sausage
nice author- nim
stupid school mines like that too
we did nothing for the first marking period the second it finishes like 15 projects and test