First Mission

EXO and the 12 Maidens: Genesis [HIATUS]

Guess what? SeriouslyOMG is back from vacation! Enjoy the update ;)

It's been a week, and the EXO members have adjusted quite nicely to life at Shade Troupe headquarters. They've got a roof over their heads and plenty of food....all for FREE. Now that's a pretty sweet deal. However, as much as there are ups, there are also downs. The most biggest down was probably that EXO hadn't been given their first REAL mission yet. How much longer were they just going to mope around?
All of them went to report their unhappiness to Baise. She was something like the principal and EXO, the students. If you have a complaint just file it to her and she'll see what she can do. Except there was NOTHING she could do this time around.
"You guys are too inexperienced. We can't send you out on the field like that" Baise said, refusing to accept the EXO boys' plea for a mission.
"That's the point! If we're inexperienced, then you should send us out in order to gain some experience! Plus, have you forgotten that we are the EXO Elite Task Force? We've had lots of on-field practice" Chen reasoned.
After a lot of back and forth debate on the matter, Baise finally gave in. She saw that the boys were definitely not going to let her go on this one. You know what they say; If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. 
"Fine! I give up. I'll look through all the missions and see which one fits. Once I've found one that's suitable for you lot, I'll send a message to your Syncsys. Report back to me once you've gotten the message" Baise sighed, throwing her hands up in the air.
They did it!!! Now all that's left is to wait...
In EXO's sleeping quarters, a still-asleep Kai lay, still wandering in dreamland. The blankets were jumbled at the foot of the bed, leaving Kai exposed with nothing on except his pink Hello Kitty boxers. It looked like he was having a relatively good dream when a noise disrupted his peaceful slumber.
"Ugh! Five more minutes.."
"Please go away..."
"God dammit, shut up!!!"
Kai blinked once, then twice. In front of him there was...nothing? He was about to lay back down and drift off back to sleep when there was another *beep*. That was when Kai realized that he was definitely not just hearing things and that something was up. Kai scanned the room, looking for anything that could've caused the mysterious beeping sound. 
The alarm clock? Nah, I don't even remember setting the alarm...The TV's off, so it probably wasn't that...oh right! The Syncsys!
Taking the device out from under his pillow, Kai swiped his finger across the screen and waited for the mechanism to scan his fingerprint. When a set of options popped up, his eyes immediately zeroed in on "Notifications" and he clicked on the button to see the message. 
Congrats, your wish is coming true. Once you've received this message, report to me immediately. Your first mission awaits you.
–Baise, Shade Troupe Chief Commander
Kai's brain took a few seconds to fully process what he had just read, and when he finally realized that they had received their first mission, he scrambled out of bed and ran to tell all the other members.
Finally the moment we've all been waiting for...!
"Man, you should've seen the look on that girl's face!"
"I know! She bumped into you in the hallway and she looked like she was gonna cuss you out, but then she saw that it was you and her face...HAHAHAHAHA!! Her face....!"
"My face would've been blank and starstruck if I ran into me too; I can totally understand!"
"Understand what? Your unatractiveness?"
"Why of cour– YAH!!! I'M YOUR HYUNG!!!"
The EXO boys were hanging out in the grassy field in front of the main building. Presently, Chen and Xiumin were having an argument about Chen's encounter with one of his fangirls and all the other were playing a rather amusing game of "Would You Rather"
"Sehun it's your turn! 
"I know that! Geez Tao, I didn't need you to tell me that! Anyways...Kris-hyung, would you rather....hmm hold on a sec..."
"Ooh! Sehun I have an idea! *whispers something into Sehun's ear*"
"Woah..thats a really good one! Thanks Chanyeol-hyung! Okay, Kris-hyung would you rather be forced to watch a whole CD collection of Tao doing aegyo for three weeks straight or kiss and go on a date with one of the Shade Troupe leaders?"
Everyone made catcalls and low whistles. Chen and Xiumin ran over to see what was going on. 
Kris shot Chanyeol a glare and mentally vowed to get him back later. Meanwhile, everyone's eyes were directed expectantly towards Kris, anxiously waiting for his answer. The choice was definitely very difficult....more difficult than getting an Oscar. 
After a few moments of contemplating and weighing the choices Kris finally gave his answer....
..."I think....I'd take the kiss and date."
Everyone exploded."BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" After a little bit, the laughing died down but there were still a few chuckles here and there. Kris himself was caught up in it all and laughed along with his hyungs and dongsaengs, which basically meant he was laughing at himself.
Tao looked over and seemed like he was thinking about something with deep consideration. The he gave Kris a mysterious smile (well, it was more of a smirk but whatever). Oh no...Tao's got an idea, Kris thought. "You do realize that you're going to have to actually go on a date and kiss one of those leaders, right?" All signs of happiness immediately washed off of Kris's face. "WHUT."
All the others were quick to catch on. 
"Yeah, duizhang! After all, it'd be no fun if we didn't make you do it now would it?" 
"Don't be such a party pooper! After all, your reputation as duizhang is on the table" 
"If you want a suggestion, I suggest you ask Baise out since she gave you that smile last time we visited her office..."
Things were about to get really riled up. Luckily, Kai walked in at that very moment. He was still shirtless with only his boxers on, and his hair was still disheveled. In his hand he held his Syncsys and in the other, a pair of blue jeans and a gray v-neck shirt. 
"HYUNGS!!! BIG NEWS!!!" All eyes turned to Kai and his fresh-out-of-bed attire. "THE MISSION IS HERE!!!!"
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Actually no. But they've been blabbering on and on about it, so I didn't really have much of a choice."
"They're going to be so disappointed..."
The Shade Troupe leaders were gathered in Baise's office awaiting EXO's arrival. They were chatting and talking about the mission Baise had assigned EXO, and it didn't sound like a very exciting first mission.
As if on cue, the EXO buys burst through the door. Their eyes were lit with the spark of anticipation as they eagerly waited to hear what their mission was. Baise took initiative and beckoned for the twelve guys to sit down. 
"So let me inform you of your mission," Baise began, "I want you go on a co-mission with us."
The boys' faces twisted in confusion. "Co-mission? As in not only us? But with you too?" Suho questioned. Baise only nodded. The guys' faces fell instantly.
Some of them were angry that they were treated like newcomers and given a mission that seemed unfit for their skill levels, others were just plain disappointed. "Why can't you just give us our own mission? Why do we have to be supervised by you guys like two year old kids?" Lay asked angrily, his eyebrows knitted together.
The silence that followed was broken by Lumia. "You know....if you'd rather take the job for cleaning the bathrooms instead, feel free."
Immediately, EXO nodded their heads to take the co-mission. Sure, the co-mission wasn't really appealing but cleaning bathrooms was way worse. 
Now that EXO accepted, Baise explained what the guidelines were. 
"Since there are twelve of you and there are twelve of us, we'll form twelve pairs of two. Here's the set-up:
I advise that you get to know your partner before we depart for the mission. Mission starts tomorrow at 2 in the morning."
"Two in the morning?!?!", Tao exclaimed, "Why so early?"
Baise just gave another smile. "It's what you have to do."
Hey guys! Back from vacation! Had lots of fun and in actually really tired right now....
A little bit about the future chapters to come...The next chapters are going to be focused on the pairs I mentioned earlier in the chapter, so I guess you can expect some 1-on-1 stuff between Shade Troupe members and EXO and maybe some...romance? ;) hint hint...
Leave a comment! Would you rather watch a whole CD collection of Tao's aegyo for three straight weeks? Or go on a date with A MEMBER OF EXO FOR ONLY TWO HOURS?
Choose wisely!
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First chap is up!


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boomshakalaka14 #1
MingMingMingMinggyu #2
Chapter 23: 'Tis okay I shall wait for ur triumphant return *waits* seriously tho do well in school most important thing ever focus on that more haha
Chapter 22: This is a prequel?! OMG this is such a good story I thought I was the main thing! Can't wait for the real story to begin!!!
Chapter 12: Why is Kai speaking like a stereotypical ghetto girl...? (though it is ridiculously funny/confusing...) And what's this punishment that Sydri is supposed to get, and for what?
MingMingMingMinggyu #5
Chapter 22: Omg this is a prequel...? I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ACTUALLY STORY /jumps around in glee but not really cuz I'm tired lol/
piatoot #6
Chapter 20: loving it..loving you.. <3
MingMingMingMinggyu #7
Chapter 19: lolz heheheheh so funny
Pandas4love #9
Chapter 19: Ahahaha his sausage!!! Lol authornim you're hilarious! Thanks for the update though!!
boomshakalaka14 #10
Chapter 19: haha kai held his sausage
nice author- nim
stupid school mines like that too
we did nothing for the first marking period the second it finishes like 15 projects and test