A Crazy, But Significant Plan

EXO and the 12 Maidens: Genesis [HIATUS]

Everyone went to bed early. Most of them didn't get any sleep at all, and the ones that did had restlessly tossed and turned in bed for HOURS before finally drifting off into dreamland. But even then, they were thinking about their current dillemma.

The next morning, the EXO boys entered their living room with bloodshot eyes. "Couldn't sleep?" asked Luhan to D.O. "I barely got even one hour" he responded. As D.O. And Lay strode off to the kitchen to make breakfast, the other ten sat down at their huge dining room table. After a bit of conversation, food was served: 

korean radish soup

Instantly, the maknaes' mouths watered and as they got up, ready to dive in and eat to their hearts content, Lay slapped all of their hands away. "Yah, don't you have any manners? Wait until all your hyungs take a bite before you!"

The trio slumped back into their chairs, groaning and whining. "But that way, you hyungs will eat everything before we even get a of food!!!" Their complaints were totally ignored as Xiumin, the eldest, took his chopsticks and reached for some beef and placed it into his bowl of rice.

This continued eight more times before it was finally the maknaes' turn. All three were pretty close in age, so to keep the hyung-dongsaeng lineup, all three took turns being first, second, and third at every meal. Today just happened to be Tao's turn.

While the maknaes were busy scarfing down whatever food was left on the table, Baekhyun was stuck in his thoughts. He wasn't called the brain of EXO for nothing, you know. He was the one who strategically planned out their patrol routes and often had the best opinion on which battle plan would work out the best for a certain situation. Guess he inherited that from his father, who was a high ranking General for the late King Machvail. 

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. He suddenly stood up and slammed his palms on the tabletop, startling the other EXO members and making all the plates and cups shake and rattle. "I got it!" he yelled.

Everyone, especially Kris and Kai, looked confusingly at Baekhyun. Silence and anticipation hung in the air. "I know how we can solve the womens' protest without hurting anyone and wiping out the whole Therlymian race!" 

Baekhyun seated himself and the others' eyes followed him. Baekhyun then took a deep breath and began to tell his plan.

"So here it goes: We can't wipe the women out with our brute force, right? Then instead we should use our persuasion! I say we infiltrate their base, if they even have one, discuss with the leaders if we can join their little resistance and once we join, we spy and leak information to the council and King Priam! Then little by little, we build trust and the tear apart the protest from the INSIDE. Oh and maybe we could use our looks and supernatral powers to get the leaders' attention and convince them to let us join."

Instead of the applause or exclamations of approval he was expecting, Baekhyun was met with incredulous looks from most of the members and weird gazes from Kai, Sehun, and Tao like he had grown two heads or something.

"Is he out of his mind or something? Maybe we should get him to the royal healer or nearest mental hospital..." Chen whispered to Xiumin. More and more whispers followed and the noise level in the room grew louder and louder until..."YAH! I'M NOT CRAZY, AND I'M CERTAINLY NOT DEAF! I CAN HEAR YOU ALL YOU KNOW!" Baekhyun exploded, his face red from embarassment and slight anger.

Tao lifted his hands to cover his ears. "Hyung, YOU might not be deaf, but by the end of the day, you're going to cause ME to become deaf instead"

Kris, who had been relatively quiet till now, crossed his legs and cleared his throat. He would often need to address something or speak whenever others were being loud, so he would clear his throat in order to get their attention and, without even uttering a word, sent them a signal that clearly said "SHUT UP". After a while, it became a habit, even if no one was being loud whenever he wanted to talk.

"Well, I don't see what's wrong with Baekhyun's plan. If anything, I wholeheartedly agree with him." Now it was his turn to receive weird looks from the rest of the members. 

"Um, duizhang, just to point out something.... Do you really think that their leaders, however many there are, will REALLY let us join? I mean, seriously! The women and men have a strong hatred for each other that date back thousands of years ago!!! If anything, I think the moment we even step close to their base, they'd BEHEAD us" Lay stated.

The debate went on for a while longer, mostly Baekhyun and Kris versus the other ten members of EXO. It lasted until noon and by then, Baekhyun's persuasion skills and Kris's intimidating and authoritative demeanor won the group over.

In two days, they would leave to venture out and travel to the womens' base on the Deralut Islands, a deserted and far away series of islands. In other words, a perfect hideout for a resistance troupe. 

Two days to further plan out their mission.

Two days to train and nurture their powers.

Two days....in two days they would either find the women...

Or the women would find them.


WOOHOO!!! 2nd chapter is up!

I am pretty slow at updating... Mainly to collect ideas and edit my chapters...

But you guys can DEFINITELY know that I will have a new chapter up every weekend or so (1 per week at least)

I do have a life outside of this(school, school, and MORE SCHOOL) so don't urge me to update EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Subscribing really helps by the way. It gives motivation to update more frequently because I feel like I have to meet the expectatins of all my subbies. 

Well, that's it for now. ANNYEONG! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆




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First chap is up!


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boomshakalaka14 #1
MingMingMingMinggyu #2
Chapter 23: 'Tis okay I shall wait for ur triumphant return *waits* seriously tho do well in school most important thing ever focus on that more haha
Chapter 22: This is a prequel?! OMG this is such a good story I thought I was the main thing! Can't wait for the real story to begin!!!
Chapter 12: Why is Kai speaking like a stereotypical ghetto girl...? (though it is ridiculously funny/confusing...) And what's this punishment that Sydri is supposed to get, and for what?
MingMingMingMinggyu #5
Chapter 22: Omg this is a prequel...? I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ACTUALLY STORY /jumps around in glee but not really cuz I'm tired lol/
piatoot #6
Chapter 20: loving it..loving you.. <3
MingMingMingMinggyu #7
Chapter 19: lolz heheheheh so funny
Pandas4love #9
Chapter 19: Ahahaha his sausage!!! Lol authornim you're hilarious! Thanks for the update though!!
boomshakalaka14 #10
Chapter 19: haha kai held his sausage
nice author- nim
stupid school mines like that too
we did nothing for the first marking period the second it finishes like 15 projects and test