Top Secret Files

EXO and the 12 Maidens: Genesis [HIATUS]

"Yo, Baekhyun! I got something you might want to see!" Chen yelled from the neighboring room. Baekhyun rushed into that room to find Chen at his laptop. Upon Baekhyun's arrival, Chen looked up and beckoned him over. "Here, come look at this!"

Baekhyun's eyes scanned the screen. Then his eyes stopped at a particular section of the text he was reading and they widened. "This is great, Chen! How did you get this? This could become a crucial factor of our plan's success!" 

Chen smirked. Just because he was a complete troll at times, doesn't mean he wasn't smart enough to hack into private websites and locked files. "I think we should gather up all the guys and show them." "Okay, I'll tell Luhan to send a telepathic message to everyone to meet up later" Baekhyun responded.




That evening, all twelve EXO members were gathered at their base, a deserted building they turned into a training center as well as a laboratory and weapons storage place. Chen stood up in the front on a small elevated pedestal and announced his discovery.

He started to tell his account of events in an overly haughty and dramatic voice: "Today, a mind-boggling discovery was made by yours truly, the magnificent, brilliant, and technological prodigy...Chen! I spent five grueling hours searching, trying to find answers and possible leads- oh it felt like an eternity! Oh summer's lease hath all too-"

"YAH!!! I don't need your monologue, Chen! All I want is to know is what you found, god dammit!" interrupted Xiumin, with an annoyed look on his face. Chen turned his head to Xiumin with an incredulous and mocking look.

"You don't want my fabulous literature citation? I was just about to quote Shakespeare's Sonnet 18! where was I... ah, yes! Summer's lease hath all too short a date-" Chen began, but was cut off by a death glare directed at him by Xiumin, his eyes twitching dangerously.

"Oh all right, all right... I'll save it for later. Pity, and I was just going to get to the point... But of course someone is a little impatient! Anyway, I was able to gain access to top secret files that could help us convince the leaders of the women's protest to either let us join or disband."

A wave if astonishment flew over the group, as well as a loud "WOAH" from the three maknaes. "How would this benefit our plan, Chen?" asked Suho. "Well, for that question, I think it would be better to ask Mr. Albert Baekhyun Einstein over there" replied Chen, his eyes directing toward Baekhyun, who wore an amused expression on his face. 

"Well, to put it simply, those files are informational profiles of the leaders of the womens' protest. According to Chen, these files were stored on a private website in a locked file under the name of Shade Troupe. We can assume that is what the protest group calls themselves. These files were incredibly hard to access, since they required many access codes and password entry confirmations. To top that, most of the profiles have unknown information, which could mean that the info we have is outdated or their leaders are really good at concealing their identities" Baekhyun stated.

"Should we look through the files now? It could give us a hunch of what we could be facing" Sehun suggested. The hyungs all agreed and Kris and Suho, being the two leaders, decided to push back their departure date. So now the schedule changed from leaving in two days to leaving in four to give them more time to analyze and train. 

After a few rounds of rock-paper-scissors and excessive arguing, EXO decided to begin with the profile contained in the beige Manila folder. All the files were color coded with different colors. Less flashy colored files could contain the most valuable indormation, they reasoned.

Kai opened the folder and started to read aloud. "Name: unknown...okay, well we're off to a bad start....Specialty: unknown...okay, that doesn't help either...and it doesn't- OW!!!"

D.O. had smacked the back of Kai's head in annoyance. "We don't need your side comments, Kai. Just read it as is" he scolded. Rubbing his head that now sported a tomato red bump, Kai continued. "Position: Commander in chief-"

"Oh, guys, it's getting late. We should probably go home before the moon rises" Chanyeol interrupted Kai. Ten heads turned to face Chanyeol as he kept talking about what they should do once they got home. Kai, on the other hand, was starting to get a bit irritated. What's with people and interrupting me today? Is it Not-Let-Kai-Finish-What-He-Wants-To-Say Day today or something? he thought to himself and, instead of listening to Chanyeol, looked out the window dejectedly.

While Chanyeol was talking, a black figure lurked in the corner of the room. Slowly, it took a step, then another and another. Its steps made absolutely no sound. Then it flashed toward the twelve EXO boys before zipping out of the base and out of sight. 

Once Chanyeol was done talking, Chen turned around to pick up the files and take them home but what he saw shocked him. "THE FILES ARE GONE!!!" 

Everyone fussed about, trying to find the missing files and soon concluded that they were stolen. However, when they got home, another unpleasant surprise awaited them. "GAH!!!!!! MY LAPTOP!!!!!" 

Chen's room was left in a complete mess, as if someone rummaged through everything, looking for something. His laptop's screen was shattered and was battered beyond repair. "You can still access the files right, Chen?" asked Luhan. "No... All of the files were saved on my laptop. Now that it's destroyed, I can't access the info. The website I found the files on was one that tracked each user and only allowed each user one chance to go on the website. I used my one chance up to get the files and I doubt that you guys could enter.... It's no use guys.... we lost it." Chen said, eyes directed to the floor. "And I am absolutely NOT spending five more hours to search for more leads."

The black figure from before smirked in triumph from outside Chen's bedroom window. It reached into its pocket and pulled out a cellphone to pick up a call from someone. The caller ID spelled out the name 'BAISE'.

"Yah, Opal. Did you recover the files?"

"Yeah... I got the files, no problem"

"Did you get caught at all?"

"Tch, as if. They didnt even notice me. That one guy... I think Kai, was it?... He almost spotted me, but I guess he was too immersed in his thoughts. And they call themselves EXO Elite Task Force? What a complete disappointment. I would have loved to put up a fight, but I guess it's not worth it"

"Please, Opal. You'd win with your Secret Black Shadowing technique anyway. So, bring the files back to headquarters... I'll be waiting"

"Whatever. I'll be there in five."

"You better. Last time you were three hours late!"

"Now, now, Baise. Don't get impatient. Those idiots in the alleyway apparently thought they could beat me. Now, I wouldn't want to disappoint them would I? I just gave them what they wanted  and a little more."

"And what was that?"

"Some bruises and a knife to the arm."

"WHAT?!?! Did you kill them? Oh my god, if you did I swear-"

"There you go again, Baise. No need to get so fired up."

"Why shouldn't I get fired up?! Now tell me, did you kill them?!"

"If you think yes, then maybe not... And if you think no then it is most likely. Of course, if you'd rather pick maybe, then it's what you thought of before you thought of thinking maybe."


"Bye! beep~~~~"


*At the Shade Troupe's Headquarters in the Deralut Islands*


"Tch... She hung up" a woman named Baise muttered.

A woman with red hair and topaz eyes stepped forward. "Baise, have some faith in Opal. We wouldn't want her to fall prey to the filthy male Therlymian race, right? Anyway, she'd probably make it here soon. Just be patient."

Baise refused to look the other woman into the face, but responded. "Lumia, tell Celestia to cast a protective barrier around the Deralut Islands and the headquarters as well. Also, call Thrimmle to look into those EXO boys. I want all information on them as possible."

The red haired woman, identified as Lumia, closed her eyes and concentrated for a solid five seconds. Then she opened her eyes to look at Baise. "Done. Thrimmle will be here with all the info in two minutes. Celestia has the barrier up already and reports that Opal is about fifty kilometers southeast. She should arrive in....three seconds."

A strong gust flew into the room as the window opened on its own. Opal sat comfortably on the windowsill, one leg raised, the other dangling out of the twenty foot story building window. With a smirk, she held up twelve folders wedged between the index and middle finger of her right hand and flung them onto the table, where they landed right in front of Baise. "There you go, commander in chief. All twelve of our folders."

Baise laid back onto her chair. "I'm always fascinated by your ability....this should be a record, right? Fifty kilometers in three seconds?"

"Nope, I made it in two before." Opal responded and shot out the window, spiralling downwards.

Baise was about to go after her, but Lumia stopped her. "Leave her be. That's just how she is...she'll be fine and return back by tomorrow" Lumia said, arms spread open in front of the window to block Baise from jumping out after Opal.

Baise relaxed her guard and put both her hand behind her head, walking out the door. Over her shoulder, she shouted: "Very well, then I'll leave everything else up to you, Lumia. I'm going to get some sleep"

Overhead, black clouds gathered around the island and several flashes of green lighting shot down.

This wasn't looking good for EXO... Not good at all.


Woo!!! Long chappie <3

Forgot to update last week, so I decided to write a SUPER long chapter to make up for it.

Hopefully, you guys can forgive me ;(

Next chapter will introduce more characters! Look forward to it and see you next week!

(If I'm not busy I might actually update this week... So please subscribe, or leave a comment! Again, all constructive critism or just feedback is appreciated! I would love to know what you readers think of my story!)

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First chap is up!


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boomshakalaka14 #1
MingMingMingMinggyu #2
Chapter 23: 'Tis okay I shall wait for ur triumphant return *waits* seriously tho do well in school most important thing ever focus on that more haha
Chapter 22: This is a prequel?! OMG this is such a good story I thought I was the main thing! Can't wait for the real story to begin!!!
Chapter 12: Why is Kai speaking like a stereotypical ghetto girl...? (though it is ridiculously funny/confusing...) And what's this punishment that Sydri is supposed to get, and for what?
MingMingMingMinggyu #5
Chapter 22: Omg this is a prequel...? I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ACTUALLY STORY /jumps around in glee but not really cuz I'm tired lol/
piatoot #6
Chapter 20: loving it..loving you.. <3
MingMingMingMinggyu #7
Chapter 19: lolz heheheheh so funny
Pandas4love #9
Chapter 19: Ahahaha his sausage!!! Lol authornim you're hilarious! Thanks for the update though!!
boomshakalaka14 #10
Chapter 19: haha kai held his sausage
nice author- nim
stupid school mines like that too
we did nothing for the first marking period the second it finishes like 15 projects and test