Too Many

EXO and the 12 Maidens: Genesis [HIATUS]

The smell of ash and and incinerated bodies polluted the once-clear air around them. All twenty four of them had rushed to the scene as fast as they could, but it was too late.

They were too late.

The girls had immediately begun investigating the scene, while the twelve boys just stood there and stared on in horror. Slowly they started to disperse to examine the damage.

Kai had been walking when there was a loud crunch beneath him. The source? A decapitated female head. The burnt skin hung off the side of the face, exposing the bloody bone underneath. But as much as the gory sight disgusted Kai, that wasn't really what bothered him. What bothered him was the fact that the female was not a woman, but a girl. Barely twelve. A child
She was not the only child mercilessly slaughtered and burned to death. Hundreds more just like her lay there, dead, with parts of their body scatter everywhere. 
The world was a cruel place.
The EXO boys were back at Shade Troupe headquarters, their faces noticeably paler and more gaunt than when they had left. As for the girls, they had their own way of coping with the loss. Baise and Lumia were locked up in their offices, trying to distract themselves with work and keeping their minds off of the disturbing occurrence. Yve, Opal, and Xena took their anger out in the gym by releasing their emotions out in the way they knew best– with their fists. Celestia and the rest went to pray and mourn over the deceased.
They would've conducted a funeral, but there were simply too many dead body parts scattered about; it was near impossible to tell whose leg was who's. Instead, Celestia had gathered very body and organ into a large pile and set the heap on fire, praying at the side of the bonfire. It was closest thing to a respectable funeral they could give the dead. 
The skies were a dark shade of grey and there was not a single ray of sunshine in sight. It was if the weather reflected the mood of the situation– bleak, hopeless, lost.
Too many innocent souls were taken on that very day. Too many innocent souls were robbed of their bright futures. Too many innocent souls.....
Too many.
Hey guys. I am SO SORRY for disappearing off the face if the earth for more than two months! School got really busy, I had some family problems, and of course WRITERS BLOCK. 
I know that I shouldn't be making excuses or whatever, but I felt that you guys needed to know what happened. 
This is a SUPER SHORT chapter, I know, but I wrote into given you guys SOMETHING as well as to get back into the flow of writing. Once you've lost motivation, it's really hard to get back into it so bear with me.
;) - SeriouslyOMG
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First chap is up!


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boomshakalaka14 #1
MingMingMingMinggyu #2
Chapter 23: 'Tis okay I shall wait for ur triumphant return *waits* seriously tho do well in school most important thing ever focus on that more haha
Chapter 22: This is a prequel?! OMG this is such a good story I thought I was the main thing! Can't wait for the real story to begin!!!
Chapter 12: Why is Kai speaking like a stereotypical ghetto girl...? (though it is ridiculously funny/confusing...) And what's this punishment that Sydri is supposed to get, and for what?
MingMingMingMinggyu #5
Chapter 22: Omg this is a prequel...? I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ACTUALLY STORY /jumps around in glee but not really cuz I'm tired lol/
piatoot #6
Chapter 20: loving it..loving you.. <3
MingMingMingMinggyu #7
Chapter 19: lolz heheheheh so funny
Pandas4love #9
Chapter 19: Ahahaha his sausage!!! Lol authornim you're hilarious! Thanks for the update though!!
boomshakalaka14 #10
Chapter 19: haha kai held his sausage
nice author- nim
stupid school mines like that too
we did nothing for the first marking period the second it finishes like 15 projects and test