Here comes trouble

Invincible Youth meets Im Yoona


Yoona POV


“So, Yoona. This is it. You’re going to live here in Yoochiri village.” Manager oppa said as i looked at the window of the car. I am still in awe of the beauty of this place since i live all my life in the busy city of Seoul.


“I have to say this, but i’m warning you.” Manager oppa warned.


I looked at him seriously, in fear that he might say something i don’t like.


“Behave, Yoona.” Manager oppa grinned.


“Yah! You almost gave me a heart attack oppa!” i yelled at our crazy manager.


He just laughed at me then said, “But seriously, Yoong. Behave. I know the past—“


“—I am behave, oppa.” i stopped him from saying anything further.


He looked at me knowingly and sighed.


“No need to bring out the past, oppa. I’ll do everything that i can for Yuri.” I said at him.


“Ok, i trust you with that, Yoong. I care about you two like my own daughters, i hate seeing you hurt.”


I nodded at him. As much as i want to forget the past, it always come back to bite me in the . Hard.


I get excited as we get near the house that the casts were living in. It’s much smaller than I expected to be but it’s very homey. The car stops and the production staff hurriedly opened the door and bowed at us.


“Annyeong! You’re early.” The production staff smiled.


We bowed at her and we got out of the car to get my stuffs. The production staff tapped me as i was busy rummaging my bag. I looked at her as she was pushing a basket with full of phones.


“Put your phone. You won’t need it since the one that you want to call is already there.” Manager oppa teased.


I fished out my phone from my bag and put it in my basket. I noticed a very familiar key chain on the phone as i dropped my phone in the basket. I fished it out the Mickey Mouse key chain and pressed a random button to see the screen saver. I was surprised to see a picture of me sleeping and Yuri, pointing at me. I giggled at the photo and put back the phone back in the basket.


“So, are you ready, Yoona-sshi?” the production staff asked. I nodded at her. “So, here are the instructions once you are in the show. The cameras are always rolling even when you are asleep to document everything but don’t worry, before we cut the scenes, we always consult your managers for their approval. You may find yourself conscious with the cameras following you as well the hidden cameras around the house but just be yourself and have fun with the gang.” She smiled at me.


I nodded at her again and turned towards manager oppa again.


“So, this is it. You lost another daughter. Now, you only have six girls to look out to.” I smiled at him.


“Easy for you to say but i prefer all of you intact inside the dorm because every single one of you is designed as a riot.” Manager oppa joked.


“Yah oppa! We’re disciplined!” i yelled at manager oppa who just laughed at me.


“Whatever you say. Okay, Yoong, remember the things that i said. Have fun with everyone here.” Manager oppa smiled. I nodded at him and started to walk towards the house along with my bags. I also noticed that as soon as I stepped on this place, the crew started rolling the cameras.


I was accompanied with the production staff towards a man in his 40s. His stance is like he’s a man of authority. He smiled at me and grabbed my suitcase from the production staff. The staff bowed and went on her way to God knows where.


“Annyeong Yoona-sshi! Welcome to Yoochiri village. I am Noh Juyeon, the village chief. Let’s wake them up so you could meet them.” He said as he led me to a room with a control booth in it. He tapped the mic twice and leaned on the mic. “Yah! Sleepy heads, Wake up! We have an addition to the family!”


He turned off the mic and smiled at me, “Now, let me introduce to you the chaotic cast!”


We walked back to the small house. He instructed me to stay afar for awhile and he’ll call me when i am needed. I saw some of the cast in their pyjamas, stretching, trying to wake themselves up.


“So, had a good sleep?” the village chief asked the casts.


Shin Young unnie, Huiseok oppa, Narsha unnie, Hyuna, and Hyomin unnie stretched as Hara and Sunhwa unnie leaned on each other to catch more sleep.


“How can we have a good sleep? You woke us up at this very early hour after we spent the whole day yesterday at the farm!” Taewoo oppa whined which made the casts laughed at him, he even made me smile.


Well, he’s still my mortal enemy for Yuri.


“Yah! Stop whining at me!” the village chief joked. “Anyway, the reason why i woke you up, i want all of you to meet the addition to our family. Everybody, it’s my pleasure to introduce, Yoochiri’s beautiful daughter, SNSD Yoona!”


I heard gasps and claps as I saw the village chief motioned his hands, telling me to come. I walked towards them with the camera crew trailing behind me.


I bowed when i stood in front of them. “Annyeong, SNSD Yoona imnida.”


“Annyeong!” they chorused. I was surprised that they all came up to me and stare at me with wonder.


“OMO! She’s like a goddess up close!” Sunhwa gazed at me.


“You’re so beautiful, Yoona-sshi!” Hyomin commented.


“Yoona unnie, how come you’re so beautiful? No wonder Yuri unnie can’t stop talking about you.” Hara said as she linked her arms with mine.


Really? Yuri talked about me. Speaking of Yuri, where is she?


“Now, where are the other two? Their sister is already here and they’re still asleep?” Shin young unnie commented.


“Sorry, for taking me so long, Yuri wouldn’t bulge. She must be so tired from yesterday. Don’t worry i already hit her with a pan, she’ll be joining us, soon.” Sunny unnie babbled as she put on her shoes.  She didn’t seem to notice me because she’s too busy apologizing while fixing her clothes.


Then, she looked up and finally, she saw me. “YYYYYOOOOOONNNAAAAAA!!!!!!” she screeched as she ran towards me. I heard Huiseok oppa mumbled, “wow! Someone’s energetic.”


I caught Sunny unnie in my arms as she hugged me. I giggled at my unnie as she said, “Yoona! What are you doing here? Oh my God, I miss you. How are you? The girls? Taengoo?”


“I’ll be joining the cast, unnie.” I grinned at her.


“AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” Sunny exclaimed as she jumped up and down. Everybody covered their ears upon Sunny unnie’s excitement.


“Sunny-yah! Why are you screaming?! It’s too early!” someone screamed at Sunny unnie.


We all turned around and saw Yuri in her pyjamas as she holding her swelling forehead. Despite of her attire and her swelling forehead, i always find Yuri very beautiful. She’s probably oblivious at my arrival because she’s too busy mumbling about her hurting forehead as she walked towards us.  But when she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see me.


“Yuri unnie.” I cooed at her.


Her beautiful brown eyes bulged at me, as she couldn’t believe that i’m here.


“Yoona?! What are you doing here?” she asked.


“She’s going to stay here, Yul! Isn’t it exciting?” Sunny grinned as she jumped up and down.


Yuri looked at me for confirmation which i nodded. Then, she ran towards me to hug me.


“Oh my god! I couldn’t believe it! Finally! Finally!” she shrieked as she jumped up and down.


I tried to hold her down by hugging her tighter as my hands roamed around her back. I leaned my head towards her neck, smelling the familiar scent of my Yuri.


Sigh, I never get tired of this.


Just then, i felt Sunny’s arms around us, enveloping us in a hug.


“Will you keep your hands to yourself?  Your hand is almost at Yuri’s . Now, i need to work double time to look out for both of you. Because of that, i demanded an increase in my pay check higher than both of you. Now, behave. Araso?” Sunny whispered at me. Her tone is very scary that i pulled away from Yuri.


She pouted at me and glared at Sunny which Sunny responded with a glare. Living with them for a very long time, we know each other really well. We have acquired a skill that is unknown to everyone. We called it, ventriloquism. We managed to argue, talk and tease each other without the other people noticing it.


“Aaaww, isn’t it cute to see them?” Narsha smiled at us.


“Yuri unnie, are you happy that Yoona unnie is here?” Hyuna asked.


Yuri turned to look at me and grinned, “Of course, it will be fun, now that she’s here. Am i right, Yoongie?”


I gulped. Whenever i heard her made-up nickname to me, it means a very seductive KkabYul is on the loose. Whatever she’s planning is hot and tricky at the same time.


“Ok, now that you meet the new ‘daughter of Yoochiri village’—“ the village chief said.


“What?” the casts chorused.


“Yes, Yoona has a very lovable personality and very beautiful, i’m sure Yoochiri will love her.”


“Oh, it looks like Yuri has been replaced.” Taewoo oppa joked.


“Aniyo, i kinda like it. Yoona is the daughter of Yoochiri village and I am the daughter-in-law. Isn’t it cute?” Yuri smirked and looked at me with a knowing look.


“Ne.” I mumbled, too dazed with Yuri’s idea. Does this mean we’re official?


“Oh, Yuri. You and your ideas.” Sunny unnie pats Yuri on her back so hard that Yuri concealed her cough with a smile.


“Yah! Are we going to stand here or what?” the village chief yelled. Good thing no one noticed Yuri and her innuendos. The rest of the casts started to introduce me to different things, animals and places that are so foreign to me. Even Sunny unnie introduced me to her beloved farm animal pets.


I wouldn’t be surprised if one day, our dorm will be filled with farm animals.


After explaining to me the different ways of living in the farm, which i couldn’t remember half of it because i’m too busy gawking at Yuri, whose too busy laughing with Shin Young unnie. She became even more beautiful the last time i saw her.


Man, i am so whipped.


Sunny unnie slapped me on my elbows to wake me up from daydreaming slash ogling at Yuri and led me inside the house.


“Now that we’re finally inside, let’s get to know Yoona unnie!” Hara applaud as the rest of the gang cheered.


“So, let’s start with the basics.” MC Huiseok oppa started. “Do you have a boyfriend?”


“Hwae?!” i stammered.


“Yah! We’re not in an entertainment show so quit asking her those kind of questions.” Shin Young unnie exclaimed and turned towards me. “So, Yoona, do you have a boyfriend?”


“YAAAAHHH!” the gang chorused.


I laughed at how loud and at ease are them with each other. No wonder Sunny unnie and Yuri unnie fit in this group.


“No, i don’t have a boyfriend.”


 But i do have a girlfriend who’s too confusing and she’s sitting next to me. I wanted to add.


“Oh really? Well, if i were that beautiful, i would break every man’s heart.” Hyomin wondered.


“Jinja?!” Sunhwa asked.


“Yeah, if you got that beautiful face, use it properly.” Hyomin defended which earned a good laugh from all of us.


My heart suddenly skipped a beat when Yuri leaned her head on my shoulders as she watched the gang continued to ask me questions.


“Yoona-sshi, why are you so shy? Are you always like this? So prim and proper?” Hyuna asked which made Sunny unnie and Yuri scoffed.


“Oh, the other SNSD members had that reaction. Explain it to us.” Taewoo oppa urged.


“Yoona is very far from being prim and proper! You may see her so beautiful, so refined but she always act like an elementary school kid. Not a girl but a boy!” Sunny exclaimed.


 “Unnie! I’m doing this for saving our image!” I defended as i slapped Sunny unnie which made her slapped me back. Then, Yuri decided to join us by slapping Sunny unnie on her arm. We kept slapping each other until Sunny unnie shouted, “Okay fine! I surrender! It’s two against one!”


“Yah! It’s two Jangshins versus Danshin. You’ll never win!” Yuri yelled.


“I told you, these girls are a riot. I am amused that our house is still intact.” I heard Shin Young unnie commented.


“Wait till you see the other six.” Taewoo oppa laughed.


“Yoona-sshi, now that you’re going to live with us, can we see what you brought here?” Narsha unnie asked.


“Sure!” i smiled at her as the other girls started to rummage my bags. They were all surprised to see that all of my things were full of Rilakkuma. From blankets, Pyjamas, jackets, shirts and pants.


“Yah! I think i’m going to puke from all of the Rilakkuma! Why did you bring all of these here?” Sunny unnie whined.


“I love Rilakkuma.” I grinned at her.


“Yeah, it definitely shows.” Sunny unnie said sarcastically.


“I thought when we look through Yoona-sshi’s things, we might get to see her beauty secrets but all we see is full of Rilakkuma stuffs.” Hara complained.


“That is my secret. Fill your life with Rilakkuma stuffs.” I joked.


“So, now that we have a new house mate, we need to make a few sleeping arrangements.” Taewoo oppa announced. “Yuri can sleep beside me.” He teased the tanned girl.


“Hwae?!” all of us exclaimed.


I would never let him! Yuri is mine!


Wow, another guy to put in my, ‘Boys-i-want-to-kill-for-flirting-with Yuri’ list.


“What?! I’m just being sensible. I got a lot of free space on my side.” He reasoned as he continued to tease Yuri.


“Babo. So, Yoona where do you want to sleep?” Shin Young asked me.


I smirked and said, “I want to sleep beside Yuri.”


Eat my dust, Bear man!


“Ooohh, it looks like Yoona want to sleep beside Yuri, too. Who are you going to choose Yuri?  This huge guy or this goddess here?” MC Huiseok teased.


Yuri looked at me and Taewoo oppa. Then, she grinned.


Please choose me..choose me...choose me!


“Of course it’s Yoona.” Yuri said, coyly.


My subconscious Yoona danced her Macarena mixed with Genie’s Hacky sack dance.


The room began filled with teasing against Taewoo oppa.


“Why did you choose Yoona against Taewoo oppa? Isn’t it because oppa is ugly?” Hyuna joked.


I saw Sunny raised her eyebrow at Yuri which meant ‘answer properly or i’ll kick your .’


“Uuhh, Yoona is my roommate for a very long time so, it’s much comfortable if she sleeps beside me.” Yuri smiled and glared at Sunny which Sunny replied with her aegyo.


“Ok, now it’s all settled, let’s arrange Yoona’s side. Since you’re beside Yuri and Yuri is sleeping between the wall and Sunny, which side would you choose?” the village chief asked.


“Yoona will sleep by the wall beside me and i will sleep beside Sunny.” Yuri answered for me.


“Hwae?” the village chief raised his eyebrows.


“Well,uuhh, this their sleeping arrangement back home. You see they were also roommates so, it will be convenient for them since Yoona’s place is always by the wall.” Sunny lied as she elbowed Yuri.


I guess Sunny is full force for guarding us. She is definitely the female version of her uncle.


“Ok, now that everything is already settled, let’s go get breakfast!” the village chief ordered as the gang started to disperse. I pulled Yuri to stay behind with me as i fixed my things.


“Yuri?” i asked as i grasped her arms.


“What is it?” she asked.


“I-uh...” I looked all around me and I sighed in relief as i saw that the camera crew followed the casts. But i remembered what the staff said earlier that even the house has cameras so, i leaned towards Yuri and whisper in her ears.


“I miss you.”


I pulled away from her and saw her blushed.


My heart skipped a beat once again when i saw her face. Despite of everything, i could still make her blush with a simple word. I am hopeful that in spite of Yuri’s confusing attitude towards me, she might feel the same way.


“Really?” she asked.


I nodded at her and mumbled, “Of course i miss my girlfriend.”


She raised her eyebrows at me and leaned towards me, “Girlfriend, huh? You’re so assuming, Yoongie.”


Hwae?! I thought we’re..? I...?


“ said—“


“HHmm...I couldn’t remember that.  But anyways, i like it. Always consider me as your girlfriend, Yoongie. Maybe, one day, your dreams might come true.” she teased.


“Yuri-yah, please don’t do this to me.” i whined.


“Why? Are you going to give up?”


“No! Never! I’ll keep on hoping that one day, we’ll be together.”


“Aaww, that’s my Yoongie.”


“YAAH! YoonYul! Breakfast is ready!” Sunny unnie yelled at us.


Yuri and I laughed ay Sunny which we received a maerong from her.


“C’mon Yoongie, Manager Sunny is getting mad at us.” Yuri stood up and helped me to stand up.


We walked outside the house, hand in hand. They probably thought that we’re just best friends but for us, it is so much more.




Thanks for the wonderful responses! Please let me know what you think of the chapter.

Gomawo! :)

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eunyeon1998 #1
Chapter 19: Can you make a seson 2 please?
Chapter 19: Aww I loved this story :3
Chapter 19: Thank you for this wonderful fic, our byunthor! ;) keke. I'm a fan of IY S1 and a trooper so this fic is daaaaebak! Yoonyul forever!!!
P.S. This is the first time I've read about "Mother Seoresa". Made me lol. XDD
Chapter 19: Awwww it's already enddddd~ I Want A Sequel! Keke~
Chapter 19: thanks a lot for the update and the story lazy author :)) i hope this fic wont come to end tho , and no needed to be completed so when you're bored you can make this story lolol hahaha well, everything will come to end right?

awww, i love yoona's possesiveness towards yuri hahahaha jelaous yoong is just freaking cute ! "KWON-IM YURI IS MY WIFE" hahahaha

you hit the wrong button yoong :s she's insecure bout it and you push that button lol no wonder she's mad, well good that you both made up :))

and jeti ? like really? built a mansion ?? darn how rich she is hahahah and put LTE ? lol now i wonder taeng will go to jeti house for updating her instagram hahahahahahhaa
chuuuuu #6
Chapter 19: SLeep?., not doing anything?., :D sorry my byun mind, haha,
ah finaLLy., i want more . . ., more . . . ., haha, just kidding,
this so funny, poor yoong always geting slap,haha
but seriously they are right, yuri become fat in real life :D . .,
KM_3451 #7
Chapter 18: Aigooo update faster authorshii... Hehee
Chapter 18: I'll wait for it author!! HWAITAENG!!!!!
Chapter 18: Hwaiting author! Update soon!