
Gender Swap

"Jonghyun!" Taemin exclaimed happily seeing his hyung on the streets while showing Key around. "What are you doing here?"

"Getting food?" Jonghyun said as if he were confused. Why else would anyone be at a restaurant at 6 o'clock in the evening? "Hey there, y. What you doin' here?"

Key managed to make himself flush a faint pink before answering "Taemin is showing me a bit around the town." He showed his radiant smile and 'nervously' looked around. He wanted to make his act seem as believeable as possible. He did want as many guys to fall in love with him as possible to see if he had the ability to attract men as well as women. 

"I can show you around my body." That was just extremely odd. Was I supposed to be even slightly by that? If anything, I'm totally repulsed.

"Kim Jonghyun!" Taemin scolded the older, getting a dirty look in return.

"What? She is very attractive. I'm just flirting." 

"I may not know much about women, partly because I'm not attracted to them, but I do happen to know they don't appreciate that. That is basically harrassment." Taemin started to lecture.

Jonghyun interruped him. "Well then. Sorry... Can I show you around with her?"

Key shrugged as Taemin looked at him. "If you insist. We're getting food first though. I have heard Gwiboon's stomach growling for the past half hour." 

"No it hasn't! Just for the past ten minutes..." 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What do you want? I'll get it for you if you go find a seat."

"Get me whatever you're having."

"Ok, I'll be back in a minute." Taemin leaned closer to Key's ear. "If he tries anything, smack him. He needs to learn some manners."

"So, Gwiboon," Jonghyun started after Taemin was out of earshot. "I just made a list of why you and I should make babies."

"And what's that?" Key asked, leaning back into his chair.

"First of all, you're hot. Second, I'm hot. And lastly, I'm really whenever I see you."

"Kim Jonghyun! I can hear you! You dialed me and it's on speaker phone!" Taemin walked over to the their table with his and Key's food. "So smooth, I might add. I bet she's dying to let you in her pants." Taemin rolled his eyes. 

Jonghyun loudly sighed and muttered something about how he always gets what he wants. 

"Minnie!!" Minho ran up to the table the three boys shared.


"Taemin?" Jonghyun slowly dragged his hand down his face in annoyance.

"What Jonghyun?" Taemin gave him attitude that Key thought he could only give.

"You're a boy. Why'd you call him oppa?"

"OH ..." Minho and Taemin said at the same time.

"Little Minnie! What have I told you about foul language like that?"

"Never to use it," Taemin hung his head. "Unless in bed.'

"OHMYGOD. WHAT THE HELL MAN? TOO MUCH INFO, BRO." Jonghyun yelled as Key pretended to hurl. 

"Wanna join us?" Taemin asked his apparent lover.

"I'm sorry, I've got to be going home. But I'm free all day tomorrow, if you wanna come over." He wiggled his eyebrows, making Jonghyun pretend to hurl as well. 

"Ok. See you then?"

"Yeah. Love you."

"Love you too." Minho kissed Taemin's forehead right before he left. 

"You're my best friend, Minho, but I heard too much today." Jonghyun shoved him away. 

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry." Minho called over his shoulder as he walked out the front doors.


"So, since we're all done eating, should we get back to the tour?"

"I'm sleepy now, though." Key said cutely.

"That's ok. Tae and I can walk you back home, right Tae?"

"I don't know...Gwiboon, it's up to you."

"It's fine, Tae Oppa."

"Since when do you call him oppa?" Jonghyun whined

"Since right now because I'm sleepy."

Jonghyun rolled his eyes and led the other two to his car. "Let's go." He opened the passenger door for 'Gwiboon'. 

"Thanks," Key smiled at Jonghyun. He can be a gentlemen when he isn't being a jerk. That's good to know.

"So, where am I going?"

"My apartment building, Hyung."

"Oh. No wonder why you walked. That's really close."

After five minutes of silence and Key occasionally seeing Jonghyun eyeing his chest, they made it to the apartment building. 

"We'll both walk you up." Taemin annouced. Key sighed mentally in relief. He knew that if he went alone with Jonghyun, his secret would've been completely blown and he would be humiliated. And, although Key would never admit this aloud (or to himself), he found Jonghyun somewhat attractive. The gradient blonde hair that was always spiked up and his half puppy, half dinosaur looks almost made him irresistable. 

Jonghyun's "bad boy" image must be fake. He seems like he could be a good guy. I wonder why he acts like that. I wouldn't want to be alone with him a long time--there's no telling what he would try--but I think getting a bit closer to him would somehow benefit me in the future. He's kind of like a giant puppy, almost. He seems like he'd be mean, but sweet on the inside. But I'm like a cat, so I don't know how becoming friends with him would be good.

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i had ch 18 all typed out and then my laptop crashed and erased it. I'm so sorry guys but that update will have to be tomorrow instead


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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 18: Love this is so cute
Chapter 18: Yeepee.. Like it so much. Ill be waitibg for ur update. Take ur tine dear
Chapter 6: Haha.. Key's monologue was so funny. I literally dying of laughing.
Chapter 4: Ohmygosh.. I just start readin this n its so funny. I love all the nicknames given by key. Hilarious. Hahah. And hyperactive taem is so cute
UKissMeAngel #5
Chapter 17: Aw :( Feel better soon :) And its okay lol time update all I Kept thinking was 'Key, When are you going to tell Jonghyun you are missing the WO in WOman....
Chapter 17: finally.. author nim u know i've been waiting for ur update.. please dont tease anymore..
laziestasitgets #7
Chapter 17: Aish the anticipation is killing me, I want to know what Jonghyun will do when he finds out.
Chapter 16: Alright, hope this hiatus will be soon over

Thanks for informing us
musicismyworld #9
Chapter 16: I hope you have a good hiatus! Take care of yourself and make sure to get plenty of rest!