
Gender Swap

Tomorrow is my first day of school. Key thought. I should pick out an outfit to wear tomorrow. I still haven't started to think like a girl.

"My name is Gwiboon." Key started to spin in circles. "I am a girl." Now he is starting to hit the top of his head with his fist. "I shall think like a girl. I shall act like a girl. Because I am a girl." Key tripped over his foot and fell face first onto the floor, missing his bed by an inch. 

Scrambling up, Key started to panic. "My face. My precious, beautiful face. It must not be even slightly damaged." He ran to the closest mirror and looked at his face from every angle possible. "NOOOO!!!" He screamed and flailed his entire body around. "THERE IS A SCRATCH! A. Scratch. I'm ruined. It's going to be there forever and it will haunt me for the rest of my life."

Contrary to his belief, the so called scratch that will be there to haunt him forever, was actually an eyelash that had fallen onto his cheek.

Key continued to flail his entire body on the ground before stopping and looking in the mirror again. "I'M HEALED. IT'S A MIRACLE~!" He threw his arms up as if to praise the heavens for the healing of the 'scratch' that had seemingly fallen off his flawless face.

"If someone walked in here right now, they'd think I was crazy... But, they'd be right. I am rather insane. Take this experiment, for example. That's freaking insane. How many other straight guys in this entire world would cross dress, just for the sake of finding out how many people they could make fall in love with them and then mercilessly break their unsuspecting heart? Yeah, that's right, None. Unless they are insane like me, then there could be several."

Key continued to talk to himself as he clean his face idol style; applying every moisturizing lotion, blemish cream, and toner known to man-kind. 

It wasn't more than ten minutes after Key laid his head down on his pillow that he fell asleep.


The next morning, Key woke up with a huge grin on his face. He couldn't figure out the reason why he was grinning, but it was most certainly not because he was going to start the cross dressing today.

Starting with a shower, Keys started with his usual morning rountine. He pulled his boxers and black skinny jeans on before thinking of a slight problem. His package.

How am I going to hide this? Especially if I get hard? Key pulled locks of his perfectly styled hair and groaned. Great. I can't do anything about it right now, so  this is going to have to be a problem for after school..

Key stalked over to where he kept his bras and silicone bra inserts. Picking out a white push up bra, Key quickly clasped it on and gently placed the inserts in. As a woman, I don't look half bad...  Key thought as he checked out his newly added body part in the mirror. A B cup looks so scarily natural on me...

Key then poceeded to slip on his white scoop neck shirt, with black outlining the collar of the shirt. Making sure the shirt was perfectly placed, not showing anything he wouldn't want anyone to find out wasn't real, he then continued on to neatly put on his wig. Gently combing it out, he made sure that there were no fly away hairs. To tie the entire outfit together, Key put on a black headband with large white poka dots on it. 

Since he already had flawless skin, Key decided to only apply a generous amount of mascara and a thin line of winged out eyeliner. Grabbing a small tube of light pink lip gloss, he placed it into his baby pink and black book bag.

With one last look in the mirror and a content sigh, Key headed out of his apartment, ready to start his first day.



"Who is she?" "I think she's new." "Dayum, that girl is hella y.." Key heard many whispering voices as he stepped into the front gates of his new school.

Already catching the eyes of many. Job well done, Gwiboon. You need to give yourself a pat on the back when you get some private time. Key straightened his back up as he walked throught the crowd of people who was starting to swarm. It wasn't often they got a new student, much less one as pretty as him. 

"Hi. My name is Gwiboon. I'm new here." Key approched the secretary in the front office. 

"Ah, Gwiboon. It's nice to see you today. How do you like the new school so far?"

"I've seen very little of it, but from what I have seen, it is very lovely. I'm honoured to be going here." Key sweetly said.

"If you could, fill out this paperwork while I print out your schedule and call the class president to give you a tour."

"Ok, thank you."

Key listened to Ms. Park, the secretary, as she spoke into the phone in the room across the hall. Lee Jinki, huh? I'm going to assume he's the class president. I wonder if he's cute. Key thought as he quickly filled out the paperwork. Woah, woah, woah. Hold on there, Key. Did you just wonder if he was cute? Ok, so yeah, you're supposed to be thinking like a girl, but goodness. A little at a time, fella. 

"Ah, you must be Gwiboon. I'm Lee Jinki, the class president. You can call me Onew. It's nice to meet you. If you'll follow me, I'll give you a tour of the school."

"But I don't have my schedule yet.." Key almost stuttered, seeing the man's good looks. Kim Kibum. What is your problem? You aren't actually supposed to think so much like a girl that you almost stutter when seeing a good looking man.

Onew let out a small laugh. "I must be getting old and forgetful. I have it right here and was supposed to give it to you." He handed Key his schedule and then peered over Key's shoulder to read his schedule. "Oh, looks like we have our first, second and fifth hours together. I'll show you to the classes also if you would like."

"Thank you. I'd appreciate that." Gwiboon flashed a small smile and faintly blushed. 

Blushing now? What is your problem? I remember saying to think like a girl, not to totally become one mentally. You are so in trouble mister. Key mentally scolded himself. Oh, would you shut up. I can think a guy is cute. There is nothing wrong with that. Now if you'll excuse brain, I have a tour to pay attention to.

Throughout the entire tour, Key kept feeling all the curious eyes on him, wondering who he was. Key stopped mid step when he noticed two very familar men leaning up against their lockers. Omo, I know them. What are their names? From the store on Saturday. Min... somethings. They both had Min in their names... Er... I'll just call them 2Min for now. 

Onew didn't realize that Key had stopped following him, so he continued on with his detailed tour. Key didn't mind though, because he wanted to go introduce himself to the two he was now calling 2Min.

"Hi, My name is Gwiboon. I'm new here." Key said as he approched the two males. 

"Noona~ Hi. Welcome to our school." The younger of the two said. That's the dimwit who shoved his crotch all over my . Key nearly shuddered at the thought.

"You look familar. Have we met before?" The older Min asked.

"No. People say I look like my cousin though. Maybe you've met him. His name was Key. He was here the other day to help me move in."

"Ah yes. We did meet your cousin. He mentioned you. I'm Minho. The younger brat is my boyfriend, Taemin." Minho and Taemin. I must remember that. And advoid them.

"Yah, hyung~! I'm not a brat!" Taemin his Minho's chest.

"Ok, alright, alright. You aren't. I was just joking." Minho tried to give the younger a hug, but Taemin pushed him away.


"Banana milk?" Minho tried to bargin.

Taemin's eyes lit up and he hugged Key. "Noona. Noona, did you hear? He going to get me banana milk!" He started to jump up and down, once again rubbing his body all over Key.

"Taemin! First you rub yourself all over Gwiboon's cousin and now you're doing it to her too? I'm sorry Gwiboon. He's a bit...friendly.. We'd better go get him his banana milk, or else he'll go insane. More insane. Don't hesitate to ask either of us for anything if you need it."

Key smiled at the two. "Thank you. Um, would you mind pointing me in the direction of my first class? Advanced English..."

"Hyung! She's in our class along with Onew and Jonghyun hyungs!"

"If you want to wait here, we'll be back and we can walk to class with you." Minho offered.

"Um, sure. Thank you."

"We'll be back in three minutes. Promise."

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i had ch 18 all typed out and then my laptop crashed and erased it. I'm so sorry guys but that update will have to be tomorrow instead


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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 18: Love this is so cute
Chapter 18: Yeepee.. Like it so much. Ill be waitibg for ur update. Take ur tine dear
Chapter 6: Haha.. Key's monologue was so funny. I literally dying of laughing.
Chapter 4: Ohmygosh.. I just start readin this n its so funny. I love all the nicknames given by key. Hilarious. Hahah. And hyperactive taem is so cute
UKissMeAngel #5
Chapter 17: Aw :( Feel better soon :) And its okay lol time update all I Kept thinking was 'Key, When are you going to tell Jonghyun you are missing the WO in WOman....
Chapter 17: finally.. author nim u know i've been waiting for ur update.. please dont tease anymore..
laziestasitgets #7
Chapter 17: Aish the anticipation is killing me, I want to know what Jonghyun will do when he finds out.
Chapter 16: Alright, hope this hiatus will be soon over

Thanks for informing us
musicismyworld #9
Chapter 16: I hope you have a good hiatus! Take care of yourself and make sure to get plenty of rest!