
Gender Swap

"Gwi~boon~ I've missed you!" Jonghyun squealed as Key walked into the apartment.

"Did Taemin not keep you good enough company? Where is he anyways?" Key asked.

"He had to, uh...go home..." Jonghyun awkwardly forced a cough. "So whatcha wanna do?" 

"I want to kiss you. A lot." Key blushed when realizing he actually said that aloud.

"I can make that happen." Jonghyun jumped over the couch and wrapped his arms around Key's waist, pulling him close.

Key wrapped his arms around Jonghyun's neck, pulling himself close. Their bodies molded together perfectly as their lips connected into a slow, passionate kiss. Jonghyun's left hand moved from Key's waist onto the small of his back. Key tangled his fingers into Jonghyun's hair, pulling him into a deeper kiss. 

"Jjong..." Key whispered.

"Hm?" Jonghyun pulled away and rested his head on Key's forehead, looking into his eyes.

"I have to tell you something..."

"Oh..great.." Jonghyun's face immediantly went from it's usual cheerful, bright smile to a slight frown.

"Sit down?" Key offered, peeling himself out of Jonghyun's grasp and lead him to the couch. Jonghyun sighed as Key sat down by him. "Jonghyun...I like you a lot. But... Jonghyun... after seeing you with that girl... I don't know if I can trust you..." Key took a deep breath before continuing. "I want to be with you...I need to be able to trust you..."

"Gwiboon. Come with me." Jonghyun pulled Key off the couch and out of the front door.

"Wait. What are we doing? Jonghyun!" 


"Oh. My. God." Key breathed once Jonghyun uncovered his eyes. "This is amazing!"

Jonghyun dragged Key to a park that was decorated with candles surrounding a picnic blanket and picninc basket. 

"Go ahead and sit down over there, I have to get a little surprise." Jonghyun kissed Key on the cheek before nudging him toward the blanket. "It'll take me only a minute." 

Key watched as Jonghyun ran down the hill to a shadowy figure standing near a bench. "This has got to be the sweetest thing anyone has done for me." Key said to himself, with a huge smile on his face. He did a quick little spin and squeal before sitting himself down onto the blanket and peeking into the basket. 

"Sorry, Chinese takeout was the best I could manage in a short time. I hope you don't mind." Jonghyun sheepishly smiled at Key when he got back. 

"It's fine with me." Key flashed his sparkling smile at the older. "I don't think we've ever really taken the time to 'get to know' each other. So, let's go back and forth asking random questions?"

"Okay, I"ll go first. When is your birthday?" Jonghyun sat down by Key and started pulling food out. 

"September 23. Um...What are some of your favorite hobbies?"

"I really enjoy watching movies and writing songs." Jonghyun's cheeks turned a faint pink. "What's your biggest fear?"

"Heights. They're the most terrifying thing to me. What's your favorite color?"

"Green, I guess. If you were to be in a band, what postition would be?"

"Funny, I was just thinking about this the other day. I think I would be a singer, dancer, and rapper. Plus the face of the group, cause I mean look at this face." Key teased. "What about you? If you weere in a band what would your postition be?"

"A main vocalist. And I would probably compose many of the bands songs.." Jonghyun started to blush again. "Who is your role model?"

"Honestly, I don't have a role model. I want to become a role model." It was Key's turn to blush. "Last question for now. What is your ideal type? Be serious, please."

"Hm. My ideal type...someone with a pale face and very feminine..." Jonghyun was really blushing now. "Really, someone like you. You probably weren't looking for this answer, but you seem perfect for me. You aren't like the other girls at this school. There is something about you that is really different, but I can't place what. You're really a sweet person and I really enjoy your company. Since meeting you, something inside me has wanted to be a better person and stop sleeping around with girls. This probably seems cheesy to you, but you make me want to be a better person."

Jonghyun looked away from Key and looked at the ground in front of him.

"Hey, Jjong..." Key tried to get the older to look at him, without any luck. "Look at me, please?" Giving up, Key grabbed Jonghyun's chin and made him look away from the ground. Key smiled before whispering, "God, you're perfect. Your eyes are sparkling with the candle light and your bone structure is perfect...You have no idea how much I want to call you mine." Key connected their lips again, this time pulling away quickly. 

"Be my girlfriend?" Key nodded with a huge smile. "I have this for you..." Jonghyun pulled a little box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was a small locket with a picture inside of Jonghyun and Key kissing earlier that day. 

"Who took this picture?"

Jonghyun scratched the back of his head. "Um... Taemin was still kind of there... I told him I wanted him to take a sneaky picture of us kissing and you wanting that kiss made that easier for that to happen..."

"When did he leave?" 

"While we were still kissing he snuck out." Jonghyun grinned slyly. "Never doubt the great Bling Bling from getting what he wants."

"You know, that sounds really creepy. Just saying." Key laughed and asked Jonghyun to help him put it on. "I love it. Thank you, Jonghyun."

"No problem, hot stuff." Jonghyun kissed Key on the forehead and curled up to look at the stars together.

Key couldn't help but think about what Jonghyun will do when he finds out Gwiboon doensn't actually exist. He will hate me. He would never love me, a man. He'll think I'm disgusting and never want to speak to me again. 




I should explain a few things. First off, I'm really busy and I've told you this before. It's a lot better though. I'm eating again because I have at least some time to now. Secondly, if you didn't see my blog post about this (I think it may have been friends only...) I broke my thumb on the first and it was hard to type. It's a lot better now, but it hurts with the cold and whatnot. But yeaahh... What else? OH, I've also managed to get hit in the back, so my back is all bruised now and that hurts. I've been having quite a bit of bad luck lately with hurting myself. 

I really do sugguest sending me a friend request if you haven't already, because I've gone in quite a bit in detail about myself in blog posts that would probably give you all an understanding about what's going on in my life... Kind of? I don't know maybe.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, I'm not that proud of it honestly... But you know, at least I've updated. With the holidays coming up, I should be able to update more for you, so be watching out for those.

I love you all so much. Thank you all for reading, commenting and subscribing. You all have made my life and I don't know what I would do without every single one of you. 

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i had ch 18 all typed out and then my laptop crashed and erased it. I'm so sorry guys but that update will have to be tomorrow instead


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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 18: Love this is so cute
Chapter 18: Yeepee.. Like it so much. Ill be waitibg for ur update. Take ur tine dear
Chapter 6: Haha.. Key's monologue was so funny. I literally dying of laughing.
Chapter 4: Ohmygosh.. I just start readin this n its so funny. I love all the nicknames given by key. Hilarious. Hahah. And hyperactive taem is so cute
UKissMeAngel #5
Chapter 17: Aw :( Feel better soon :) And its okay lol time update all I Kept thinking was 'Key, When are you going to tell Jonghyun you are missing the WO in WOman....
Chapter 17: finally.. author nim u know i've been waiting for ur update.. please dont tease anymore..
laziestasitgets #7
Chapter 17: Aish the anticipation is killing me, I want to know what Jonghyun will do when he finds out.
Chapter 16: Alright, hope this hiatus will be soon over

Thanks for informing us
musicismyworld #9
Chapter 16: I hope you have a good hiatus! Take care of yourself and make sure to get plenty of rest!