
Gender Swap

"Good morning class. I hope you all had a good day yesterday and the day before, not having school and everything. Today we are going to be working as partners for an assignment that will be due in two weeks." The class broke out into whispers.

"Will we be choosing our own partners?" A kid yelled out. 

"In a way. I will be picking nine names from a hat. The nine names that I choose will then choose nine more names who will be their partners." 

More whispers filled the class. Key picked out conversations from girls, hoping they wouldn't be paired with him. "She makes me sick." "How could she have gotten so close to SHINee already?" "I've been going to school with them since I was five, and I haven't ever spoken more than nine words to them all."

Key rolled his eyes. He didn't care what the girls thought of him. He didn't care what anyone thought about him. 

"Gwiboon, looks like you and I will be partners." Jonghyun strutted over to Key, a small smirk on his face. He leaned closer next to 'her' ear and whispered, "I can't wait." Key shuddered.

I can. Who knows what he'll do to me, especially after what happened last night. I swear he would have found out if it wasn't for my mom calling me. And I don't even want to be his partner. Not after what I saw this morning. And to believe I've started liking him. What a jerk. Key thought as he watched the other walk back to his seat. 

"Please, move seats to be by your partners so I can explain the project and then you can start brainstorming." The entire class packed up their stuff to move near their partners. Key was the only that didn't move.

"Stubborn today, aren't you? You almost look as if you don't want to be seen with me."

"I don't."

"That hurts my feelings. But really? After last night and the day before? What did I do?"


"What does that mean? What did I do? Please tell me."

"Ok class. So for your project, I want everyone to create a game. It can be any kind of game as long as it is orignal. It has to be able to be played between two or more people." Mrs. Jung continued on, listing the requirments for the project. "Oh, and class, this is worth 75% of your grades. And this is not a night before project. Class dismissed."

"So, what kind of game do you want to do?" Jonghyun asked Key as he was getting up. 

"Figure it out. Don't talk to me." Key pushed his way past the other and quickly walked out of the room.

"What did I do? Why are you mad at me?" Key ignored him and continued walking away.

"Gwiboon," Jonghyun whined and pouted. "I'm pouting and I never pout. Please talk to me. I want to know what I did so I can make it better."

"Nothing you do can make it better. I saw what happened this morning. After yesterday and the day before you go and kiss her?" Jonghyun grabbed his wrist and turned him around. 

"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. I pushed her away, I swear." Key rolled his eyes. "Don't believe me? I hope this will change your mind." Jonghyun grabbed him to the courtyard where a huge crowd of students had gathered. He stood onto one of the tables and pulled Key up with him.

"What are you doing?" Key hissed, trying to get out of the others grasp. Jonghyun just held onto his wrist tighter.

"Shh. Trust me." Jonghyun flashed a quick smile then turned to get the crowd's attention. "For all of you who don't know who this is, her name is Gwiboon. She is the most amazing person I have ever met. I really like her and I would like her to become my girlfriend. But she thinks that, even after us hanging out the past two days, I would go and kiss another girl."

"You would! I'd know!" A girl called out from the crowd.

"Shhh!" Jonghyun glared in the are the voice came from then continued, "I really want her to forgive me, and know that the girl who kissed me this morning really did kiss me, and I didn't kiss her. Gwiboon, please be my girlfriend. I promise, I won't hurt you."

Key looked at him with wide eyes. The crowd was chanting for him to say yes.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this! And I'm sorry it was a short chapter. 

The other day I was on Omegle, chatting with random strangers when I came across one certain stranger who was amazing. I told her I'd give her a shoutout because I shortly found out she was reading this story. So this is for you. I hope you continue to read and enjoy this story. Stay with me till the end :) 
Here is her link to her profile on wattpad (click here)

lf you can find me on there, I will give you a shoutout too! Make sure to put xxiExoticBabyixx as an interest to liken your chance of talking to me.

Oh, by the way, I'm currently visiting family in the US, so that means updates will be slower than I hoped. -.-'  But the time, right now, is 6:00 pm. I'm usually on Omegle around 10 - 11 if anyone cares...

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i had ch 18 all typed out and then my laptop crashed and erased it. I'm so sorry guys but that update will have to be tomorrow instead


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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 18: Love this is so cute
Chapter 18: Yeepee.. Like it so much. Ill be waitibg for ur update. Take ur tine dear
Chapter 6: Haha.. Key's monologue was so funny. I literally dying of laughing.
Chapter 4: Ohmygosh.. I just start readin this n its so funny. I love all the nicknames given by key. Hilarious. Hahah. And hyperactive taem is so cute
UKissMeAngel #5
Chapter 17: Aw :( Feel better soon :) And its okay lol time update all I Kept thinking was 'Key, When are you going to tell Jonghyun you are missing the WO in WOman....
Chapter 17: finally.. author nim u know i've been waiting for ur update.. please dont tease anymore..
laziestasitgets #7
Chapter 17: Aish the anticipation is killing me, I want to know what Jonghyun will do when he finds out.
Chapter 16: Alright, hope this hiatus will be soon over

Thanks for informing us
musicismyworld #9
Chapter 16: I hope you have a good hiatus! Take care of yourself and make sure to get plenty of rest!