Chapter 7

His Dark Past


______ was holding the bunny and walking with Daniel.

“hmm…” she said petting it’s ears. “Aww…he’s sleeping…hmm…what should I name him?”

“the big eyes remind me of Yoseob hyung..” he laughed looking at the bunny.

“Yeah! It does…How about…Yoyo!”

She and Daniel looked at each other and laughed.

“haha I guess his name is Yoyo then.”

She picked up  a few things for a bunny  at the store before going to her house to study.

“it’s small…but I live alone…so I don’t need much space.”

‘she lives alone?’ he thought. ‘I expected her to come from a big loving family…Looking at her…being around her…makes me want to be better person…I can change and forget the man I used to be…Be someone she’s proud to be around.’

He was staring at her the whole time they were studying. She looked at him and smiled.

“what?” she asked looking at him.

‘I’m going to do it…’ he thought and blushed moving her bangs away from her  eyes.

“D-Daniel? W-what?”


“uh…y-yes?” she answered nervously.

“I’m glad we met.”

“I am too.” She said. ‘You’ll helping to heal my heart. I don’t feel so lonely anymore.’

“I’ve never done this before..”


“a confession.”

“what?!” she said just staring at him wide-eyed, her cheeks turning pink.

“Honestly, I don’t care what you ex does to me anymore…I like being around you. Everytime you smile…my heart skips a beat. You  don’t judge someone just by their outter appearance. You’re so genuinely warm and caring. You were the person person I met in this school. I thought it would be hell moving here where I didn’t know anyone. I’ve been spending time with you and…i…I started to develop feelings for you…the first day. I couldn’t believe it…I had never been interested in any girl before but I couldn’t stop myself from falling for you..”

She was still just staring at him and blinking.

‘He just…he made a confession to me?! OMO! This is real? Why am I saying nothing?! Say something! Do something! Anything…don’t just sit there and stare like a babo!!! I think I’m having a heart attack. Am I blushing?! Oh My God!~ I am!!~ He’s just so cute! Saying something before he thinks you don’t feel the same way.’

“I’m sorry…I just blurted that out…I never even thought about how you’d feel…you probably like someone else…I’m so stupid…I’m going to leave now.”

He grabbed his stuff and walked to the door.

“N-No! Daniel wait!” she said and ran to hug him from behind. “sorry I just.”

“You don’t feel the same I get it.”

“I didn’t say that..”

“you didn’t say anything…” he pointed out. “I took that as a rejection.”

“I like you too! I like you a lot! You’re the first guy I’ve liked since you know who. He broke my heart and I never thought I’d like anyone else and then I met you…Please don’t go.”

He turned around and held close, her hair. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. She caressed his cheek and kissed him back.

‘Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!’ L Joe thought as he watched from the window like the peeping tom, stalker freak he is. ‘she may be kissing you now…but…I’m not done…I won’t give up until she’s mine again.’



“So this means you’ll be my girlfriend?” he asked looking in her eyes. She smiled and nodded.



“it means I am your girlfriend…from the moment we kissed.” She said. He smiled and hugged her tight. “Now let’s get back to studying.”

She snuggled up to him on the couch and took out her notes.

“No! NO! NOOOO!!!!!’ L Joe thought. ‘Wh-WHOA!~’

He lost his balance and fell.

“Eww…what’s that smell? smells like…UGH!” he groaned. “Dog Poop?! I landed in dog poop?! Where’s the damn dog? ______ doesn’t even have a dog…This is so gross….”

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parkhyojin169 #1
The ending~!
joonglove02 #2
Chapter 13 told you I'd be back :) Hehehe :)
joonglove02 #3
chapter 13;)
omg!! lots of love for this story!! thumbs up!! me like it!! haha
nylsirhak #5
OOH Gikwang my baby im totally gonna read it!
Hamsterland_95 #6
oh my!! love your story!!<br />
<br />
so cute!!!
nylsirhak #7
AWWWWW cute and they ed muahahaha. really cute story i loved it.
Awwwwe soo cute. It was very good.<br />
FanficLover96 #9
Ohhh..... The ending was sooo happy!!! :)))) <br />
Great story! :)