Chapter 21

His Dark Past



It took a while but he was back to his normal self, joking with Yoseob.

“yah!~ Don’t make me laugh it still hurts.” He said. “They said it can take a few months to completely heal…”

“Well you have a gorgeous adorable nurse taking care of you.”

“Oh you mean Jinho? You want me to get his number for you?” Daniel teased.

“Want me to punch you?”

“Don’t you dare.” ______ said walking in the door. “Oppa, don't hurt my patient."

 “See what that’s the nurse I meant. Hey where were you?”

“L Joe is here..”

“L Joe?” the guys said in unison.

“we’re friends..”


“yes…friends…he wants to talk to you though.”

“Okay…I wanna talk to him too.” Daniel said.

“I’ll send him in.” she said and gave him a quick kiss. “Come on Teddy Bear Yoseobbie Oppa!~”

She dragged him out.

“Byunghun-ah…go on in…he’s waiting for you.”

“You mess with him…I will hurt you!” Yoseob warned. “Got that punk?!”


“Come on! Let’s go!”

She pushed Yoseob down the hall and L Joe went in the room.

“Oh hey.”

“Hey..” L Joe said softly. “How are you feeling?”

“well it hurts to breathe sometimes but the pain is less and less.”

“it should be me right now…You realize you saved my life twice? I don’t understand why…”


“yeah that time you were ordered to kill me and you didn’t…you spared my life.”

“You’re younger than me. There’s still a lot of life for you to experience.”

“You’re what…a year older than me…you still have life to live too…with ______.”


“I just want her to be happy even if it’s not me she’s smiling and laughing with. At least she’s smiling and laughing again. Why did you save me this time?”

“I thought she might still be in love with you..”

“are you stupid? She’s not…I know she’s not…Why would you think that?”

“She told me about your past together…you were close and in love.”

“maybe I didn’t love her enough…”

“you’re willing to give her up…you do love her enough.”

“you were willing to give her up to me..” L Joe said. “Don’t…Don’t ever leave her side. Don’t take her for granted. I know you don’t but I’m just saying. I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too for the drama…I keep saying that and then realizing it can be taken two ways but I mean it two ways.” He said. L Joe laughed.

"thank you by the way...for saving my life..."

"youre welcome...but we're both not dead yet."

“How about we start over and maybe be friends?”

“Okay…lets do that…Hi I’m Daniel Chae..”

“Nice to meet you…Lee Byunghun…but call me L Joe.”

“Lee Byunghun-ssi. Sorry old habit.”

“Oh you like to start Drama?”

They laughed and shook hands.

They were talking for a while. Neither of them knew they’d get along so well.

His male nurse, Jinho, walked in.

“Oh a new friend. Where your really cute friend that your girlfriend calls a teddy bear? I like seeing him but this one is cute too. I like having you here…I see cute guys.” He said. “I’ll be back to check on you later.”

“interesting…he just checked me out?”

“I’m used to that already…feels like I was just talking about him.”

He told him about the nurse thing Yoseob had said before he arrived and L Joe started to laugh.

______ came in and saw them laughing and talking.

“Oh MY GOD! This is either a dream or…the end of the world!”

“Overly dramatic!~” Daniel teased.


“Yah! You know what I’m capable of.” Daniel said.

“Yeah…failing at kill someone.”

“Y-Yah! I’m your hyung!”

“oh Sorry!~~~” L Joe said holding up his hands in defense.

“I should’ve killed him.” Daniel sighed. “too late…I can’t now.”

“Who would’ve thought you two would actually be getting along?”

“getting along?! He just said he should’ve killed me!”

“Oh and you’re so tough?” ______ asked. “Byeongari..” she muttered.

Both guys turned to look at her.

“what did you say?” Daniel asked.

“Oh I know what she said…Byeongari? You calling me a chick.”

“you had pink hair.”

“Ooh!~” Daniel laughed. “Ouch! I shouldn’t have done that.”

‘Well she talking to her ex and I’m not even jealous. That’s different…usually I’d be pissed to be near him…but he and are actually becoming friends. It's easier to control my anger lately..'



Ooh~ Yay!~ Daniel and L Joe are friends now!~ Of course it's easier to control the anger Daniel...L Joe isn't being a meanie doo doo head anymore XD

i was only going to have 21 chapters but i edited and added to make it into 2. So theres one more after this one


 ◄[ ^ ♠ ^ ]►

        v~{   ☺   }~v       

 U     U

yeah...that thing up there is supposed to be a puppy...kind of a FAIL!~  it looks like a sheep..XD

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parkhyojin169 #1
The ending~!
joonglove02 #2
Chapter 13 told you I'd be back :) Hehehe :)
joonglove02 #3
chapter 13;)
omg!! lots of love for this story!! thumbs up!! me like it!! haha
nylsirhak #5
OOH Gikwang my baby im totally gonna read it!
Hamsterland_95 #6
oh my!! love your story!!<br />
<br />
so cute!!!
nylsirhak #7
AWWWWW cute and they ed muahahaha. really cute story i loved it.
Awwwwe soo cute. It was very good.<br />
FanficLover96 #9
Ohhh..... The ending was sooo happy!!! :)))) <br />
Great story! :)