Chapter 13

His Dark Past


Daniel and ______ had gotten their ice cream and he shared a bite of his with her. She offered him a bite of hers but when he tried to take a bite she pulled it away.

“yah!” he said. She giggled and put it by his mouth again. He made another attempt to bite it but he failed again when she pulled it away. ‘ah…I know…she can’t resist the puppy dog face. The eyes…and the pout…that’ll get her.’

“aww…here.” she laughed. He eyed her suspiciously before leaning forward to take a bite. This time he succeeded. “You know I can’t resist that aegyo of yours!~”

“exactly!” he said. “Uh oh! Ow!~~~ BRAIN FREEZE!~~~”

He scrunched up his nose, squeezed his eyes shut, and made a puffers face. He gripped his hair and kicked his feet.

“Okay…I’m good..” he said and exhaled. He looked at her. “What?”

“Omo!~ you should have seen how cute you were just now!~” she  giggled and kissed his cheek.

“I shouldn’t have taken such a big bite so fast…”

“My boyfriend...”

 “what? why are you looking at me like that?”

“You’re always doing adorable things so I have a hard time believing you were a ex-almost gangster.”

“I am gangsta Yo!~”Daniel said. He pounded his fist over his heart twice, kissed his two fingers, and made a peace sign. She wrapped her arms around him.

“I have the cutest boyfriend…I don’t like how Hyuna checked you out.”

“Ugh…me neither…Yah!~ Are you jealous?”

“ew…It’s like you take off those glasses and suddenly everyone is attracted to you.”

“Like Elmo said…the Clark Kent and Superman thing. Because a pair of fake glasses can turn you into a completely different person! Haven’t you noticed?! They sealed in my superpowers!” he teased and she smacked his arm playfully.

“you really are a dorky nerd.” She said.

“Yes ma’am!~” He said. She smiled giggled and her ice cream.

“but you’re my nerd…” she said and sighed.

“what was with that sigh?”        

“I felt so special…because I was the only one that saw through the exterior and noticed what an amazing person you really are…I just want to be selfish for once and not share you with anyone.” She said and he blushed. He kissed the top of her head and smiled.

“I want to be selfish too!~” he whined. “Give me your whole day tomorrow.”


“We’ll go to the beach…maybe ride bikes, a picnic..”

“You’re going all Boys Over Flowers on me?” she asked.

“maybe?~ I love Boys over Flowers.”

“Me too!~ Lee Min Ho is so beautiful! His dimples. His smile.”

“Yah!~ Boyfriend! Right Here!~” He pouted and crossed his arms. “If you love Lee Min Ho so much why don’t you marry him?!”

“Should I?” She said. “Will you help me find him?”

“Y-Yah!” He whined. She giggled and kissed his cheek.

“Mr. Sulky Puppy. We’ll go with your Boys Over Flowers date…but only if you promise not to disappear in the end?! Promise!”

She held out her pinky. He smiled and hooked his pinky with hers and pressed their thumbs together.

“I promise.” He said. ‘where would I go? I have what I want and need right here…with you.’


“But as for you marrying Lee Min Ho…No way! I Oppose That Man!! I told you I want to be selfish too.” He grinned. She giggled.

“Aw…you’re so cute when you’re jealous.” She said.

“Hmph!” He pouted.

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parkhyojin169 #1
The ending~!
joonglove02 #2
Chapter 13 told you I'd be back :) Hehehe :)
joonglove02 #3
chapter 13;)
omg!! lots of love for this story!! thumbs up!! me like it!! haha
nylsirhak #5
OOH Gikwang my baby im totally gonna read it!
Hamsterland_95 #6
oh my!! love your story!!<br />
<br />
so cute!!!
nylsirhak #7
AWWWWW cute and they ed muahahaha. really cute story i loved it.
Awwwwe soo cute. It was very good.<br />
FanficLover96 #9
Ohhh..... The ending was sooo happy!!! :)))) <br />
Great story! :)