The Happy Moment ~

Teenage Dream ~

That afternoon when the sun was shining brightly down to the room a slight movement came from one of the beds, shockingly Ji Young was the one who got up first, Ji Young is actually one of the hardest to get up but because she was very hungry so she had to get up. With her eyes half open and her hair as messy as a bird nest, she look to the other side of the bed and saw Dan Bi sleeping soundly. 

She got up and walk her way to the bathroom, she washed her face and combed her hair and tie it into a ponytail. She went out of the room and went downstairs and found the boys sleeping on the couch. The TV was on and Yongguk was holding a cup in his hand while sleeping, but luckily there was no water in it. She went back upstairs brought down six pillows from the cupboard and four blankets.

She took the cup from Yongguk and place it down on the small table then she slids the pillow under his head, she slid the next pillow under Youngjae's head who was sleeping on Yongguk's leg. Then she moved the maknae's head slowly so that he was sleeping comfortably and placed the pillow on under his head, and she put the blanket on top of them. She did the same thing to the other three. She was about to move to the kitchen when she saw that they were still wearing their mask so she took their mask off and put it beside them. When she saw their faces she was kind of shock because she thought that Youngjae was lying to her when she said that the rest were part of he B.A.P'S.

Ji Young took the cup and was on her way to the kitchen when she heard a faint gasp from the stairs. Ji Young turned around and saw you on the stairs with your mouth open and you drop your phone. You turn to the smiling Ji Young and she gestured you to her. You walk to her slowly but your eyes were still on the six boys. You went in the kitchen straight and when Ji Young right behind you, you turn to her and eyed her. "Unnie ! What is this... ww-hhat is going on... ?"

Ji Young just kept calm like she was not shock at the six boys sleeping in the living room couch.. she walk to the sink and washed the cup "Unnie.. the boys that help us just now.. is i-ii-itt rr-re-really ttt-the boys that are sleeping on the couch in front ?" You look at ther with wide eyes, Ji Young wiped her hands and look at you and nod, you felt like fainting when she nod. "Omo omo omo omo, eoteoke ?.. they really are here . MY DREAM CAME TRUE !" Ji Young threw a piece of cloth to you asking you to shut up. "Must you shout, can't you see that people are trying to sleep."

"Oh sorry, my bad" Both of you turn towards the kitchen entrance when you heard someone blabbing to itself. "Yah, they took their mask off, I thought they never would. I'm hungry and thirsty is there food." Dan Bi went staright to the refridgerator and took out a bottle of cold mineral bottle and gulp down. "Nope, the boys just prepared the ingrediants but they didn't cook yet. Do you want to eat now or what ?"

You just look at the Dan Bi, she dosen't seem shock about the boys identity. "Waitt stopp, before you guys continue with what you want to do. I want to ask you both a question ?" Both of them stop talking and look at you.

"Do both of you by any chance knew their identity... from... the start." They look at each other and then nod. You let out a sigh and facepalm yourself. "How.. ?"

Ji Young explaind first and she explained Dan Bi's part too.."Well Youngjae literally told me and Dan Bi found out by accident."

"I knew mine too.. " A voice came from behind you and its was Han Jae "You too unnie .. so does that mean, its just me, Na Eun and Soo Hye ?" The three of them nod together. "Why is it always the three of you ... " You complained and went towards the fridge.

Dan Bi puts her hand on her shoulder and points at them three. "Because were awesome like that.." You rolled your eyes and gulp the water down. Then as time pass by you were all discussing on wether to cook or not, as you were all busy discussing the two youngest one's finally have woken up... Dan Bi started to tease them "Oh look the two baby's have woken up, looking for your milk baby girls ? " Before they could answer Dan Bi sanswered again "Too bad, were out of milk. Hahaha.. " 

Soo Hye and Na Eun being their blur self just blinked at what Dan Bi said... we all just smiled at what she said because the youngest are always the fun one to tease especially Soo Hye and Na Eun. Ji Young smacked the back of Dan Bi's head for teasing them "Can you not do that, they just woke up and you are already teasing them. But it was a cool one though.." Dan Bi gave her the WTF face 

"Then why did you smack my head for ?"

"I've always wanted to do that to you, wow it feels awesome."

"Da , I ain't your experiment.."

"Hahahahahah" Dan Bi eyed you "Laugh somemore, go on somemore."

"Okay okay I'm sorry. pffftt" You just shook your head and look at your two dongsaeng. "If you both want water, you can go get it in the fridge"

Soo Hye was lazy to get up so she pleaded you to take it for her "Unnie, can you help me get it" When Soo Hye aksed me to help her get it, Na Eun of course will join "Nado nado" (me too me too)

"Hehe, No ! Get it yourself, we all got our water ourself what makes you both so special ?"

Na Eun just look at you with puppy eyes "Were the youngest, thats what makes us special" Han Jae just laugh at her statement "Being the youngest dosen't give you both the ticket to boss us around, go get it yourself lazy ."

Both of them just pouted,Na Eun stuck her tongue at all of you and Soo Hye followed. Dan Bi just shook her head "Tsk tsk Na Eun you as Soo Hye's unnie are suppose to help her learn manners and not the other way around." She wagged her index finger in front of her face. Na Eun pouted even more and everyone burst into laughter and teased Na Eun even more. 

*Half an Hour passed*

You all were busy cooking dinner, everyone had their own chores. You and Han Jae were in charge of cooking.. Dan Bi and Ji Young is incharge of cutting and Na Eun and Soo Hye is incharge of cleaning. Na Eun has never cook or touch a knife so its quiet dangerous. Soo Hye can get really aggresive when she is excited and her mood after she wakes up is always the hyper mood so is really dangerous thats why they were incharge of cleaning.

Suddenly as you girls were busy laughing and cooking and teasing each other and having fun in the kitchen, someone came into the kitchen all six heads turn to the person and you all greeted that person with a smile. "Oh your awake already, Ji Young go get him a glass of water. Why don't you sit down first Youngjae." Ji Young just followed your orders. Before she came back and resume her work she said "Are you hungry, can you wait for a while. Foods almost ready okay." He just nod his head and smiled.

After Youngjae woke up then its Zelo, followed by JongUp, Daehyun Yongguk and lastly Himchan. By the time all of them woke up , the food is already done. "Okay why don't you boys go wash your face first then we can all eat." They all got up together and walked towards the toilet located beside the kitchen, Yongguk went first when he looked into the mirror he saw that he wasn't wearing mask.

He ran out of the toilet and everyone look at him like WHAT THE HECK. "Guys were not wearing our mask." When Yongguk said that, they started to feel their face ".. where's our mask" All of you just smirk at their atitiude Ji Young just point to the living room "Your mask are all in the living room.. and there is no point of you all wearing your mask now. We already know your identity."

All of you nod your heads, Youngjae and Himchan face palm theirself for forgeting about that. "Right I totally forgot, you already know." Yongguk eyes rounded and it looks like his eyes can drop out anythime. Dan Bi laugh at his acts "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ! The dude, chill you should really see your face." She rolled on top of the counter, all of you just look at her and shook  your head "Here she goes again." 

Yongguk turn to her "The is your problem.. ?" 

"Hhaha, your so funny. Look alrite, even I know your identity, its just you who doesn't know that I knew." She stuck her tongue out at him. "How ? I don't remember telling you that."

"You didn't, but I found out"

"How, did Youngjae or Himchan tell you " he look at his two dongsaeng and was about to kill one of them 

"No you , it was you. Well you didn't literally tell me but I saw your Identification card or whatever it is."

"You what, and you didn't tell me."

"I wanted to shock you, why are you so fussy chill your horses dude. Its not like I did something wrong"

"Hell yeah you did... "

"Oh yeah like what" She got up from the counter and was about to walk to Yongguk when Han Jae stop both of them. "Woahhh STOP !. You both want to fight, fight somewhere else. I don't want Na Eun ans Soo Hye's brain to be corrupted by both of your atitiude"

"Yeah hyung, don't corrupt Zelo's brain. He is still young" Zelo who sat quietly in the corner finally opened his mouth "I'm okay, but you shouldn't fight with a girl hyung especially swearing." Everyone turn to him and he look to the ground to avoid eye contact. You were really shock that he could speak "WOAHH ! did you hear that.." You turn to your friends and they were like WHAT ? "He just spoke.."

Ji Young just patted your head and laugh "LOL Eun Mi he is still a human being of course he can speak -.-'"

"No Younggie ~ as far as I have been with him since the start he has never spoke that much to me.. and even if he does he voice is very very extremly soft" You whispered the last part out "I've always wanted to talk to him, but he so quiet so I don't know what to do . And another quiet dude is Daehyun-shi and Jongup." Himchan explained their atitiude one by one to you

"Okay one thing you should know is that, Jongup and Daehyun are the the quiet one. But Zelo is only quiet when there are girls. But if he is comfortable with that girl, he can open up so in order to make him talk to you have to make him comfortable with presence."

"Ahh jeongmal, okay I know what to do." You nod your head then the girls whispered something to you.


*You know what you should do, you shoudl go to him and ask to be friends or something like that*


*If you don't do know, then when are you going to do it. At least if you do It infront of his hyungs. His hyungs will help you.*

*I agree, ohh and when you pass by Yongguk step on his foot for me HARD !*

*We have no time for that idiot* A smack was given on Dan Bi's head again.

*We support you unnie ~*

*Aja aja fighting ~*

*Woahh hold on, lets do it now. I am shy okay. Done i'll do it but not now.*

*NOW !*

After the whispering, you look at Zelo and took a deep breath and walk to him. "Hi Zelo.. umm yeah my friends want me to be friends with you so lets be friends okay. Hi I am Lee Eun Mi.."

Zelo just look at my hand and blush, he really is shy around girls. He shook my hand slowly and pulled away "Hi Choi Junhoong.." I look at everyone and saw that his hyung just smiled and nod their head so I turn back to him. "Okay Choi Junhoong were friends now, so don't be shy with me kay. Be normal"

With that I walk away, and took out twelve plates "I know everyone's hungry and the foods not going to eat itself so LETS EAT !"

Thats how all twelve of you spent your afternoon together. You know there are more than one reason why they are here. And you hope after dinner they will tell you.


DONE ! Chapter 8 done :) I hope its okay, subscribe and comment please please please. Love ya'll

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Chapter 10: aduh lambatnya kau mau update bah cepat sikit aku makin tua bukan muda HAHAHAAHA love you fatin <3
Thank You ~ ^^
nice story ^^
Chapter 10: pali juseyo
Chapter 8: oii!! update la cepat sikit! =.=
Chapter 6: terbaeeeek¬ lagi lagi! :D
weh, yg prof peter tu kan, aku kena hafal semua ke pe?
Chapter 5: palli unnie...
Chapter 2: lolol soo hye.. she is so goddamn blur sia. nak lagi yo. tak sabar n.n