Confusion ~

Teenage Dream ~


(Na Eun's Pov)
"Haaa ! hajimaaa... i don't know you, please let me goo.... hajima hajima.. yahhh hajimaaa " I whined loudly at the fact that this dude is a stranger and he is bringing me only god knows where. What if he takes me somewhere dark and scary, what if he is a or a serial killer. I started to have this crazy thoughts in my head, then I cried.. really hard.
Jongup was shock when he heard me cry so he stop and brought me to a nearby bench "Omoo please don't cry, I-i-iii ddd-ddin't mean to-oo. I'm here just to help you, I am not some crazy guy. I won't hurt you. I promise.. oh no what should I do?" He scratch his not itchy head which made him look really cute, He took out his phone and start dialing someone's number. I sob while waiting for his respones I was thinking about running while he was distracted.
Before I run, I would like to know who he was calling, he was walking back and forth infront of me while looking at me.  "Oh neh hyungg.. eoteokke." I head shot up when he called someone and referring him as 'HYUNG'. He has a gang ? I asked myself oh no.. I am so dead I better make a run for it while I can, when I was sure that his back was facing me I shot up from the bench and ran with all my might. When I was a few metres away from him, I was about to turn and look at him thats when I hear him calling after me "Yahh, I mean waitt.. don't run. You'll get caught if your far away from me. Stop"
I stop and turned around "I don't believe you. I don't know you.." then I started to run again, I ran wherever my legs took me. All I know is that I want to find my unnie's ~ I am really scared right now. I prayed to god hard so that I can meet my unnies ~ so that someone would save me.. either from the paparazi or the stranger.
(Eun Mi's Pov)
I just followed that dude with suspicion. I don't know wether to trust him or should I just walk away from him. But why wouldn't my feet budge.. I keep folowing him why can't I just run away. Suddenly he turn "Isn't that your dongsaeng running ?" I took my eyes of him and averted my sight to where he was pointing. "Oh, Na Eun.. Thats Na Eun.. but why is she alone ? Where's your buddy ?" The tall dude look around to find his buddy. "Uh there right behind him, chasing her.. but why. Umm ~ why don't you call your friend." 
I just walk in front of him and hid behind a fountain, when Na Eun pass by the fountain I quickly grab her hand and pulled her. "Whaa-" Na Eun struggled at first but when she saw it was me she started to cry. "Oh waeyo ? Why are you crying Na Eun-ah ? Did someone hurt you.. " I look at the crying Na Eun there were the frightened look in her eyes. She couldn't stop crying suddenly this dude in green mask approched us and he had this worried face plastered right on his face.
I look at him angrily. I asked Na Eun to sit down and I went to him while he was walking towards me.. "What did you do to her.." I asked nicely but the tone was full of warning. "I didn't do anthing, we were walking suddenly she started to whine out loud then not even one minute she started to cry. I panicked so I brought her to the nearest bench and asked her to calm down. But she cried even more, so I decided to call my Hyung and when I turn to face her again she was already gone, thats when I saw her run. I swear I didn't do anything.. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her."
"Unnieeee ~ haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !" 
"Omo.. aigoo ~ hold on "
"Ok so why was she running away from you ?"
"Oh that, she said she didn't believe me.. when I told her that I could help her and she has to stay with me she ran harder."
I look at him up and down then up again, I put my hand under my chin and inspect him more. "You don't look bad.. so why would she be so frightened about ?"
"I don't know, but please can you please check her.."
"Rightt.. Na Eun-ah why were you running away from him ?" I went to Na Eun sat down next to her and pointed at Jongup. Did he do something bad at you ? "No.. ii-iits j-just that i was afraid that he was ss-somekind of serial killer o-oo-or rapistttttttttttttttt ! Huaaaaa..."
"Ahh ok ok.. he is not a nor a serial killer ok. He is just an odinary guy.. he and his friends are here to help us for some reason. But remember I told you that everything happens for a reason so please trust him ok."
"Ahh unnie ~ but can't we go together please. "
"I don't know, its really not up to me ?"
Suddenly my quiet partner just showed up out of no where and gave him his approval "Its ok, if she is to frightened then they can come with us. Its better this way then creating a scene." How can he become so cool at a time like this OH MY GAWD !
"Fine, then lets get going."
"Sure, both of you girls have to stick close to us understand."
I look at him "sure, were not 6 years olds" we were about to leave when we saw two people running towards the fountain. Jongup thought they were paparazi's "Woahh paparazi, hide." We all hid behind the fountain, but I think those two aren't the paparazi. 
So we all turn around the fountain to make sure wether what Jongup saw was true or not. When no one was found on the other side.. We all look to the left and right for more hiding paparazi so we walked backwards around the fountain. Just then me and Na Eun bumped into someone.
(Soo Hye Pov)
I don't know where we were heading too, I don't know what feeling is this but here I am running away from a bunch of Stalkers (paparazi) with my hand being held by a complete stranger. Usually I would have pulled my hand away from his grip but I don't know why this time I let him hold my hand. It felt really comfortable. We stop near a fountain to take a break withouht us realising someone was infront of me I suddenly bumped into taht person and I fell backwards with my sliding across the ground. 
"Ahh awww.." I look up at the person who knocked me, I was about to scold that person when I saw it was my unnie. "Omo Soo Hye-ah.." I got up and dust my sore . "Oh unnie.. waht are you doing here.. oww !" I rub my while talking. Daehyun came up beside me and he looked concernec but then his face turn unreadable again. So I am not sure wether he was worried about me or not "Yeah I'm fine, its just that my hurts, other than that nothing broken." Daehyun look at the scratches on my hand and blew it.
Suddenly Na Eun unnie just pushed Daehyun away and look at me, up and down back and front. I don't quiet get what she was doing, but she was turning me around chcking my hands, legs and all. Lastly she put her hands on me and shook my shoulder hard "Soo Hye-ah your ok right, I mean like that dude didn't do anything to you ?"
Eun Mi unnie had to step in before Na Eun unnie rip of my shoulder and I'll be shoulder-less. 
I look at her in pain, like what the heck is her problem first she push my partner away and now hse is going carzy like I've been or something "Unnie, whats wrong with you ? Are you sick? Because I know I am perfectly fine" I look at Eun Mi unnie for an explaination "She's a bit paranoid, because she was scared.. can you like knock her senses out again. She's driving me crazy" I just nod at her and look at Na Eun unnie "Unnie how many legs do I have ?" Na Eun look at me like WTF "Uh two" 
"Okay, the how many hands do I have" 
"Two, why ?" 
"Good, now look at my face is there any out of the odinary amount of eyes, noese, mouth, eyebrows do i have ?" She just shook her head.
"You can count that proves ythat your not crazy yet ! Then whats the ing wrong with you ? Why were you paranoid."
I took a few steps closer to her and she hid behind Eun MI. "Why unnie, whats wrong what are afraid off ? No one's going to hurt you." Just when I was about to reach Na Eun's unnie's hand, Eun Mi unnie got hold off my hand "The s wrong with you, I told you to knock her her senses out and not scold her btw she was just worried about you, you don't have to be so hard on her."I was about to say something when her phone rang 
"Yeoboseyo, Ne unnie ~ Yeah were on our way. Oh jinja, okay I'll tell them." She put her phone back in her pocket and eyed me. "That was Han Jae unnie ~ she said that we have to get out of here fast because there are more paparazi's then before so I am going to talk to the boys for a while, in the mean time I don't want hear you two fighting understand" She look at me and Na Eun unnie. Me and Na Eun unnie just nod our head.
(Eun Mi's Pov)
I started to walk to the boys but I stop and turn to Soo Hye "Yah Soo Hye, you better appologise to Na Eun" she nods and I walk away. Then I turn back to look at them, when I saw them laughing I felt relieved. One problem solve.
 As I was nearing them I overheard Daehyun say something like "... were idols, were not suppose to be seen in public especially with girls. Thats why were wearing masked" I didn't quiet get what he was saying so I pushed that matter aside and walk to them. 
"Yah Jong- ahhh ! Yah what that for you you idiot." Daahyun rub his sore hand that was smacked by Zelo. Daehyun was about to smack Zelo when I arrived. "Uhh okay okay, ermm lets not fight amongst ourself here." He lowered down his hand and now 6 pairs of eyes were looking at me like -WHAT-.
"Errmm, I just received a call from one of my unnie, she said that she is almost there at the hide out, but she olso said that we have to get out of the park fast because before she came out of the park she saw that there more paparazi's than before." 
"What really, so waht do we do now hyung." JongUp asked his hyung but the weird thing is that how could he ask such a panic question while smiling. Is he nuts ? While we were busy discussing about what to do.. I heard laughters coming towards us, so I turn around and I saw Na Eun and Soo Hye running. It looks like a race because when Na Eun arrived first she jumped up and down declaring that she won
"Yeahh I won I won I won whooooo"
She eventually sat down on the floor panting hard, while she was trying to catch her breath Jongup took out a bottle of water and a small towel from his bag. I thought he was going to use it for himself but I was wrong those were for Na Eun actually. He went to her and squatted down in front of her and gave her the bottle, while she drank the water he wiped her sweats from her forehead and smiled to her and she smiled back. On the other hand, Soo Hye smiled at Jongup's act and so did I, Soo Hye got up and was on her way to Na Eun when she trip on her laces but before she could fall down and touch the ground Daehyun caught hold of her hips.
 "Hahahahaha oh wow that was close. Thank You " She just jept on laughing and laughing while Daehyun pulled her up. "Aishh can you please be carefull next time, what if you fall and break any of your bones what am I suppose to do ? You sisters are completely going to kill me. Can you please tie you laces." Daehyun's stern voice made Soo Hye stop laughing, she just stared at him with a thankfull stare. Daehyun was shock at what he just said too, to avoid blushing he bend down and tie her laces for her.
Without me realising I was smiling and I walk towards Zelo and stand beside him while watching the drama going on. Zelo look at me and when I look at him he look away. Daehyun apologise to Soo Hye for raising his voice at her "I'm sorry I didn't mean to rasie my voice." Soo Hye just looked at him and smile 
"Thank you for being so cencerned, thank you for tie-ing my laces, I promise i'll be more carefull. Don't be mad okay, what can I do to make you not mad ?" Daehyun look at her and took a few steps closer to her.
"Just stay safe thats all I'm asking." Just by that word Soo Hye felt touched and she blushed really hard and avoided eye contact. I look at my smiling friends, they look like they were in love, even the cold attitiude boy can be in love its amazning. Then I look at Zelo who was beside me... and thats when we made eye contact. He quickly look away, I can tell that he is a shy boy but he looks like he wanted to tell me something.. but what I am not sure.

I am so sorry for the late update, I was suppose to update it last night but my google chrome crashed last night.. and this morning it crashed for more that 3 time, I got fed up so i decided to wait untill its okay ao yeah I AM SO SORRY ! *BOWS 90 DEGREES* don't hate me.
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Chapter 10: aduh lambatnya kau mau update bah cepat sikit aku makin tua bukan muda HAHAHAAHA love you fatin <3
Thank You ~ ^^
nice story ^^
Chapter 10: pali juseyo
Chapter 8: oii!! update la cepat sikit! =.=
Chapter 6: terbaeeeek¬ lagi lagi! :D
weh, yg prof peter tu kan, aku kena hafal semua ke pe?
Chapter 5: palli unnie...
Chapter 2: lolol soo hye.. she is so goddamn blur sia. nak lagi yo. tak sabar n.n