Popularity ~

Teenage Dream ~

Later that afternoon as planned you all went to the skateboard park, well you actually had to be draged out of the house. You some how didn't feel like going there today, and so that is how you had the frown on your face. Ji Young felt sorry for draging you but she figured out that this would be a good opportunity for you to be who you used to be. "Oh come on Eun Mi, you know you'll love right. Just like old time" You eyed Ji Young who had a smile plastered on her face. You growled at her words and point to your face "Do I look like I have a 'I AM GOING TO LIKE IT' face on me now." 

Dan Bi heard your words and turn to face you, she had this shock face on her "Wae Dan Bi ? Why are you looking at me like that ? " You look at the way she was looking at you, its like you said something wrong but what ? "Ani unnie, its just that I am shock that those words came out from your mouth." You blinked at her, why would she be shock at my words you asked yourself. "I thought that skateboard was one of the stuff that we all loved most, why would you say something like that ?"

"Ahhh, ani its not that I don't like it or love it. I do infact, I love skateboarding its just that me and the skateboard we don't really give each other aura, you know like work together." Dan Bi finally understood, at first she thought that you might start to hate skateboarding. On the other hand, Na Eun and Soo Hye were busy figuring out the words that you said. Since they couldn't figure it out they decide to ask you. Na Eun understood what you meant but she dosen't understand what you were trying to say " Unnie, skateboard can give aura ? I didn't know that ? What type of aura ? Love, hate, sad..." 

You all look at Na Eun and slap your fore head.. "Aiggooo ~ Na Eun-ah its just a metaphor, don't take it too seriously." You explained to her clearly and Na Eun seemed to understand but Soo Hye was being too blur until she had to ask you a very idiotic question. "But what is a me-ta-fo-re-a unnie..?" Again you all slap your fore head.. "Its not me-ta-fo-re-a Soo Hye, its metaphor. A metaphor is like a word phrase that is applied to an object or action ok" Soo Hye was going to nod but then she shakes her head in a cute manner.

Han Jae couldn't stand her blur dongsaengs so she just told Soo hye to forget it, its not important anyway. Finally, you all arrived at the skateboard place, Han Jae was relieved because she gets to see the park again, same goes to the rest of you.

Suddenly Soo Hye saw a crowd of people waiting at the front gate of the park. "Unnie why are there alot of people crowding at the front gate." Han Jae had the same thinking as Soo Hye "I am not sure Soo Hye, wanna go find out ? " Soo Hye nods her head straight away. Dan Bi joined them to "I wanna join ~" They were about to leave when the three of you stop them, Ji Young held the back of Dan Bi's neck, You pulled Soo Hye's hand and Na Eun looped her hand around Han Jae's hand. "Waee, let us go and ask Unnie." Soo Hye pleaded to you and Ji Young. But Ji Young firmly said no to them and asked them to stay out of something that dosen't concerns our self.

As you all were busy bickering, you reached the gate of the park. Suddenly the crowd of people turned to you all and you all saw that everyone was wearing a name tag and a micophone and a camera. Not even 10 seconds you all arrived there you were all rained with questions and flashes of lights. It turned out that those people were the paparazi. You all were shock and without realising you all were walking backwards. Suddenly out of nowhere men in black suits came and stood in between you and the paparazi.

Suddenly all of you felt each of your hand being pulled one by one away from the park, and when you all realised the person pulling your hands was masked mens you all started to panic Soo Hye and Na Eun started to scream, Han Jae and Dan Bi were beating them and you and Ji Young were tugging your hands from their grip. One of the masked men just shout to his teammates "Take them far away from this place and well meet up at the place we discussed just now arraso" all of them shout in unison "Neh hyung"

Then you were all lead out of the park by masked mens leaving the paparazi behind, you were lead by this tall dude, Dan Bi and Soo Hye took the left route, Na Eun and Han Jae took the right, and Ji Young took the middle route with you. But you were worried about all of their safety so you tugged your hand really hard from his grip and ran towards all of your friends and pulled them towards you. The masked men were shock at your strength "Yahh, we have no time. What are you doing ?"

"No not until you tell us who are you guys. Why are you helping us ?" the masked mens looked at each other and nod. The mask men in blue that held your hand took a step closer and all of you took a step back, you and Ji Young and Han Jae circled your dongsaeng "No one is going anywhere unless we know what is going on, you all used korean language just now. Who are you, and why are there camera filming us."The masked men in red hissed and took a step closer to all of you also

"Look alrite, we promise we will explain everything you need to know later, but now we have to go unless you want all of your faces to be on the paper tomorrow you better come now !" He took another step closer, you took a step towards him "No, unless I know that our 2 youngest sisters are in good hands." The masked men in red laugh "Haha, don't worry. They are in the best hand that can protect them now lets go. Please."

The men in white and black mask took Soo Hye's hand by shock, Soo Hye started to scream. Han Jae ran to Soo Hye and comforted her "Its alrite ok, you follow him. Until we are sure that the paparazi are not folowing us we will come and get you back. We promise you he won't harm you ok, anything you can call any of us. Be brave" Soo Hye nod in fear and followed the masked men in balck and white.

You turn to the red masked men who looks like the leader "What about Na Eun ? who is taking her ?" 

"The guy in the green mask will be taking her, he is one of our best men, so don't worry. Now go"

Na Eun look at Ji Young with fear filling her eyes, they were like asking her for help. "Its alrite Na Eun go, anything call us ok" Na Eun nod her head after getting the encouragement from Ji Young.

"Ok now the rest of us can go, I'll see you all later Han Je unnie, Younggie ~" Han Jae and Ji Young smiled and patted your shoulder "Please take care of my unnie.." You told the pink and yellow masked men.

"Lets go" the blue masked men took your hand and both of you ran all your way, far from the park, from the noisy paparazi. This is the first time you were all seperated with each other. But you, Han Jae and Ji Young are more worried about Dan Bi, Na Eun and Soo Hye the most.

Who are these guys, how do they know about the paparazi ? Why would they save us ? Questions started to fill your mind.. but one thing you know you will defnitly find out all the answers you want after you meet up with the rest.


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Chapter 10: aduh lambatnya kau mau update bah cepat sikit aku makin tua bukan muda HAHAHAAHA love you fatin <3
Thank You ~ ^^
nice story ^^
Chapter 10: pali juseyo
Chapter 8: oii!! update la cepat sikit! =.=
Chapter 6: terbaeeeek¬ lagi lagi! :D
weh, yg prof peter tu kan, aku kena hafal semua ke pe?
Chapter 5: palli unnie...
Chapter 2: lolol soo hye.. she is so goddamn blur sia. nak lagi yo. tak sabar n.n