That Dream Again ~

Teenage Dream ~

"Take it Eun Mi please. I insist" You woke up in a shock state, sweats trailing down you forehead down your spine. You were puzzled and didn't know how to react. You felt so tired, because you have been having the same dream since the day you wraped up your video. You asked yourself why would the lady in your dream insist you to take the 'THING'.

As you were busy putting the puzzle pieces of your dream together, you heard ball bouncing downstairs. When you glanced at the clocked it was 3.30 a.m "Who would be playing ball at 3.30 in the morning" Suddenly you remember the story that Han Jae told you, about a basketball player who jumped down a building near the apartment you were all living due to stress.

You took a bat that you've won during your school's family day. You opened the door slowly and look to left and right for any mischevious things or acts or person. You descend the stairs slowly, when you reached the last step you turn around and walk backwards towards the living room. Suddenly you felt a touch on your shoulder, you were shocked so you fell down to the floor squatting the bat was waved side to side while you were throwing out crap from your mouth

"AHHHHH !!! Ohh ghost of basketball player or who ever you are I didn't do any harm to you. I was just finding out where did that noise come from, maybe it was you right.Do you want chicken I'll get you one you must be hungry." 

As you were busy talking crap on the floor like an idiot, you heard a familiar laugh. Your head shot up in a second without hesitation and shockingly you saw Dan Bi on the floor laughing and did I mention REALLY HARD !. Eventually she bumped her head on the side if the sofa for rolling while laughing too much. 

You balled your fist and you stare at Dan Bi. In a shaky and stern voice you called her "Chhhhooooiiiii Daaaannnn !!!" she finish laughing by the time you called her.

She got up while whiping her tears away "Haa, that was funn, Whoo my head."When she saw your face she started to laugh out LOUD again.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Unniiiiieeeee !! hahahahahaha" you were shock at her, how could she laugh at you..

"Yahhh ! STOP !" Dan Bi eventually stop while whiping her tears away again. "Ok ok.. if may i ask unnie, why were you talking like that.. like you saw a ghost or something haha ! It was hilarious.. wait till the rest of them knows about this."

When she was about to run upstairs you quickly blocked her way "Don't you dare.. i'll kill you, I have a bat in my hand" You gave her a growl. 

"Well let me see, catch me and i'll let it lose and fade away" you were just about to argue, she past by you like a wind. You stood there like a statue for a few seconds, stunned ! When you got your senses back you ran after her with a bat flying in the air. "Yahhh don't you dare.. " but she was way in front of you no matter how fast you ran.

"Guyss wake up, i've got an intresting to tell you" Dan Bi who burst in bedroom first tried to wake everyone up. "Everyone go back to sleep... " you shouted and felt relieved when you saw them still sleeping. "Aww come on sleepy heads get up. " Dan Bi who jumped on each and everyons bed earned a growl and a slap on her nice white long legs.

"Come here you, don't you dare missy. Wait till I get my hands on you." You ran to her who was on Na Eun's bed. Dan Bi jumped off her bed and jumped on Soo Hye's bed. You followed, you jumped over Na Eun's bed  and off. On and over Soo Hye's bed and so on. When Dan Bi was ready to jump over Han Jae's bed, Han Jae caught hold of Dan Bi's left leg and she fell on top of Han Jae.

You ran to her quickly and caught her "Gotcha, deals over miss. I win, and you shush it. Do I make myself clear" you turn her around so she was facing you

"Yeah sure crystal, but why. Can I please tell them. When will we ever see you like that, never right. Its a good thing.. we don't see you funny side anymore.. cause you aren't funny but thats not the point" That comment earned her a nice whack on her head

"IDC, whatever it is I want you to keep it a secret understand" you shook her shoulders hard. Dan Bi who was tired of running couldn't fight back anymore so she surrendered.

"Oh finnee.. your such a spoiler. Loosen up abit, I hope you get a boyfriend fast so you can loosen up and have fun just like last time. Your so ughh now" You let her go and gave her a soft smile.

"I'm sorry ok, but if I act like you guys too then there is no one to control you hooligans ok. Now go to sleep, you woke me up at 3 in the morning. Oh and why were you downstairs anyway."

"Ohh right, i couldn't sleep so I thought I could do some dribbling then go back to sleep" you gave her the 'ARE YOU SERIOUS FACE'

"You've got to be kidding me, ugh whatever I am going to sleep. You woke me up for nothing, nite and KEEP THE WHATEVER HAPPEND JUST NOW TO YOURSELF ok" Dan Bi rolled her eyes and lied down.

"Yeah yeah ok. I'll keep it." when she promised you she'll keep it, she smiled to herself while planning something.




"She was freaked out like crazy, you should have seen her face." you were madly mad with Dan Bi, she promised you to keep it a secret. You put one hand under your chin and the other balled up into a fist on the table. "Ughh my godddd" You shaked your head. You just can't belive she blurted it out.

You were hanging out with your friends during recess at the cafeteria. You had a good mood since morning until Dan Bi decided to blurt out the stupid act you did this morning. "What, I thought i should share it with them since we haven't that side of you since the day  _____ sunbae ermm hmm ~ uhh passed away"

You were shock at your friends attempt that they would she would say his name"Wha.. what are you all talking about, i have not changed I'm still the me, No one else" You tried explaning to them, eventhough _____ sunbae's death is one of the cause why but they shoudn't be bothered.

"Yeah you're stuttering again, you are a very very very bad lier you know that right" Ji Young eyed you while crossing her arms. Han Jae patted you on the back "You should really let go, relax we are not hooligans and crazy and excited all the time right." You gave another person today another 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME LOOK'.

Han Jae quickly corrected her sentences " Well not realy but we know when to act properly. You raised us well halmunie ~ Haha, so just let go ok. I don't want you to stress yourself so much. Don't think about us too much." Everyone chuckled while nodding their heads. 

Then suddenly Soo Hye points at you "I forbid you from now on Lee Eun Mi to act so serious, starting from this point we wil teach you how to loosen up." You stared at her finger, you took her finger and pulled it down " And who are you to forbid me, who are you to point your finger at me my dear Lim Soo Hye" Soo Hye being her blur self didn't quiet catch what you were trying to say "Ehhh ~ ? "

Ji Young took your attention away from Soo Hye before you start nagging. "Whatever it is, this afternoon we are going to go skatebording like we always do. From there we will have a ceremony where we will change your umm this to yourself" She gestured to your whole body up and down.

"But you gestured to the whole of me" 

"Uhh yeah I meant the you now. Ok so this afternoon you better be ready. Now lets go because the bell has rung, I don't want detention" You had to agree to them, there was no point fighting againts them when they are really determined in doing something.

"I like your old self unnie your old self gives advice in a cool way. Your new self just make you talk like a real HALMUNIE, and i know how you hate us calling you that. If you want that to stop you should really be yourself and not hide your feelings." Na Eun who just appears beside you gave a completely comforting comment and encouragement to you.

"Thanks Na Eun, I'll try my best. Say I remember beating you to class all the time before I well changed right.." You eyed her and started runnning. Everyone was shock at your sudden action. You passed them and said "Race you all to class, I am not sticking up for any of you if you're late. Take note" and you stuck your tongue out at them and ran.

"Did she just" Han Jae who was stunned eventually look at Dan Bi but finds her missing. "Oh no you won't unnie, everyone knows I am better thanks to my long legs." and thats how you all went back to class. 


My Frist chapp.. sorry for the TYPO. do read and subscribe and comment. :)


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Chapter 10: aduh lambatnya kau mau update bah cepat sikit aku makin tua bukan muda HAHAHAAHA love you fatin <3
Thank You ~ ^^
nice story ^^
Chapter 10: pali juseyo
Chapter 8: oii!! update la cepat sikit! =.=
Chapter 6: terbaeeeek¬ lagi lagi! :D
weh, yg prof peter tu kan, aku kena hafal semua ke pe?
Chapter 5: palli unnie...
Chapter 2: lolol soo hye.. she is so goddamn blur sia. nak lagi yo. tak sabar n.n