His Identity ?

Teenage Dream ~

(Dan Bi's Pov)

"Ok fine but I am going to find out the truth, because its the first time inyears finally I get to see your smile."

Dan Bi was determined to make him stay, and she was determined to keep that smile.. thats her promise to herself

-Minutes before-

"Ha... ha.... ha.... wait.. can.. we just.. stooppp!" I wailed loudly while gasping for air, while tugging his hand his hand asking him to stop. He was running like there was no tomorrow. "At least slow down or something, I am still a human who needs air to liveeeeeeee!" 

He just abruptly stop and I knock myself onto his hard back and my whole body bounced at the impact and I fell down with my kissing the ground. He didn't turn his body as if he didn't feel the impact "What.. its hasn't been 5 minutes yet " He look at the clock then turn to see me, and he looks down and laughed.

"HAHAHAHAHA !..." he was laughing really hard while holding his stomache. "Yeah well, if its not because of your sudden stop and hard metal type of body I wouldn't be sitting here on the ground" I eyed him and I blew my bangs that covered my face.

"Excuse me, I don't think the problem came from me. I think your made from rubber, if not how would someone bounce this much" He points at you and burts out laughing again. I got up, dust the dirt of my pants then I eyed him and smirk. I walked up to him without him realising it, I balled my fist and when I was just about to get revenge I heard some faint voices from a distance shouting

" Look! There they are! Catch themmm!"

When I turn around, thats when I saw the Paparazi's chasing after us.. Yongguk snap out of his world of mocking me and just took my hand make a run for it ", thats one of the reason why we are running fast Choi Dan Bi. Now use you athlete side and your beautiful long legs and run." You just laugh at his statement " Yeah well thanks, I know I have a pair of beautiful long legs. You were checking me out. Haha." He was like "Jyeahh right, as if.. your not that pretty. Can you please run faster .. your like a deaf rubber snail."

"Excuse me, but does this face look like an athlete to you? and who you calling a deaf rubber snail, you weird mothaa." 

"But you are an athlete right? I mean you are the head of the basketball team and you have long legs why won't you use them. Your an idiot. You swear too much btw." You snap your head at him "Excuse me, stfu. If you're done.. can we run now? As you can see, they are nearing us. You want to see me run, fine wish granted."


I think he is some stalker freak but I push the ridiculous thoughts aside "Wait I want to ask you something?" He hissed at you "Aishh.. now..? while we are running from a bunch of crazy aliens from the writers world known as the paparazi's?"

"Right. Run first questions later.." 

"Just follow me.. and don't you dare let go fo my hand. I'll be in big trouble if I lost you.. understand"


After god knows how many minutes we've been running, this tall idiot decides to hide inside a cafe. A cafe. A CAFE. Omg, I have to like, control myself from buying these deli- OH LOOK MERCIFUL LORD, MARSHMALLOW CHEESECAKE. 

''phew, that'll buy us some ti- YAH!'' Yongguk looked at me with round eyes, he looked at the waiter who was taking my order and then back at me then the waiter then me.

"What? I'm hungry, fool." I looked at him and then back at the waiter to resume my order. "Excuse me, Miss Choi Dan Bi... we have no fuc-'' 

''A-a-ah. No swearing, mother .''

''Uhuh, says the person who just said 'mother '.''

'', I can swear whenever I want.''

''Well then, I can swear whenever I ing want too.''

'', you wanna play? Two can play at this game. Bring it on.'' 

''Ohoho. You're feisty. I like that.''

''Stfu flag pole.''

''Ahahaha, talking about yourself?''

''I will shove this cake up your .''

''Shove it. I dar-''


I looked at the waiter again and ignore the fact that Yongguk is pissed “Lastly can I have two Iced tea please.”

“Is that all Miss  ?”

“Yes that’s all, Thank you”

The waiter took the Menu’s and walk off. I look back at Yongguk’s face “Look dude, can you please turn that frown upside down it dosen’t fit on a such cute face ughh”

I rolled my eyes, growled and fix my hair. Yongguk look at me with a confused face

“Ehemm ~ whatever. Btw why did you order two iced tea. I didn’t get to drink at at all because I was to busy covering your up but you only think about yourself. Your so amazing”

Before I could answer his stupid statement the waiter came back with two iced tea. “Here you go miss.”

“Thank you”

As soon as the waiter leave Yongguk hissed and complained even more. “There you go ‘PRINCESS’ your two iced tea serve. Have fun.” He rolled his eyes and turn his face so that he was facing the park.

I laughed at his stupidity then I stop laughing and my eyes pierced at his words.

 “Ouchh that hurts Mister. FYI I may have ordered two iced tea but I am not as greedy as you think. I am a girl who thinks about other people too ok. Especially the person who tried his ing best to save my , thank you for thinking about my but its my and I’ll manage it. So drink this before you complain even more ”

I push the iced tea to him and took a sip of mine and leaned back on the chair with my hands crossed. For about 10 minutes of silence from either of us, the waiter came with ‘OUR’ food.

After I thanked the waiter I sat up straight and looked at Yongguk. “Thank you. Dude can you eat quickly before the food gets cold. Again I ordered a TWO PERSON MEAL ok. So hurry up, we still have to meet them, and take that mask off, you can’t eat it with the mask.”

Yongguk just stared at me and shook his head “Fine then your choice.” Yongguk took off one side of his mask and faced the window and pops one chicken into his mouth. I shook my head and complain “ You people are weird

While we were about to finish eating I look outside the window and that’s when I saw Ji Young unnie running with the yellow masked guy. I literally jumped out of my seat and bump my knees against the table and choked on my chicken.

Yongguk look at me with a surprised look, “Woahh there chill, whats your problem.. here drink some water before you die.”

I took the drink and point to the window “Hmmmm  Uhuk uhkkkk, unnie …. Uhukk uhukk.” He look at the direction I was pointing and his eyes went round. “Uhuk uhuk, call him.. call him now.. hurry”

Yongguk took out his phone from his pocket and something fell from his pocket withouth him realising it. I picked it up, it look likes an ID. I turn it around and its states there Group:B.A.P, Name:Bang Yongguk. I look at him but he was already dialing his friends number.

I was in a shock state, I didn’t even realize that he was calling me. “… Bi, Yahh Choi Dan Bi.” He shook my hand lightly and snap out of my dream. I look at the card again to verify it and that’s when I realize that he does look like Bang Yongguk. I saw Ji Young unnie coming towards me with heavy breath, when I was sure that Yongguk was facing backwards I quickly put the card beside his feet and pretend to not know about his identity.

“Ohh look, Yahh dude I think you drop something..” I was about to pick it up, when Yongguk quickly bend down to pick it up. “What’s that ?” I pretended to not know about the card “Ohh its nothing.. nothing that concerns you..”

“Sure whatever.. Unnie here palli…”

“Yahh shut upp.. can you not scream you are going to attract attention.”

 “Dan Bi-ah, you still have time to relax here and drink iced tea.. and OH MY GOD your eating chicken. Your so dead..”

Ji Young was about to attack me when she was stop by the laughing Yellow masked guy. “Heyy haha, ok ok.. you can kill her later. Get some drink, then were off ok.”

“Huh, your so lucky he stop me.. go get us two ice tea hurry.”

I look at her and meronged her.. “No.. get it yourself lazy.”

“I just got here.. can you at least help me.. “

“Ahhhh ok ok.. I’ll  go, stop nagging. I had enough enough nagging from that dude already ughh ! Excuse me… “


I called the waiter and ordered two more ice tea and more chicken for Ji Young because she said she was starving.

The iced tea and chicken arrived. When we were full, Yongguk and the yellow mask dude went to pay. I took the chance to tell Ji Young unnie about Yongguk’s Identity. “Unnie.. I’ve got something to tell you.. but please promise me not to tell him ok.”

Ji Young unnie just look at me.. “What ? and its about a guy…”

I nod my head and told her the whole story.. after I finished my story I was expecting a shock expression from her but her face remain calm. She could still take a sip of her iced tea. “Unnie.. why aren’t you shock..” I shook her hand hard.

“Ok Ok.. stoppp… look alrite I already know his Identity earlier than you.  I even know my own partners identity.”

“YOU WHATT !.... I mean how.. ? I saw his card .. what about you.. did you see HIS card too.. that can’t be.. his my partner and you weren’t here when I was looking at the card unless you have supernatural powers like mind-reading……. OMG Dan bi breath”

I made and big ‘O’ with my mouth . Ji Young push my mouth so that it was closed. “You don’t have to to drop your jaw so wide.. and no I did not see any ID card but he told me happy.. and here they come.”

“Uhhh.. I … whatttt… ok ok Dan Bi relax. Don’t freak out, if mine is Yongguk then yours is ?”

I look at her and smiled “Yoo… Yong… Jae…”

I was about to freak out but I had to control it when the boys came back..  I stared at Yongjae then Yongguk back to Yongjae then again Yongguk. I  felt a whacked atthe back of my head and I just growled and rub my head.

“Stop staring, its rude”

“Shall we go now.. Ji Younggie ~ if we don’t get there in time the rest are going to worry.”  Yongjae offered his hand to Ji Young, and she was shy to accept it.. especially not infront of me. She knows that I will not leave her alone when I see this.. but I bet she won’t  let him wait so long so she took his hand “Yeah sure lets go, you coming Dan Bi.”

“Oh yeahh, lets go dude..” She took her bag and pulled Yongguk..

Yongjae look at her confusedly, “Why are you calling him dude ?”

“Oh its because he won’t tell me his identity. So I don’t know what to call him..”

Yongguk just knock her shoulder and took her hand in one move. “Yeah yeah, enough blabber.. lets just go. Both of you are coming with us ok.”

Yongjae just nod and I smiled. Ji Young look at me and winked she leaned to me and whisper “He’ll tell you.. I know he will.. “

I just nod me head.. and that’s our part of the story. I was curious of how the rest would get to the hideout will they know their partners identity too. I am so going to find out. But I can picture Yongguk's shock face when I tell him about his Identity.. can't wait kekeke ~


Chapter 4 done ~ hehehe sorry for the wait..





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Chapter 10: aduh lambatnya kau mau update bah cepat sikit aku makin tua bukan muda HAHAHAAHA love you fatin <3
Thank You ~ ^^
nice story ^^
Chapter 10: pali juseyo
Chapter 8: oii!! update la cepat sikit! =.=
Chapter 6: terbaeeeek¬ lagi lagi! :D
weh, yg prof peter tu kan, aku kena hafal semua ke pe?
Chapter 5: palli unnie...
Chapter 2: lolol soo hye.. she is so goddamn blur sia. nak lagi yo. tak sabar n.n