Unexpected guest ~

Teenage Dream ~

(Han Jae's Pov)

We kept running and running. He held my hand, but we didn't even stop to catch a breath. I couldn't run anymore.. "Wait, stop can we stop just for a while. I can't run anymore, I need to rest." The mask men looked behind and his steps slowed down, with his concerned voice he asked me "Are you ok ? Do you need water ?" I looked at him and just laughed at him. He looked at me witha confused face but his hand was still holding mine.

"Whats wrong ? Why are you laughing, is there something funny ?" I laugh even harder, and he was confused more than before.

"I'm sorry, its just that you should have seen your face."

"Why whats wrong with my face ? Is there something on my face" He started to touch his face everywhere. Finally when he saw that I wasn't paying attention to him because I was busy laughing he slowly let my hand go and he turn his body away from me so that his back was facing me. When he was facing the other way he took off his pink mask that has ben covering him the whole time. I took this opportunity and spun him around and when I saw his face I screamed

"Ahhhhhhh !!!!!" I let his shoulders go and wanted to make a run, but before I could run he put his hands on my mouth and push me to a tree and pin me down to a tree. "Ok ok, shhhhh can you not scream you are going to get us noticed" I tried to say something "Hmm Emmmm mmmhhmm mmmhmmpphh mm hmmpp, hmm ehmmmm hmmmm !" (Ok, can you let go now, My back hurts)

He gave me the what the heck face and I just slapped his hand away from my mouth. He looked down at his hand where I slapped and quickly lowered down his hand. "Sorry, I just don't want anyone to know who I am" I looked at him while rubbing my jaw because he pressed my mouth too hard until my jaw hurts. "Why, what are you doing here, am I seeing the real person? Is this some kind of TV show where you prank people ?" He looked at me and shook his head "Nope, this is the real me Kim HimChan from B.A.P" You just held your head as if you had a headache

"Ok this is going too far, first the paparazi, now you. What next ?" I just shook ymy head and when Himchan was about to say something my head snapped up and my eyes were piercing at him "Wait if your here, then does that mean ?" Your eyes rounded at the fact that there is more than just Himchan. Himchan just nod his head at my smartness "Well you seem to figure out everything, Very Good" You looked at him and smiled "Thank you, but that means the masked men with my friends are ..." I gasp and I covered my mouth before I could finished my sentence

"Yup the masked men that are with your friends now are the B.A.P'S" I nod my head but then I realised we were in an uncomfortable position his left hand was leaning on the tree while his right hand was on my shoulder. Then I heard a faint voice from afar "Kids this days.." and then a couple voice "Oh look at that, such a cute couple" then some naughty boys voice "Whooo get a room mann ~ hahaha she is all yours" 

When both of us realised they were talking about us, Himchan cleared his throat and back away abit. "Ehemm ~ soo uh, lets go meet up with the rest of them" He pulled his masked string that was hanging on one side of his ear back on. I look at him in an amused way ,he look at me back with a questioning face " What ? Why are? you looking at me like that again ?" I shook my head and stretch my back because of leaning againts the tree for quiet a long time. "Its just that I am amused at how you are going to breath while running with that thing "

He was about to answer me when we hear people buzzing about and thats when we saw the reporters coming our way "Oh no, we better hurry.. you ready." He held his hand out for me to hold so that he won't lose me while his running. I took his hand and gave him the sweetest smile I have ever given anyone "Ready, lets go.. but if you can't breath while wearing that thing tell me ok." He just smiled at me.


So thats how Han Jae ran with Himchan thr hero. Well lots more to update, more POV'S .letss goo sub and comment :) will be appriciated <3



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Chapter 10: aduh lambatnya kau mau update bah cepat sikit aku makin tua bukan muda HAHAHAAHA love you fatin <3
Thank You ~ ^^
nice story ^^
Chapter 10: pali juseyo
Chapter 8: oii!! update la cepat sikit! =.=
Chapter 6: terbaeeeek¬ lagi lagi! :D
weh, yg prof peter tu kan, aku kena hafal semua ke pe?
Chapter 5: palli unnie...
Chapter 2: lolol soo hye.. she is so goddamn blur sia. nak lagi yo. tak sabar n.n