How I Wish ~

Teenage Dream ~

(Ji Young's Pov)

After the really delicious meal, "I'm still hungry I want to eat those delicious chicken again". Yongjae  overheard you whispering to yourself about how delicious that chicken was just now. "Haha you really likr those chicken just now don't you. " I just look at him and look away.. "You know what don't worry when this is all over we'll go to that cafe again ok" He took my hand and made a pinky promise.

I blushed at his sudden move but I manage to hide it from him. At that time my heart starts to beat really fast like I just ran 10 m sprint non stop. Which is a lie because I don't run, I've never felt like that in a long time. Why now ?

"Yeahh urmm hmm.. don't make a promise if you can't fufill it. I hate people who breaks their promises but tends to make LOTS of them"

I pulled my hand away and chased after Dan Bi and Yongguk who was busy bickering. He caught up with me before I even get to reach them, he looked at me and smiled "What ? Why are you smiling like that ?" 

"What makes you think that I'll break this promise and I won't fufill it ?"

"Yeahh lets see umm, One:You don't live here.. Two:You are not like us, your special.. You're a human but you are a human that people love so much and three I doubt you have free time so yeahh THE END ~"

"Aha ! Thats where  you're wrong missy. I'll prove it to you that I am a trustable guy. Wait and see, you'll be blown away."

"Yeahh pssfhhtt suree.. blow me away thenn ooooo. I'll be waiting for that day" And I laughed hard..



On the other hand, Dan Bi and Yongguk stop bickering but they were watching me and Yongjae. "Do you see what I see" Yongguk look at her and then nods "Yeah, but I am not sure if I am looking or thingking the same thing as you are ?"

"I see a beautiful aura, and the most warmst smile plastered onto Ji Young unnies mouth"

"Same goes to Youngjae, since last year I've been with him.. I have never seen him so caring about someone. I see sparks flyingg.. ~ uuuuuu goosebumps man"

"Hmm ~ but I hope to see this smile everyday." She turn to Yongguk and smile, Yongguk seem astounded by her smile. He stared at her for a while and when Dan B turn to face him again he quickly turn away to hide his blush. "Wae ? Why are you looking that way ? Are you blushing why is your face red." He cleared his throat, turn to her and push her head away from his face "Aishh why would I be blushing. Your so annoying, come on we got to get going. Yahh you two hurry up"

Yongjae and I ran to them but as soon as I reached there Dan Bi held my hand and pulled me to walk behind them "You boys walk first, i've got something to tell Unnie ~ Hey and no EAVESDROPPING ! especially you Bang- I mean dude"

When the boys were way infront of both of us Dan Bi spoke "Hooo ~ That was closee." I just laugh at her foolishness "LOL you should be carefull of your words miss."

"Whatever, the point is now How do you know that Youngjae was Youngjae from b.a.p, SPILL." She whispered that part out. "Oh uhh, well when we first split up from each other, he pulled me behind a building and thats when he said that -I don't want to lie to you, so I am going to tell you my identity- but he asked me to keep it to myself. Why you ask ?"

"Ohh wow.. but why I mean like he could have just kept it a secret untill the end"

"Yeah you see, I did ask him that and he said that its the right thing to do and its what his heart wants him to do.."

Dan Bi jaw drop again "Shut Up !.. thats ing sweet you idiot.. so cool ahhhhh I am so jealous.. look at my partner he is an freaking swearing thing OH MY GOD.. stress"

"Hahaha, to be you.. I got an awesome partner and you don't. merong ~" I stuck my tongue out and her face turn sad for having Yongguk.

"Ok fine, I'll let you have the win this time.. but I am going to find out the truth."

I look at her with my eyes piercing at her. "What truth, what are you trying to do. ?"

"Truth about you guys, and its because its the first time in years after I known you I've seen the most warmst smile from you, and I won't let that smile fade. If he is the reason why that smile is there then I'll make sure he sticks by you."

With that she walks infront but she stops and turn back "Oh and I know you like him.. so consider this as a favour" My eyes rounded, "What ! Noo, and if I really do.. yahhh come back here. I DON'T TRUST YOU"

But she was infront where the boys were already, so you just facepalm yourself and shake your head when you look up you saw Youngjae was already beside you smiling. "What did she ask you ?"

"Haha you eavesdrop didn't you" You pierced your eyes straight at him "What noo, of course not"

"Then good because you don't have to know. Mind your own beeswax" I said it in a cold jokingly way.. "Now lets goo."

"Hey you sure you don't want to tell me?" He shouted from behind you and ran after you "Hmm nope, I don't think so.."

When you turn infront to continue your run hewas there beside you holding your hand leading you, and that time you knew that whatever Dan Bi said might be true. Oh and how you wish that you could spend time with him moree. ~


Chapter 5 ~ Onwardss .. haha sorry If this is really boring.. please do support me :) 

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Chapter 10: aduh lambatnya kau mau update bah cepat sikit aku makin tua bukan muda HAHAHAAHA love you fatin <3
Thank You ~ ^^
nice story ^^
Chapter 10: pali juseyo
Chapter 8: oii!! update la cepat sikit! =.=
Chapter 6: terbaeeeek¬ lagi lagi! :D
weh, yg prof peter tu kan, aku kena hafal semua ke pe?
Chapter 5: palli unnie...
Chapter 2: lolol soo hye.. she is so goddamn blur sia. nak lagi yo. tak sabar n.n