Chapter 9.

I'm in love with my best friend.

A couple of weeks went by after the talk with Hana. They held an interview and now everyone knew about their 'Relationship'. The fans was a bit against it at first, especially the shippers, but after a while they cheered them on, wanting them to be happy.
Of course they all once again talked about it and they would break up after Bangs and Hyosungs MV was release, wich seemed to be any minute now.

Himchan and Hana got a long pretty well, no, more than 'pretty well'. They had spent so much time together it almost felt weird being apart, they had become even closer friends and was actully enjoying it and everyone around seemed happy as well, everyone except from Bang, of course. 
He was striking with jealousy, glaring at Himchan and Hana everytime they hugged and held hand. The worst was when they kissed each other on the cheek or hand. The expression he had sent shivers down Himchans spine, it wasn't pleasant, at all.

In the dorms Himchan was never left alone, Bang had become so clingy after he agreed on a fake relationship with Hana. It was comfortable though, after all it was what he had wanted since the first time he layed eyes on Bang so he didn't complain. But sometimes he wanted to be left alone after long days of practicing, interviews and being out with Hana. 
About the others in the group, they didn't seem to care at all about Bang hugging Himchan all the time and never leaving him alone. Zelo just said that he knew Bang liked him and the other figured it out a long time before Bang even realised it, it felt a bit weird for Himchan though. They all acted so cool about what seemed like the weirdest thing for him. But he was still quite happy that they didn't loose their respect for them or being... well.. he was just happy. 

One night Himchan was just laying in his bed with Bang. It was really comfortable and warm until he had to go to the toilet. 
He started moving around, trying to get out of the bed but the other hugged him tighter.
''Don't go'' he heard the raspy dark voice saying.
''Aish, I have to go the bathroom'' 
He just said and released the other grip. He was always like that, he couldn't even leave him to go to the kitchen without him asking where he was going. 
As he made him way out he took up his phone and noticed he had recieved a text from Hana, he unconsiounsly smiled at the screen.

Channie~ want to go out tomorrow? We haven't met in like, two days! It's really boring without you T - T

Arasso. Lets meet up at the coffee shop on the end of the block near your dorm, I realy like their morning croissants. ^^ 

He replied and noticed it was only 5 in the morning, sigh. He did what he had to do, washed his hands and went out, as he entered the room and layed down next to Bang his phone vibrated. Was she awake at this hour? 

Yah, you woke me up, pabo. Ahaha, arasso arasso I'll meet up with you at 10. Don't reply to this though, I need mt beauty sleep. ;3

He chuckled to himself and noticed Bang was awake. 
''Aish, again with the texting, isn't it enough to meet her every day?'' he just said and turned around.
Himchan noticed that Bang was jealous again, he just didn't act like it as much as he would have done before. Remember the incident when he took away his phone and threw it at him? Yea.
He frowned and stared at Bangs neck, it was long and slender, it looked beautiful and perfect. 
''Mianhe'' he said and looked up to the roof.
He couldn't sleep so he started thinking about his relationship with Bang. What were they? They never said they were dating and never said they would go out or anything at all. He looked over at the other and noticed he had fallen asleep.
Himchan sighed ''Were not even together, this is just us fooling around, it doesn't mean anything.'' he whispered to himself. He shook his head and closed his eyes. 

Himchan woke up a bit later and noticed his phone was vibrating, he looked at it at realised Hana had been calling him. He looked at the time. 11 am. He cursed and flew up from the bed almost making Bang fall out of it. He ran around in the room getting dressed and cursing as he hit his toe on the foot of the bed and falling over.
Bang flew up from the bed and walked over to the other who was laying on the floor and helped him up. ''Aish, what are you doing'' he mumbled with a sleepy voice whilst scratching his neck. 
''Ah, thanks'' Himchan said as Bang helped him. ''Did I wake you up?'' he said as he continued running around searching for his wallet.
''Well.. yea, but that's not rea- Why are you running around like a maniac?'' 
''I'm late. Ah, found it!'' he screamed. 
''Late for what?'' 
''...I'm having breakfast with Hana''
he whispered as he went out and put on his shoes.
He noticed Bang standing there looking at him, but he didn't say anything, he just nodded and walked into the kitchen. 
Himchan was kind of surprised by that. He stood up and walked into the kitchen, Bang was just as calm as possbile and was making coffee.
''Uhh.. okay well.. I'm leaving'' he said as he looked at the other who just nodded. 
''See you when you come back, if it's late at least text someone'' he just said.
Himchan just stood there; What the hell? 
Bang looked at him with a questioning face; ''Shouldn't you be leaving? You said you were late?'' 
He just nodded and made his way out of the dorm; Bang is acting weird. He thought as he took up his phone to call Hana.

He made his way into the coffee place and spotted Hana sitting alone with a cup of coffee, she was fiddling with her phone to keep herself occupied. 
He made his way to the table, ''Hello, sorry for keeping you waiting'' he said as he hugged her. He noticed there were some paparazzis in the coffee shop so he had to put on his act again.
''Aish, Channie~ what is this, making your girlfriend wait all alone'' she smiled and hugged him back. 
He laughed and apologized again as he sat down.
They sat there for almost 4 hours just talking, casually touching each other and flirting, giving the paparazzi what he wanted.
They started talking about Bangs and Hyosungs MV too, they had already filmed their parts for the video and they've seen parts of it and they looked pretty good together to be honest.
''Ahh, it's only some final touches to the video and then we just have to wait until it releases'' Himchan said with a smile. 
Hana smiled a small smile and nodded, he noticed something wasn't quite right but he didn't want to ask her at that moment. Later. 
''Yah, should we go. We've been here long enough'' he said and stretched his arms. Hana nodded and they made their way out to the city.
Hana went out babbling about something that happened as they walked down the street but Himchan was only thinking about Bang, he acted weird. He would usually get really jealous and trying to keep him at the dorms. 
''Himchan?'' he heard Hana say. He snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at her. 
She continued talking and he tried listening to her but it was hard, he shook his head and scratched his head. He looked to his side and noticed Hana wasn't next to him? He looked around and noticed she had stopped to look at some flowers, they were pretty and matched her eyes.
''Do you like them'' he said as he stood next to her. She just nodded. He took out his wallet and payed the florists and gave her a bouquet. 
''W-wha..'' she just said and blushed. ''Y-you didn't have to buy them...''
''I wanted too, you liked them and I guess they are a apology for this morning too'' 
She smiled and kissed him on the cheek ''Gomawo'' . 
She looked down at the flowers again and up at him and furrowed her brows.
''I-is something wrong'' he asked nervously. 
''Ani, it's just I don't want them to die'' she pouted. 
They both laughed as they realised that they probably would die if they kept walking around.
''Ah, let's go back to my dorm so I can put them in water? We can watch a movie too if you want to?'' she asked him. 
He just nodded and smiled as he picked up his phone and called for a taxi. 

As they finally arrived at the dorm Himchan got out first and opened the door for Hana, she hid her face behind the flowers and she blushed.
She picked up her keys and opened the door, as soon as they entered they heard laughter coming from their living room.
''Ah, are the others here?'' he asked.
She furrowed her brows and shook her head. ''They're all supposed to be out'' she said as she started walking against the living room.
When they entered they saw Hyosung and Bang sitting on the couch awfully close and laughing at something on the tv. 
''Hyosung?'' Hana said with a frown.
''Ahh, Hana'' Hyosung smiled. ''and Himchan..'' she said as her smile disappeard a little. 
''Hello..'' he just said as Bang turned his head and his smile disappeared and his face changed into a confused face.
''What are you doing here? I thought you would be out the whole day?'' Hyosung smiled.
Hana smiled back and blushed as she glanced over at Himchan. ''Ah, Channie bought me flowers and I didn't want them to die.. so we decided to come here and put them in water'' 
Himchan smiled at her and looked over at Bang, still the same god damn blank expression. 
''And you? I thought you would be out too, not here with..'' 
''Yongguk? Yea I know, we talked about things, It's okay now. We're friends. Oh, and I called him over because I was bored.''
she said as she looked at Himchan. 
Hana just nodded and started walking into the kitchen and Himchan followed her, Hyosung creeped him out and Bang was scary as well. He noticed Hana trying to reach a vase on a top shelf but she couldn't reach it, so he stood behind her and reached after it. He heard someone coughing and looked at the doorway of the kitchen. Bang and Hyosung. 
Hyosung just stood there smirking at Hana. Himchan backed away and gave her the vase and leaned against the table. He looked over at Bang who was standing there with a smile.
''I told you they looked good together'' he just said and Hyosung smiled at him. 
What did he just say?
Himchan just sat there with wide eyes and looked over at Hana who was just as confused as him. 
Hyosung looked back at them . ''Ah, Hana, can you help me plug in the dvd in my room?'' 
Hana just nodded and left the room with Hyosung, leaving him alone with Bang. 
''What the hell?'' was the only thing he could manage to blurt out.
Bang just looked at him. ''What?''
''Why did you say that?''
''Well... You do look good together, I'm starting to wonder why  you two aren't dating each other for real'' 

Himchan walked over to Bang. He was just about to open his mouth when he heard Hyosung calling for him.
Bang was just about to walk away as Himchan grabbed his wrist this time. 
''What's wrong with you?'' 
''Nothings wrong with me''
Bang said as he got out of Himchans grip. 
''Well, something is. You're acting like you don't care about what happened between us'' Himchan whispered whilst looking down on the floor.
''Well you were the one who said It didn't mean a thing in the first place, that we were just fooling around'' 
Himchans heart clenched at that. Oh god, he heard him that time, why the did I have to think that out loud. He didn't mean it like that, he actually cared a lot about this, it did mean a lot to him, he liked Bang a lot, more than he had ever liked anything or anyone. 
He looked up and saw that Bang was already half way to the other room.
''So you're just going to walk away in the middle of a conversation?'' 
Bang stopped and looked at him. ''The conversation was over, I have nothing else to say to you'' 
Himchan felt a lump in his throat, he looked away and went out of the boulding. He was sad and pissed, mostly at himselt for thinking out loud and not explaining himself. 
He heard someone calling for him, he turned around and saw Hana standing a fe meters away from him. 
''Ah.. Sorry I don't feel so good. I'm going home!'' 
''A-Arasso... Take care then!''
she yelled and waved.
''I'll text you!'' he yelled back and waved. 
Aish, why do things that involves him have to up. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. He was not going to cry, not out here where everyone could see him. 
After a while he got tired from all the walking and decided to call a cab, he told the driver where he was and waited.
He looked down to the ground and leaned against a railing. After a while he felt someone tapping on his shoulder, he looked up and saw Bang standing next to him .
He looked down again and sighed as Bang leaned on the railing himself. What is he doing here. 
''Hana said that you told her you didn't feel good, so I told her I was going to check up on you'' Bang started. 
''It was a good excuse to leave the house.'' he continued
Himchan kept looking at the ground kicking away some rocks not knowing what to say. 
''You kno-''
''Why are you here? You said you had nothing else to say to me? Why don't you just go back''
Himchan cut him off.
Bang smacked his tounge and looked over at Himchan. 
''I'm sorry.'' 
Himchan looked up at him and frowned; Why was he sorry. 
''To be honest I was actully kind of hurt'' Bang said with a nervous laugh. ''I confessed to you and...'' he took a breath . ''And then you said it was just us fooling around and that It didn't mean anything. I felt like you took my feelings as a joke. I was pissed off and a bit sad to be honest.'' 
Himchan looked away, he didn't think of it that way at all. He then realised the he haven't told Bang that he liked him. He was sure Bang knew he liked him, considering they had kissed a couple of times and that they have been sleeping next to each other these past couple of weeks. But he had never told him that out loud.
He looked at Bang who was scratching his head and looking up to the sky. 
''I..'' Himchan started. Bang looked over at him with a nervous smile. Himchan took a breath.
''I li-''
And of course he was cut off by the cab honking, just in that moment he was going to tell someone something important. He mentally cursed and looked over at Bang again.
''You what?'' Bang said with a curious voice.
Himchan blushed and looked away. ''Ah.. nothing, the cab is here so..'' he just said and started walking towards it. Bang was right behind him.
''C-come on. What were you going to say?'' 
''N-nothing. Let's just go home, I bet the others are waiting.''
''No, they're not. They told me this morning after you left that they were staying over at Kyungwooks place'' 
he said as he got into the cab. 
Himchan nodded and looked out thru the window as they made their way back to their dorm. He was determinated, he was going to tell Bang that he liked him, but as they got closer he got more nervous. Why did the cab have to cut him off back then. 
He looked over at Bang who was looking out of the window and was fiddling with his Tigger keychain. 
He smiled and turned his head towards the window again. When we get there, I'll just blurt it out.


Hello :3 
Aish, sorry for not updating, I was honestly thinking about stop writing on this one because it's no way near how I want it to be but here I am anyway, updating. Well some girl convinced me to keep going on, she was like ;

so I am. even though I'm not happy with this. 
Well, I hope you had a good easter and ate a lot, I sure did ^^ 



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Chapter 11: Hey new subbie here ! ^^
You wrote a great story ! Like this story based on a real one, in a normal one. The interaction of the characters is soooooo natural. Love it !
Glad the other members accept them happily, even hana !
Totes amazing ! Can't wait to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 12: This story was wonderful!!~~ I'm so glad that in the end Hana understood and was still up for being good friends with channie :3 can't wait til the sequel! ^^
Chapter 7: Ok now I can't stay silent..... oh my....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....*dancing* happy ....laalalalalalalaaaaa : ))
Chapter 12: OMG sequel yayyyyyyy~
Chapter 11: ommo! I loved it *w* can't wait to read the sequel :D
pleeeease just let them be together and happy forever and ever despite what others say and I'll love you even more author-nim! <3
PotatoLife #6
Chapter 11: Ahhhhh I loved it. Well I'm gonna be waiting for the sequel and I know it will be as awesome as this story......or even better
Chapter 11: OMG! THE BEST STORY EVER! I LOVE IT! I'm so sad though that it's ending but I'll be waiting for the sequel. Hehe. Can't wait~!
kola__nim #8
Chapter 1: SO GOOD! i cant stop reading it again and again!
xMiu-Chan #9
Chapter 11: How cute! I loved it! I think Hana's my new favorite Secret member, I empathize with her, however, my BangHim feels are much too strong for me to support her one sided love. Can't wait for the sequel, but don't work yourself too hard, ne?
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 11: yeahhh thanks for your work!!!
waiting for your sequel ^^