Chapter 5.

I'm in love with my best friend.

Bang's POV.  (Warning; It's going to be a bit longer and it's more in ''I'' writing, like he's the one telling you)



I woke up as I felt a huge impact on my head, I looked up and realised I was laying on the floor and a shocked Himchan was sitting on the bed looking down on me. That's when I realised what just had happened.

''Aish! AGAIN HIMCHAN, SERIOUSLY!?'' I yelled and rubbed my head, It hurt like hell!
''M-Mianhe! I was just surprised when I woke up to see you laying next to me..'' 
Seriously? Do you push someone from the bed when you're surised even tho we went to bed when he was awake and fully aware I was laying there? He didn't push Daehyun away, right?
''Tsk, what's wrong with you lately, huh? You're all shaky, you almost never talk to me and now you're hitting me?''
God damn it, he pissed me off, he had started avoiding me even though he thought I didn't notice. What the hell!?
I just got up, left the room and smashed the door, letting him know I was mad. I sat outside for almost 1 and a half hour waiting for him to come out and apologize but he never came? 
I sat there thinking about what had happened the night before, just seeing Himchan and Daehyun so close made me angry, no, jealous.
He was always close to me not them, why did he start to get all touchy with the other members, and more, why did he have to sleep next to Daehyun without a shirt on? He always sleeps with a wife beater!
My train of thoughts got cut off as my phone vibrated, a text from Hyosung?

Hello! ^^ I just wondered if you wanted to go out to eat something since it's our day off? We can talk about our project too now when we have the chance! We have a lot to talk about and we havent met in a while because of our scheduals too T.T Reply as son as you can!

Right, the project. I had forgotten all about it, why did we have to do a song together again? Yea well, the company saw it as an opportunity for both of us for some strange reason. But to meet up with her in private? I don't really know.
I heard my stomach grumble, I got up to the refrigirator and saw that it was almost empy, we had nothing eatable. 

Yea sure, it would be good if we could come up with something for the MV. Let's say we meet up at the noodle restaurant in about 30 minutes?
Since we didn't have anything to eat, why not.

Okay, see you then!^^ 

I entered the room to get dressed as I noticed Himchan had fallen back to sleep. I found myself staring at his sleeping face and upper body and admitted to myself that I was a creep. I can't stare at him in that way, I just shook my head, got dressed and left.
As I walked in to the restaurant I noticed Hyosung was already sitting there fiddling with her phone.
''Ah! Yongguk'' 
she said and hugged me.
''Hi, sorry for keeping you waiting'
''Ani, I haven't been waiting for long'' 

We sat there talking about random stuff for a long time just having fun and talking a little bit about our project. I actually enojoyed the time with her, she was quite fun. She made me forget about Himchan, until I saw him, Jongup and Zelo walk into the restaurant.
He smiled and nodded at Hyosung and he didn't even look at me? What's up with that, he was the one who pushed me out of the bed and slapped me this morning? The only one who was decent enough to greet me was Zelo and Jongup before they practically ran over to Himchan. 
So he wanted to ignore me? Fine, two can play that game. 
I continued talking to Hyosung, she started touching me from time to time which made me feel a little uncomfortable, I don't really like skinship unless it was with Himchan.
I saw Hyosung smiling over at the others, I turned around and saw Himchan smiling back at her with a slight blush? WTF.

A few hours passed by as me and Hyosung turned around because of a huge fit of laughter coming from the back of the restaurant, we both stared at the ones who were laughing, but the only thing that caught my eye was his smile. It was perfect.
I noticed Himchan approaching us and Hyosung just smiled as I saw that she was the one who called for him.
''Hi!'' she just said with a smile.
''Um, hello'' he smiled at her. Still ignoring me.
''Aish, don't be nervous.. I was just wondering why you were staring at me before...''  she smiled. He stared at her? why?
''Oh.. Himchan told me he really likes the new haircolor you have. He thought you looked pretty in it'' Zelo cut in and put his hand around Himchans shoulder. Why did he do that? They weren't exactly the two who touched each other more than necessary. 
''O-oh.. You really think so?'' I noticed how Hyosung blushed at that.
Himchan just smiled and nodded a simple '' It really suits you''
I just looked at him, when did he start paying attention to stuff like that? Youngjae had gone blonde over night once and he hadn't noticed it until after half a day. And why was Zelo still hugging him? 
I felt my phone vibrate and I saw a message from our manager, after I read it I looked up and noticed the other one had got it as well.
''Well. I guess it's time for us to leave'' I said as I stood up and grabbed Hyosungs hand and helped her up. Why did I help her up? And why did I have to grab her hand? I started comparing it to Himchans. Hers was smaller and soft but not as close as Himchans was, they felt more comfortable and warm.
I looked up and noticed Himchan and Zelo was hugging each other and fans were screaming Himlo. Unconsiously I grabbed them and pulled them apart.
''Aish, we have to go'' I just glared at them both, Himlo my , he should be pared up with me, not Zelo.
Wait a minute, no no, he's my friend, stop thinking stupid things.
I saw Zelo was making his way to Jongup and I looked over at Himchan, who as soon as he looked at me, ran over to the others.
I got into the same car as Hyosung, we started small talking and she started touching me again. Why did she touch me all the time?
We all entered the building together and my attention got picked up from Youngjae who winked at me and said Hyosung name.
It's not what they think, I just met up with her for business, but I was cut off my our manager who explained the shoot for us. Himchan was going to pose with Hana? Everyone except for Himchan, who is too blind to see anything, knows she has a small crush on him.
I went into the dressing and makeup room, it was boring and me and the stylists really had nothing to talk about. I noticed Hyosung entered the room and started talking to me which made it a little better and the time went by faster than expected, I really didn't like sitting still and getting my makeup done.
When the stylist left I stood up and Hyosung walked over to me, she was awfully close.
I felt her hand around my cheeks as she pulled me down and k-kissed me? Was she kissing me!?
I seprated from her when I heard a voice coming from the door and I saw Himchan and Zelo standing there with blank faces just staring at us.
Himchan saw us, oh my god, he is totally going to misunderstand this!
''M-mianhe.. I didn't mean to disturb you..'' I heard him say before I saw Zelo pushing him aside and closed the door. I was just about to go after him as Hyosung stopped me.
''You're going to leave right after I kissed you?'' She just said with a angry expression.
''W-why did you even kiss me?''
''Because I like you, why else?''
''Mianhe.. I can-''
''You like Himchan, right?'' 
''...Yea, I do.''

I felt a burning sensation on my face as soon as those word left my mouth, I looked at her and saw tears in her eyes before she rushed out of the door and slammed it.
I didn't even care about her slapping me, all I was thinking about was Himchan and what he was thinking. I searched for him for almost 30 minutes before I walked back to the makeup room and saw him and Hana sitting and talking.
''Himchan, damn it I've been looking for you everywhere!'' I almost heard myself screaming.
But he just turned his head around to Hana and said something as he grabbed her hand and was walking towards the exit.
''W-where are you going?'' I grabbes his wrist. ''We need to talk''
He looked at me and just smiled.
''I'm going out with Hana so I don't have the time now. Why don't you go back to Hyosung, I bet she's feeling lonely'' and he walked away.
I felt the anger build up in me as he said those words, why did she have to kiss me in that moment and why did have to come back at that time! I just kicked the trashcan and tried to calm down before the shoot. 
When It all was over it was already 11pm and we were heading back to the dorm. As we entered we noticed Himchan wasn't back, that just made me feel more angry.
I sat up almost until 2am when I heard the front door open and close, Himchan walked into the room and I snapped as soon as I saw him.
''YAH! where the hell have you been!''
I saw how he jumped at my voice and looked at me startled.
''I-I was out with Hana.. I told you that before I l-left...'' He said, more like whispered.
''Yeah, I know. But until 2am!? we have things to do you know, you just can't run around and ignore that!''
''Aish, what's your problem, keep it down the others are sleeping..''
''No, I'm not going to keep down. What did you do out with her, huh?'' 
''W-why do you care?'' 
''You're out until 2am and not even texting anyone when you're going to return? And why did you go out with Hana in the first place?''

I stared at him and noticed he was changing, oh god, he looked so good. 
''W-what is this? why are you asking me all of this question, y-you're acting like a jealous g-...girlfriend..''
My eyes just widened as those words left his mouth, he was right though, and that pissed me off even more.
I stood up from my bed, went over to him and grabbed him so he was looking at me.
''S-stop playing around! If you're going to be out late at least tell someone, and I'm not j-jealous! I was just asking since I'm the leader'' 
I tried to act cool but oh god, why did I have to studder!
I looked into his eyes and almost melted, those brown eyes were like two stars, they were so pretty and perfect that anyone would have drowned in them. I noticed he was staring right back into my eyes, I really wanted to kiss him.
I leaned in and felt his breath on my face, he was still staring at me with a sparkle in his eyes. Damn it.. he was too close.



HEY, double update I think? You finally got inside of Bangs head a little c:
Sorry for the long chapter though >.<'' I had to make it a bit longer or else it would had come out weird.
I'm really tired now as it's the middle of the night so I'm going to sleep T.T 
Zelo feels me.

Night people ^^ 



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Chapter 11: Hey new subbie here ! ^^
You wrote a great story ! Like this story based on a real one, in a normal one. The interaction of the characters is soooooo natural. Love it !
Glad the other members accept them happily, even hana !
Totes amazing ! Can't wait to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 12: This story was wonderful!!~~ I'm so glad that in the end Hana understood and was still up for being good friends with channie :3 can't wait til the sequel! ^^
Chapter 7: Ok now I can't stay silent..... oh my....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....*dancing* happy ....laalalalalalalaaaaa : ))
Chapter 12: OMG sequel yayyyyyyy~
Chapter 11: ommo! I loved it *w* can't wait to read the sequel :D
pleeeease just let them be together and happy forever and ever despite what others say and I'll love you even more author-nim! <3
PotatoLife #6
Chapter 11: Ahhhhh I loved it. Well I'm gonna be waiting for the sequel and I know it will be as awesome as this story......or even better
Chapter 11: OMG! THE BEST STORY EVER! I LOVE IT! I'm so sad though that it's ending but I'll be waiting for the sequel. Hehe. Can't wait~!
kola__nim #8
Chapter 1: SO GOOD! i cant stop reading it again and again!
xMiu-Chan #9
Chapter 11: How cute! I loved it! I think Hana's my new favorite Secret member, I empathize with her, however, my BangHim feels are much too strong for me to support her one sided love. Can't wait for the sequel, but don't work yourself too hard, ne?
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 11: yeahhh thanks for your work!!!
waiting for your sequel ^^