Chapter 8.

I'm in love with my best friend.

Himchan woke up as he had to go to the toilet, he tried getting up but it was difficult as he felt something holding him back. He managed to turn around and was surprised by the one laying next to him. He looked at Bangs sleeping face, he looked so calm like that.
He layed there for maybe 10 minutes just staring at him at smiling; Yesterday wasn't a dream, he really told me he liked me! He thought to himself and smiled and laughed.
Yes, Bang had told him he liked him, more than a friend. It was still a bit hard to believe but he actully told him that! 
''Are you done staring at my face'' he heard a deep voice saying. 
The voice startled him as he lifted his hands up and the other grabbed his wrists.
''Don't even think about pushing me out of the bed'' the other spoke again.
Himchan blushed and looked down. ''S-sorry..'' he just mumbled.
''W-when did you wake up..?''
He felt the other putting his arms down and hugging him before he spoke.
''When you were about to leave the bed'' the other said with a smile.
Himchan just blushed even more; Aish, he's been awake the whole time I was staring at him! I must have looked like a creep! He thought while shaking his head.
''Yah, what are you thinking about?'' he heard the other say as he tightened the hug.
''N-nothing.. I have to go to the toilet so.. can you l-let go..'' 
Himchan furrowed his brows and looked up.
''Why not? I really have to go..''
The other just stared and him and smiled.
''I'll let you go, If you kiss me?'' 
Himchan looked at him and blushed. N-no way. He turned around so Bang was facing the back of his head.
''I-I guess I can hold it''
He heard the other sigh before letting him go.
''Mean. Go fast and then come back, It's only 5:30 and we can sleep for 2 1/2 hours more.'' 
Himchan literally jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom, he locked the door and stared at himself through the mirror.
He was blushing and smiling, it really wasn't a dream and they were even cuddling. He felt like a school girl who just got asked out by the most popular guy in school, he felt like jumping up and down but no, he wouldn't do that, he was a guy after all.
He did his business, washed his hands and went out from the bathroom. As he entered the room the other had taken all of the space in his bed, Himchan pouted and walked towards Bangs bed and layed down. It smelled good; Of course it smells good, it smells like him.
He once again felt the smile creep its was up on his face as he layed there, pulling the covers around him like a coccoon. 
He felt the bed going down and the covers being unwrapped from him. He turned around and saw Bang laying down next to him.
''Why didn't you come back to me?'' Bang said as he hugged Himchan around the waist.
''Y-yah, you took up the whole bed, how was I supposed to lay down'' 
The other chuckled and hugged him tighter.
''Why didn't you just use some of your ninja moves and push me to the side, huh?'' he just laughed.
Himchan laughed as well. ''Ani, what if I didn't want to lay next to you, huh? Ever thought about that?'' he smiled.
''Pssht, of course you want to be next to me'' the other said, fully confident. 
''What makes you so sure about that'' 
The other just smiled, placed his hand on Himchans cheek and kissed him.
Himchan flushed and closed his eyes and he felt the other nibbling on his lower lip.
He opened one of his eyes as soon as the other parted from him.
''Just a feeling'' Bang said with a smirk.
Bang just smiled and kissed him again as Himchan parted his lips a bit allowing him to enter. 
Their toungs were exploring each others mouths as their hands were pulling each other closer and closer. Bang tilted Himchans head back so he could deepen the kiss, this was definetly one of the best mornings of his life.
As they parted for air Himchan looked into Bangs eyes who were dark and full of lust, his eyes piercing him, sending shivers all over his body and almost leaving him in a numb place. He reacted so strongly to just a kiss; What would happen to me if we went a-all the w.... all the way. Himchan felt his body getting hotter and hotter by just the thought, he wanted Bang, badly, but he wouldn't go all the way, not yet. 
They just found out about each others feeling a few hours ago, it was still too soon. His thought was once again cut off by the other kissing him.
It was hot yet full of feelings. They layed there making out as Bang nibbled on his lower lip, making him moan into the others mouth. 
The sound he made, made him blush even more, as if it was even possible to become more red, and the other smirked and pecked him on the lips, totally satisfied , for now. 
''W-we should get some more sleep.'' Bang said between breaths.
''Y-yea..'' Himchan replied as he put his head at the crook of Bangs neck. 
They both layed there, and wanting to ravish each other as they were trying to sleep. It was hell for the both of them, but Himchan was determinated, he woud not go all the way, not yet.

They both woke up a few hours later by hearing voices, pans and pots outside.  Himchan yawned and snuggled closer to Bang who was hugging him. He didn't want to go up, not yet, it was so warm and comfortable where he was. 
But they both flinched as they heard another voice coming from outside. Hana?
Himchan and Bang looked at each other as they got up, Himchan put on a sweatshirt and went out first.
''Ah, Channie~'' Hana smiled and hugged him.
He was still not fully awake as he just smiled and hugged her back.
''What are you doing here so early?'' he yawned. He was still hugging her, he was cold and she was warm so he wanted to warm up for even a little bit.
''Ah... It's actually 12pm you know, it's not that early'' she smiled even more. 
He heard someone coughing behind him, he looked over his own shoulder and saw Bang glaring at him. Is he jealous? 
He just smiled at Bang and let Hana go from the hug.
''I guess we overslept'' Bang mumbled as he went to the kitchen.
''Yea, manager is going to be mad'' Jongup said with a sigh. 
They all just nodded and fixed something to eat as Daehyun was the first one to speak.
''So... what are you doing here Hana?'' 
''Oh, right'' 
she smiled and sat down. ''Have you seen the rumors that's going around about me and Himchan?'' 
They all just nodded and looked at here, wanting her to continue.
''Well... our manager saw it and he wanted to know what we should tell the press.'' she just said and furrowed her brows.
''There's nothing to tell'' Bang hissed. ''You're just friends anyway, they're making a big deal out of nothing'' he said annoyed as he sat next to Himchan.
They all just looked at him. He is jealous. Himchan thought to himself and smiled.
''Y-yea. You're right..'' Hana said a bit disappointed. 
''But if you think about it, it wouldn't be that bad to lie about them being together'' Daehyun bluntly said making Bang almost to choke on his coffee.
''Yea, yea that's true'' Youngjae said. ''It could be a good idéa, you and Hyosung are doing a song together, right? About love and stuff, and you could have Himchan and Hana being the lovey dovey couple in it. It's a good way to promote your song too'' 
Hana, Bang and Himchan just sat there with a poker face as the other members nodded at Youngjaes idéa. 
''No.. I don't think they would be comfortable doing that'' Bang smiled and glared over at Himchan.
''I don't have a problem with it.'' Hana said from the corner. ''and you Himchan?''
Himchan furrowed his brows and looked at Bang as he was having the same face he had before a couple of times. Finally Himchan understood what that expression meant. Jealousy.
He didn't want to do anything to jepoardise what they were having considering it all started less than 24 hours ago, but on the other half it was a good way to promote their song. They had to show people that they were able to interacct with other stars in the company considering they were still kind of new.
He looked over at Hana and smiled. ''Ani, I don't'' 
Hana smiled, got up from her chair and hugged him. 
''But you do know you we have to act like a couple when were together right? That is hugging, holding hands and...''
''Kissing'' Zelo said with a smirk and looked over at Bang who was glaring at the hugging two.
''K-kissing...?'' Himchan said a bit unsure. He didn't want to kiss her, hugging and holding hands, fine, but not kissing. 
Hana just blushed ''A-ani, we don't have to do that.'' she said shyly. 
''What, you're not going to fool anyone if you dont. Do it like yesterday, just small pecks now and then should be fine, right?'' Jongup said and looked at the others. They all agreed.
Bang gulped. ''T-this is a bad idéa.'' 
''Why? None of them are in a relationship, right. So It should be fine, they could 'break up' after the song has been out for a while.'' Zelo said and smiled at Bang.
''Great!'' Hana said and pulled out her phone and started texting someone, it took a while before she was done and she put it down.
''I told the manager about our plan, so he's going to tell the reporters that we are , um, b-being in a relationship. But I have to go now, see you later okay?'' Himchan smiled and nodded as he followed her to the door.
As he opened it he saw a few reporters asking them a hell of a lot of questions. Hana just smiled as she answered to one question ''Yes, we are in a relationship'' she just said and hugged him and started walking to her car. 
He looked over at the reporters as they started asking him more questions. How long have you been together? Who asked whom out? What do you think the fans will say? Do you love her? 
He just smiled ''2-3 weeks'' He lied '' I asked her out, I hope the fans will understand and support us'' and at the last question he didn't really know what to answer. He thought about what to say for a while before one of the reporters asked the question again.
''I don't really know yet, I know I like her but I'm not sure it's love. It doesn't take 2-3 weeks to know if you are truly in love with someone, but I hope we will stay together long enough for me, or for the both of us, to find out'' he just said with a smile and closed the door.
He walked into his room again and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
''I don't like this, at all'' he heard a dark voice saying from the door.
He turned around and saw Bang entering and closing the door.
''I know, but it's not going to be for too long, just a little bit.'' Himchan sighed. 
''Why did you agree?'' Bang said with a curious voice.
''I-I don't really know. It could be good for you and Hyosung and Hana's quite fun to be with, considering we have to spend more time together now I would say she's kind of awesome.'' He just smiled. It was true though, If he had to fake a relationship with anyone, he would have picked her. She was fun, pretty, smart and down to earth. 
''Sounds like you like her'' Bang mumbled.
''Yea, I kind of do. She's really nice'' 
''...Do you like her more than me?'' he heard Bang saying as he went closer. 
The question kind of caught him off guard and made him blush. ''W-what?..''
''You heard me'' Bang said.
''I-Idiot, who said I liked you, huh?'' Himchan said and looked away. 
Bang just laughed and hugged him.
''Aish, okay okay I get it. Get ready, we have to leave for dance practice.'' Bang just said and kissed his neck. 



Waaaahh, new chapter~
Hope you like it and I made an instagram, wooh. 
I decided to make it since my updates aren't really schedualed considering I have a lot to do, so I decided I would post it there when the next update will be. 
Either way, mianhe for the late update >.< 
Easter break started for me now so maybe I'll be able to update a bit more. 
No school, wooh. happiness!

By the way, I didn't read this through a second time so sorry If there is mistakes, I'm going to fix it tomorrow >-<




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Chapter 11: Hey new subbie here ! ^^
You wrote a great story ! Like this story based on a real one, in a normal one. The interaction of the characters is soooooo natural. Love it !
Glad the other members accept them happily, even hana !
Totes amazing ! Can't wait to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 12: This story was wonderful!!~~ I'm so glad that in the end Hana understood and was still up for being good friends with channie :3 can't wait til the sequel! ^^
Chapter 7: Ok now I can't stay silent..... oh my....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....*dancing* happy ....laalalalalalalaaaaa : ))
Chapter 12: OMG sequel yayyyyyyy~
Chapter 11: ommo! I loved it *w* can't wait to read the sequel :D
pleeeease just let them be together and happy forever and ever despite what others say and I'll love you even more author-nim! <3
PotatoLife #6
Chapter 11: Ahhhhh I loved it. Well I'm gonna be waiting for the sequel and I know it will be as awesome as this story......or even better
Chapter 11: OMG! THE BEST STORY EVER! I LOVE IT! I'm so sad though that it's ending but I'll be waiting for the sequel. Hehe. Can't wait~!
kola__nim #8
Chapter 1: SO GOOD! i cant stop reading it again and again!
xMiu-Chan #9
Chapter 11: How cute! I loved it! I think Hana's my new favorite Secret member, I empathize with her, however, my BangHim feels are much too strong for me to support her one sided love. Can't wait for the sequel, but don't work yourself too hard, ne?
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 11: yeahhh thanks for your work!!!
waiting for your sequel ^^