Chapter 11.

I'm in love with my best friend.

The morning came fast, to them It felt like they just had closed there eyes and drifted away into dreamland. They were exhausted but happy, well, more than happy. 
Himchan yawned and rubbed his eyes before he looked to his side to see the one he was in love with sleeping with a peaceful face which made him smile. He turned around and hugged him, absorbing everything that happened that night. He nuzzled his head in the crook of Bangs neck and smiled, this was perfect and it couldn't get any better. He felt two arms making his way around him and hugging him.
''Morning princess'' he heard Bangs rapsy voice.
''Yah, don't call me that. It makes me feel like a girl'' he pouted.
Bang just chickled and kissed his head. ''Well you were the one who took i-..'' but he cut himself off before he said anything else.
Himchan furrowed his brows and looked at him. ''I was the wone who what?''
Bang started laughing and just shook his head. ''Nothing, nothing'' he yawned.
Himchan was just laying there deciding not to think about it, it was too early to think about anything for that matter. He felt the others arms around him disappear as he noticed Bang was making his way out of the bed. He hid his face under the covers and flushed, he was still ! 
Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god. 
He almost got an heart attack as he felt the covers getting yanked away from him and he tried covering up. He looked at the others who smirked and eyed him all over.
''I didn't get a good look at you yesterday'' 
Himchan flushed, reached out for the covers and flipped Bang off and whispered Pabo as he hid under it. Bang just laughed, turned around and put on some boxers and clothes. Himchan looked out from the covers with wide eyes as he noticed red marks on Bangs back. He hid under the covers again as he realised it was him who had made those marks.
''I'm going to fix some breakfast, come out when you're ready'' the other said as he went out and closed the door.
Himchan calmed himself down and decided to leave the bed after a while, which didn't turn out to be a good idéa. As soon as he stood up he felt a sharp pain in his lower back and fell to his knees, his hand grabbing the area that hurt. He took a deep breath and tried standing up again, it didn't hurt as much if he didn't stand in a straight composure, he had to stand with an arched back. God, I feel like an old man. 
He tried putting on his boxers, sweatpants and wifebeater which seemed like forever, but he finally managed to do it and went out. 
As he entered the kitchen the other looked at him and started laughing. '' You look like an oldie'' 

''It's your fault!'' Himchan hissed as he tried to sitting down.
The other smirked as he continued fixing their breakfast.
He was making pancakes, Himchan noticed and smiled. Bang never was the guy who was good with cooking and such, but he did make killer pancakes, even Daehyun who was constatly complaining about Bangs food couldn't deny the pancakes. He chuckled to himself as he thought  about everything, it was going so smootly.
''What?'' the other said as he put down a plate in front of Himchan and sat down. 
Himchan just shook his head and smiled as he started eating. 
They sat there in silence, it wasn't awkward, it was more of a comfortable silence, it felt warm somehow. 

The doorbell rang after a while and they both looked at each other with a confused face.
''Is it the guys?''
Bang shook his head. ''They werent supposed to be home until 12 at least'' he answered as he made his  way to the door.
Himchan followed him with his eyes, he wanted to go after him but his back hurt. 
His heart stopped as he heard the voice coming from the hallway.
''Ah...Hana'' he heard Bang.
''Hello. What happened to you lip?'' he heard Hana asking before she entered the kitchen.
He looked over his shoulder and was met by her smile.
''Hello Channie! How are you fe-'' but she didn't finish her sentence and her smiled faded.
''W...what's that on your neck?'' 
Himchan looked confused, his neck? He looked over at Bang who was standing behind her smirking.
Himchan looked back at Hana who was getting closer.
''A..are those hickeys?'' she asked and touched his neck.
Himchan just sat there not knowing what to say, he opened his mouth but nothing came out. He felt bad. 
''Are you seeing someone?'' Hana once asked and looked into his eyes. 
''Ah.. n-no.. you see''
''Yes'' Bang cut him off and sat down continuing eating his pancakes. 
Hana looked over at Bang and then to Himchan again.
''Me'' Bang said and looked at her. ''He's seeing me'' 
Himchan widened his eyes and stared at the other who just sat there with no concern at all, eating his pancakes.
He turned his head slowly to look at Hana who stood there, schocked as he looked over at him.
'''re together with him? '' she said with a shaky voice.
Himchan looked down on his plate and nodded.
He heard a sob from her. ''S-so I was right'' she said with a weak smile as she dashed for the front door.
Himchan was about to go after her but Bang grabbed his wrist and shook his head. ''Leave her alone''
''B-but she-'' 
''No.'' the other said again with a serious face. 
Himchan looked over at the hallway and bit his lower lip, the other sighed which made him look back at him.
The other stood up and kissed him, a deep kiss which made Himchan loose his breath
 As the other parted Himchan gasped for air and looked at Bang who stood there centimeters away from his face, breathing heavy. 
''Stop thinking about her for now, I know you're worried since she's your friend, we'll talk to her later after she has calmed down...''
Himchan looked at him and nodded his head, but Bang was still worried about something. The look in his eyes wanted to say something more.
Bang looked around the room and sighed. ''To be honest I feel uneasy when you two are together. I know you told me she's just a friend.. but you two look so close to each other and just now when she asked if you were with me you looked... You looked like felt bad about it, like you were caught cheating or something I don-''
Himchan cut him off, he put his hand around Bangs neck and pulled him into a kiss. He knew how Bang felt, he had felt it everytime he and Hyosung was together, it was like a sting in the chest and your stomach was tieing up in a knot. 
As they parted Himchan looked at the other and shook his head. ''D-don't think like that. She had become important to me this past few weeks, I like her, I really do. But i love you, not her, and I've loved you for far too long. It's just  I felt bad about her finding out about us in this way. I wanted to tell her myself in a better sorrounding.''
He felt the other grabbing him in a tight hug, so tight he almost couldn't breathe. 
''Y-yongguk.. Can't breath'' He tried choking out. 
''I don't care'' he heard the other saying as he felt something wet on his shoulder that shocked him.
''Are you crying?'' Himchan asked with a worried voice. 
''I'm just happy'' 
Himchan frowned a bit. ''Happy?'' 
Bang chuckled a bit and nodded.
''..That I said I liked her?'' 
Bang backed away from the hug and flicked Himchan on his head. ''Pabo, I will never be happy to hear you saying that you like someone else other than me, I'm happy because you said you love me'' 
Himchan furrowed his brows and when realisation hit him he blushed, covered his mouth and looked down. The words had just slipped out of his mouth as he was talking. Pabo! Why did you have to blurt that out! Aish, stupid idiot!
''I love you too'' 
He snapped his head back up and looked at the other. Did he just say that? 
Just as he was about to speek they both heard thud from the hallway, they looked over and saw Zelo standing there with chocked face.
''Ahh.. Zelo..'' Bang started with a nervous voice. 
''AH! FINALLY!'' they both heard the maknae screaming as he made his way to the table and sat down next to them with a huge smile.
They both looked at each other confused. ''Finally?'' Bang said.
''Aish, you both are so slow.'' Zelo said and shook his head. ''You know, we all know tha-'' he stopped and look at Himchans neck.
He looked down and nodded with a smirk on his face. ''I guess it was a good idéa to leave you home alone last night'' 
Himchan blushed and covered his neck. 
''Y-yah! what do you mean with that?'' 
Zelo looked up and smiled. ''Nothing, just glad to see you too finally together. As I was going to say before. We all know you both like each other, well I figured it out first and you both were idiots, really. Especially you'' he said and glared over at Bang. 
''W-what did I do?'' 
Zelo looked over at Himchan who just shook his head. 
Zelo smacked his tounge. ''Aish, nothing nothing.''
Himchan looked back at the youngest and furrowed his brows. ''So the other know we're together? And they're cool with it?''
''Ahh.. Well.. they're cool with it now.''  he said and took a deep breath. ''They werent as much before though to be honest. They were skeptical about this whole idéa, but they feel happy for you two now.'' 
Bang sighed and rubbed his neck '' I'm glad.'' he said with a smile.

They all sat there talking about various things before Himchan remembered he had forgot his phone in the bedroom as he remembered his mom was going to call him. He stood up and felt the pain in his back again, he cussed under his breath and looked at the youngest who smirked.
''S-shut up!'' he hissed before he left for his room, utterly embarassed as he heard them both starting to laugh.
He shook  his head and grabbed his phone. 1 new text message, from Hana.
He looked around the room and hesitated a little before he pressed 'open'

Ah.. Himchan, I'm sorry about before... I like you, to be honest, but I knew you liked someone else, I was just surprised when I found out it was Yongguk... Well, not really, it was kind of obvious, haha.. You're not the one too hide your feelings, it's easy to read you. But I guess I was hoping I was imagining stuff since you both are bestfriends. I wont tell anyone though. On one condition, you have to go out me from time to time for meals, arasso? I don't want to loose the time we have together, it was fun and it's going to feel empty without you not being around. I'm a bit sad to be honest, but I'm happy for you. I'll see you soon. Fighting!

Himchan felt a tear rolling down his eye. She truly was amazing and some day she will find someone who loves her unconditionally.
He was a bit unsure if she should text her back though, he sat there fiddling with his phone as he heard other voices entering their dorm he decied to leave it for later and went out to the others, well, he changed his shirt first. 
As he came out they all were sitting in the kitchen talking and laughing, he entered and all eyes were on him. He felt a bit nervous and moved to sit down next to Daehyun who put his arm around his shoulder.
''Congrats'' he just said with a smile and as the other joined in.
Himchan blushed and smiled. 
They all sat there chatting for a while about how it all ended up, what happened with Hana and so on before Jongup cut them off.
''Hyungs... I really am happy for you too  but...'' he stopped and bit his lower lip.
They all looked at him, wanting him to continue as he took a deep breath.
''Plase don't do s-sleep with each other when we're here, the walls are really thin and I, I'm sure he others agree, don't want to hear any strange noises....''
They all sat there in silence as Himchan blushed and the others fell into a fit of laughter. 
''Y-yah! shut up!'' Himchan hissed and hid his face.
Bang smirked. ''Pffttt, I'll do it when you're all here, I don't care. I'll do it tonight if you want to'' he said and looked over at Jongup who whined. 
Himchan threw his head up when he heard that. Tonight? My hurts like hell just now!.
He noticed the laughter stopped and all eyes were on him. Oh , did I think that out loud. 
He sunk into his chair and hid his face as the others started laughing again getting tears in their eyes.
''Y-yah, guys seriously though. I'm happy you're okay with this'' Bang said as he calmed down. 
''Of course, you two looked so miserable before. I mean, It's not like anything is changing, except maybe you two being a more touchy and all'' Youngjae smiled.
''I agree with Jongup though, no when were here'' he continued.
They all smiled like it was nothing, it was quite funny how they all could laugh something like this off.
''Well, I guess it's time for us to leave for recording'' Bang said as he stood up. 
''Aish, come one, we just got home'' Zelo whined.
''Yah, we have work to do, we need to get going'' he said as he started pushing everyone out of their chairs.
''Stop being a pain in the ''Youngjae whined.
''Yeah, stick to Himchan'' Daehyun said and laughed.
Oh god. Himchan thought to himself as he buried his face in his hands again.
He looked up as he felt a hand on his shoulder, a hand he was too familiar with, he smiled a shy smile to Bang and he grabbed his hand and stood up. He felt happy, more than happy to be honest. He was finally together together with the one he loved without any misunderstandings. Their members were really amazing who only joked it off, they were going to be annoying and joke about what he said at the table for months, but he was still happy. It was perfect, maybe a little too perfect. 

He furrowed his brows and shook his head, he wasn't going to ruin this, not now. 
He looked over at Bang and smiled as the other smiled back.




WAAEEEHH, Finished!

I'm going to do a part 2 of this mwahahhahaha. But I'm going to write it AFTER my Gtop fanfic. 
I'm writing a sequel because hello, other people are going to find out about them and not everyone is going to accept it. >n< 
Well for now, Bye! :D 





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Chapter 11: Hey new subbie here ! ^^
You wrote a great story ! Like this story based on a real one, in a normal one. The interaction of the characters is soooooo natural. Love it !
Glad the other members accept them happily, even hana !
Totes amazing ! Can't wait to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 12: This story was wonderful!!~~ I'm so glad that in the end Hana understood and was still up for being good friends with channie :3 can't wait til the sequel! ^^
Chapter 7: Ok now I can't stay silent..... oh my....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....*dancing* happy ....laalalalalalalaaaaa : ))
Chapter 12: OMG sequel yayyyyyyy~
Chapter 11: ommo! I loved it *w* can't wait to read the sequel :D
pleeeease just let them be together and happy forever and ever despite what others say and I'll love you even more author-nim! <3
PotatoLife #6
Chapter 11: Ahhhhh I loved it. Well I'm gonna be waiting for the sequel and I know it will be as awesome as this story......or even better
Chapter 11: OMG! THE BEST STORY EVER! I LOVE IT! I'm so sad though that it's ending but I'll be waiting for the sequel. Hehe. Can't wait~!
kola__nim #8
Chapter 1: SO GOOD! i cant stop reading it again and again!
xMiu-Chan #9
Chapter 11: How cute! I loved it! I think Hana's my new favorite Secret member, I empathize with her, however, my BangHim feels are much too strong for me to support her one sided love. Can't wait for the sequel, but don't work yourself too hard, ne?
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 11: yeahhh thanks for your work!!!
waiting for your sequel ^^