Chapter 6.

I'm in love with my best friend.

Himchan was suprised when he felt someone grabbing him and turning him around.
His heart almost stopped as he looked into the others eyes, he was too close, but he couldn't push away. He felt paralyzed. 
He noticed the other leaning in and he could feel him breathing on him. It felt hot, his heart started beating like crazy and he felt his body getting hotter and hotter. The place Bang was holding him was burning, it felt like electricity went thru his body.
He wanted to close the smalls pace they had between them so much. 
''...T-text next time..'' The other just said and backed away.
He stood there with a flushed face as he saw the other walking towards his bed and layed down. He was disappointed. Why didn't he kiss me?. But as soon as the thought came in his mind he just shook his head; stop acting like this, he's straight and he's with Hyosung. 
He felt pain in his chest just by thinking that. He was nothing compared to Hyosung, she had s and all! And what did he have? He didn't have any s, that's for sure, not a soft body, not nice looking legs and well... He had that other thing that Bang also had between their legs. 
He just sighed and put on his wife beater and went into the bathroom. When he got out he went to the bed and noticed he had a new text from Hana.

Hello, just wondered if you were home? I had fun today, we should go out again!^^ 

He kinda smiled at that, she was nice and funny, she cheered him up when she noticed  he was feeling a bit down. He didn't tell her what the problem was tho, and she didn't push him to tell her either.

I'm home. I had fun too, of course we should do it again. It's fun hanging out sometimes and not talk about work.

I know right. Aahaha. How are you feeling? You know, since you were a bit down before... sorry If I'm bothering you >n<''

Ani, It's okay. Being out with you made me forget for a moment and it was nice, you're a good company :)

Really? I'm happy! ^^ If you need to talk about something I'm here to listen, I'm good at keeping SECRETs. >w<

He chuckled at that message, it was a bad attempt of a joke but that's what made it funny. 
He sat there for god know how long texting here even tho it was late and they both probably should sleep. He was about to reply to one of her messages when he felt someting on his head, he looked up and saw a pillow? He sat up and noticed that Bang had threw it on him.
''Who are you texting at this hour? It's late go to sleep, the light is annoying'' He said annoyed and hid his face under the covers.
''N-none of your business. Sorry about the light, I'll stop now..'' He just said and started a new text to Hana.
''Of course it's my business, we're in the same room and the light is annoying me and you keep chuckling over and over so I can't sleep.'' The other just said even more annoyed.
''I'm texting Hana and I said I'm so-'' He started before he was cut off by Bang who suddenly was standing next to him and grabbed his phone, took out the battery and went back to his bed with the phone.
''Y-yah! What did you do that for!?'' He said and stood up.
He just heard Bang mumble ''Annoying'' and pulled the covers over himself.
''G-Give me my phone back! I have to reply to her text or she-'' He stopped as he saw Bang glaring at him.
''Shut up! Text her tomorrow or something, even better, not at all! It's already 4 am!'' The other said with a death glare.
He gulped before stupid, stupid words left his mouth. ''Stop being jealous and give me my phone back!''. 
He saw the other just widen his eyes and mouth opened before he threw the phone at him. 
''I-I'm not jealous you idiot!'' He said and stood up. 
Himchan was kinda shocked, did Bang just throw his phone at him? What the !
''Why did you throw the phone at me! It hurt you bastard! You don't just go around throwing things at other, especially hard things! And If you're not jealous why the do you keep acting like you are, you're so weird, you know what!'' He screamed out.
The other just got more annoyed by the moment. He walked over to Himchan and grabbed his wifebeater and was about to speak but was interrupted by their door opening.
''Hyungs... what are you doing'' They heard a tired Zelo.
They both turned their head towards the door and Zelo just stood there with a mixed expression as he saw them both breathing hard and Bang grabbing Himchans wifebeater, looking ready to throw a punch.
Zelo just walked in, removed Bangs hand and grabbed Himchans hand. He turned to Himchan, ''you're sleeping with me tonight'' he just said and dragged him out, leaving Bang in the room alone and pissed.

''Thank you Zelo, you saved me..'' He just said with a sad voice.
''.. What happened'' he whispered to the other, not wanting to wake up Jongup.
''I don't know, I came home a b-bit late and he started to asking weird questions, then he started yelling at me for texting and the light and I said sorry but he just kept going on. He took my phone away and removed the battery and later he threw it at me and started yelling again..''
The youngest just laid there with wide eyes, Bang was never the agressive type, even if he seemed like it. 
''What made him throw the phone at you?'' he furrowed his brows.
''...I tolk him to stop acting so jealous..'' he just said with a small voice.
The other just looked at him and started to laugh a little.
''W-what's so funny?..''
''Nothing.. nothing.. Let's just sleep'' the other smiled and closed his eyes.
Himchan just laid there furrowing his brows, not really sure why the other laughed but he felt tired so he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The morning was not a plesant thing, he woke up by a someone shouting, of course, it was the leader.
''YAH! WAKE UP!'' he shouted as he stood by Zelos bed.
They both just furrow their eyebrows an hugged eachother tighter than they already were. They didn't want to go up, it was too early.
''Y-YAH!'' he heard him scream before he was yanked away from the bed and away from the warmth.
He looked at the clock, 7am! 
''It's too early..'' he whined as he tried to remove himself from the other grip and crawl back into bed with the other.
Bang just tightened his grip, pulled him closer and lifted him up so he was hanging over his shoulder. 
''Y-yah! what are you doing! Let me down!'' Himchan screamed as he started to move around trying to get down.
''NO! You're going to shower because we have to leave for a meeting!'' the other just screamed back and tightened his grip on the boy on his shoulder.
Himchan was just about to speak as he was put down on the floor in the bathroom and Bang staring at him with the weird expression on his face. Why is he looking at me like that? 
''shower, now. We have to leave soon and you're always so slow'' Bang just said and left the bathroom.
Himchan just stood there confused before he cussed under his breath and went into the shower.
He was mad at Bang, but he couldn't stop thinking about how he felt his strong arms around him, and his y bedhead and morning voice who seemed raspy and darker than usual. Now, he was mad at himself for thinking something like that this early. 
He switched to cold water and stood there for a moment before he turned it off and went out.
He got out and saw that Bang was sitting in the kitchen with the others eating so he went to their room.
It was sunny outside so he chose to put on a loose t-shirt, a pair of tight jeans, a pair of sunglasses and a cap because he didn't feel like fixing his hair.  He put his backpack on and went out to the others who was now putting on their shoes. He glanced over at Bang who was only wearing a loose tank top revealing his arms. They looked so good, it was lucky he took his big dark sunglasses or the others would have noticed he was practically undressing the other with his eyes.

They made their way to their car and he sat down next to Zelo, or more like Zelo grabben Himchan and placed him next to himself. They both sat there just talking, laughing and ignoring the others completely, they were in their own little world and didn't even notice when the car stopped.
They felt someone patting on their shoulder and turned to look who it was.
''We're here, so get  out'' Youngjae smiled and went out himself.
They both just smiled and went out, it was really nice outside and the air was fresh. The morning started off kinda bad but it got better the moment they left the house. They went to their meeting that kept going on for about 2 hours. It was all good until he spotted Hyosung and the others walking towards them.
He saw Hana and she ran up to him and hugged him.
''Hey! You didn't reply to my last text yesterday'' she pouted.
''Ah. Mianhe, I..I fell asleep'' he just said and glanced over at Bang who was glaring at him. 
''Oh.. It's okay, it was kind of late'' she just smiled and backed away.
They stood there talking for a while before he turned his head aound and noticed Hyosung and Bang wasn't talking to each other? Weren't they together yesterday? He made eyecontact with her and smiled but she just glare at him before she walked over to him and Hana. 
''Hana, lets go'' she said and grabbed her arm.
''W-what? why?'' Hana said confused and looked at Himchan. 
''Just because'' the other said and dragged her a bit.
''No, I'm talking to Channie right now'' Hana said and grabbed his arm. 
Channie? He looked at her before he was dragged away from her grip and looked up. Bang.
''W-what are you doing?'' 
''We're leaving'' Bang just said coldly.
He looked at Hana and Hyosung with a confused face before he saw Hyosungs eyes in flames, she was mad, but why?
''Be sure to use protection!'' was the only thing he heard before Bang stopped and glared over at her.
''what did you say'' 
''You heard me''
she just smirked.
He looked at Bang who was still holding his arm in a tight grip, he looked nervous.
''What is she talking about?'' He asked Bang who was glaring over at Hyosung. 
He looked at the other memebers who just stood there, confused as hell. He looked over at Hyosung before she smirked again.
''Ohh... You haven't told him, have you?'' 
''Shut up, it has nothing to do with you''
 Bang hissed.
''You want me to tell him?'' She asked moving a bit closer to Himchan and stared at him.
He could feel the tension between Hyosung and Bang, he was a bit scared to be honest..
''...Tell me what?'' 
 He looked at Bang once again who just averted his eyes and shook his head.
''Nothing'' He just said. ''Hyosung, stop it. He didn't do anything. If you're mad, you should be mad at me''
''I'M MAD AT BOTH OF YOU!'' she just screamed.
They all just looked at her confused. 
''Hyosung.. what happened?'' Sunhwa asked.
Hyosung just looked at here with sad eyes.
''Yongguk doesn't like me...He likes someone else'' 
All of them just looked at Bang, he doesn't like her? Himchan kinda felt happy again and then he hear the 'likes someone else' part and frowned again.
''Ahh.. Sorry Hyosung'' Jieun said and patted her shoulder.
''But why are you mad at him for that? And even more Himchan?'' They both frowned.
''B-because'' she started and looked over at Himchan and pointed at him.
''BECAUSE HE LIKES HIM!'' She just screamed.
Himchan widened his eyes and looked at Bang who was standing there frozen, staring at Hyosung. He felt his heart starting to beat faster, he looked over at the others who just stood there like it was nothing new. What?
He felt Bang let go of him and walking towards Hyosung.
''I don't want to go out with you, sorry.'' He looked over at Himchan again. ''But It was bad of me to lie about liking someone else'' he just said and walked out, leaving everyone inside completely dumbfounded.
Himchan felt his heart tighten again, he just lied because he didn't want to go out with her... 
He felt his eyes watering so he just left the building, not even bothering to stop when he heard the youngest calling his name. This , this day . He was tired, not physically, but mentally. He took up his phone and texted the only person who could cheer him up in that moment. Hana, hoping she would come after him so they could do something. He didn't want to go back to the dorm. 


Heeeey ;D 

So here's the new chapter. Sorry If it came out bad.
Something had to start happening or else it will take toooooooo long to finish it.
Kinda left you in a bad place and I didn't update yesterday sooo.. here's a gif of Daehyun to make it up ~w~





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Chapter 11: Hey new subbie here ! ^^
You wrote a great story ! Like this story based on a real one, in a normal one. The interaction of the characters is soooooo natural. Love it !
Glad the other members accept them happily, even hana !
Totes amazing ! Can't wait to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 12: This story was wonderful!!~~ I'm so glad that in the end Hana understood and was still up for being good friends with channie :3 can't wait til the sequel! ^^
Chapter 7: Ok now I can't stay silent..... oh my....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....*dancing* happy ....laalalalalalalaaaaa : ))
Chapter 12: OMG sequel yayyyyyyy~
Chapter 11: ommo! I loved it *w* can't wait to read the sequel :D
pleeeease just let them be together and happy forever and ever despite what others say and I'll love you even more author-nim! <3
PotatoLife #6
Chapter 11: Ahhhhh I loved it. Well I'm gonna be waiting for the sequel and I know it will be as awesome as this story......or even better
Chapter 11: OMG! THE BEST STORY EVER! I LOVE IT! I'm so sad though that it's ending but I'll be waiting for the sequel. Hehe. Can't wait~!
kola__nim #8
Chapter 1: SO GOOD! i cant stop reading it again and again!
xMiu-Chan #9
Chapter 11: How cute! I loved it! I think Hana's my new favorite Secret member, I empathize with her, however, my BangHim feels are much too strong for me to support her one sided love. Can't wait for the sequel, but don't work yourself too hard, ne?
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 11: yeahhh thanks for your work!!!
waiting for your sequel ^^