Chapter 7.

I'm in love with my best friend.

Hey, can you meet up with me at the noodle place in an hour? You don't have to though, just felt like talking to someone. 
Himchan texted her. He didn't really know if she would come or not, or more, he wasn't sure Hyosung would let her go.

Sure! I'll be there in 30, I don't want to make you wait ^^ 
She texted back. He really was grateful for her, she was a nice girl and a nice friend. 
After she texted him he decided to turn his phone off as he noticed Youngjae, Jongup, Daehyun and Zelo was texting him over and over and he didn't really feel like talking to them.

He sneaked his way into the noodle restaurant and sat at the back. He made sure no one saw him when he entered because the last thing he wanted was a bunch of cameras and fans outside when he was feeling down.

And sure as she texted, Hana kept her promise, she arrived after 30 minutes and went to the back of the restaurant. 
''Hey'' she smiled and hugged him.
''Hello'' he smiled and hugged her back, still wearing his glasses.
They ordered something to eat, they sat there silent until the food arrived and Hana was the first one to speak.
''...What happened back there?'' she furrowed her brows.
''..I..I don't really know to be honest'' he said and started eating.
''What's up with them? Hyosung got all weird and Bang lied about li-'' she cut herself off and looked at Himchan who froze.
''About.. liking me?'' he simply said and started to eat again, he tried acting like he didn't care but it was kind of hard not to.
He got a bit sadder though, he wanted to forget about that, that's why he wanted to talk to spend time with her. She was funny to be with and she could always cheer people up, not only him, but others too. And now they were talking about the thing that made him want to cry.
''Y-yea... Why did he lie about that, and about you, why not a girl?'' she just shook hear head and started eating.
Himchan just shrugged ''don't ask me..'' I'm asking myself that too. He thought to himself.
She stopped eating and stared at him. ''Why did you suddenly run out of the building?''
He looked up and just stared at her through his glasses. ''Umm...''
''You know what, let's not talk about that. Lets have fun, ok?'' She just smiled at him.
He nodded and smiled back at her, they both sat there in silence the rest of the dinner.

After they ate they stopped talking completely about the matter between Bang and Hyosung, and once again, he forgot about the problem  and had fun. 
They were at the movies, they went to a marked and some fans spotted them, they signed some pictures and left. They went all over town just to look at everything and nothing, shopping, getting coffes and so on.
He remembered he still had his phone off and decided to turn it on, it was late already and he should probably text someone to know that he's fine. 
His phone started buzzing like crazy as he noticed he had 58 missed calls and 90 unread messages. He sighed and looked at Hana who was looking at some shoes through a window totally amazed by them. He looked at his phone again and decided to text Youngjae.

I'm out with Hana. 

God damn it Himchan! why haven't you picked up your phone we've been worrying like crazy!

Mianhe, I turned it off. I'm okay, I'll be home later.
With that he turned it off again and went to Hana.

They walked around a pond who was lit up by lights, it was really pretty and he saw couples walking around. They kept talking until they both shivered, it was late and it was getting cold. He looked at his watch and noticed it was already 10pm, time flew by fast.
''Maybe we should start heading back, it's cold'' he furrowed his brows and looked at her.
She just nodded and picked up her phone calling someone to pick her up and he did the same.
They sat on a bench and waited for their cars to come pick them up, as they waited Hana scooted closer to Himchan and looked at him.
''I-it's cold'' she just said as she blushed.
''Yea, it is'' he just said and closer to her, it got a bit warmer actually. 
They sat there for a while before their cars came, Hana was the first to stand up and started walking to her car. He stood up as well and walked after her opening the car door.
She looked at him and smiled, before she entered she kissed him on the cheek and blushed. He just smiled and closed the car door and went to his car.

As he arrived at the dorm 30 minutes later he was a bit scared to enter, Bang was there and the others, well, they would be mad at him for not calling and just sending a short text to Youngjae.
He took a deep breath and opened the door, the first one to pop out a head from the living room was Daehyun that looked pissed.
''Where the hell have you been!'' he shouted, that made the other 3 memeber to go out to the hall and stand there glaring at him. 
''I told Youngjae that I was out'' he gulped and avoided their eyes as he tried  making his way past them.
''Yea, after 5 hours of us calling you and texting you with no answer!'' Jongup hissed.
''Y-yah, what's the problem. I went out, it's no big deal and I'm sorry for not texting you'' he just said and pushed them away and went into his room.
He sighed and took of his backpack and glasses, he looked around but there was no sign of Bang, it as lucky for him though, not that he cared. He didn't care at all where he was, no, it had nothing to do with him. Stop lying to yourself.
He shook his head and heard the door open, he turned around and saw Bang standing there without a shirt and just a towel around his waist. The waterdrops on his body made him look hotter than usual, the wet hair falling a little bit over his eyes and his abs, oh god. 
He gulped and turned around. No, no, no, no stop! Remember what he did before, you're mad at him!
''Ah.. so you're home now, the others told me they couldn't reach you. I told you to at least call us if y-'' Bang was cut off.
''Y-yea, I know okay! Stop lecturing m-me!'' He hissed.
''...Himchan.. about before.. that thing with Hyosung I-''
''I-I don't really care about that, you know, it's your problem.'' He took a deep breath. ''It's just weird that you lied to her about liking me and not Sunhwa or someone'' He almost said in a whisper.
''No that's not... You see-''
''I don't care Yongguk.'' he just said and went out of the room.
He felt a lump in his throat and decided to go into the bathroom to take a shower, just so he could be alone for a little bit more. 
As he stood there he started crying again, why did he have to like someone like Bang and not Hana? He stood there wishing, so hard that he could like someone like her and not Bang. It wasn't right and It wouldn't develop into anything, he knew it was almost impossible, but still he hoped him and Bang would turn up together. He stood there for a long time before realising he had to go out, he wahsed his face to make the swelling under his eyes go down. He put a towel around his waist and went out, he looked in to the living room and saw that the other 5 people were sitting in there so he went to his room and got dressed. He heard the door slam as someone opened it, kinda felt like a déja vú. 
''IS IT TRUE!'' He heard Zelo scream.
''...Is what true?'' what was he talking about.
He noticed Jongup, Daehyun and Youngjae enter the room with a tablet and showed him an article.
Hana and Himchan, friends or more?
Reporters have recently seen them going out together until late at night. They spotted them by a pond just this evening looking rather intimate, before they parted Hana gave Himchan a kiss. People are now wondering, are they more than friends?

There was a picture of them sitting close to each other on the bench and when Hana kissed him, but it was only on the cheek. 
''Ahh... that.'' he whispered.
All the other members looked at him with wide eyes and Bang entered the room. 
''So it's true?!'' Daehyun said.
''Ahh.. no, you see-'' he started before the other was kicked out of the room by Bang.
He looked at him with wide eyes and Bang just stood there leaning against the wall and glaring at him.
''Is it true that you're going out?'' he hissed.
''W-why do you care'' he simply said. What was his problem? Even if it's true or not it had nothing to do with him.
He noticed as Bang got closer to him and pushed him against the wall.
''Is it true, or not!'' he almost screamed.
Himchan gulped. ''M-maybe! and why do you care, huh!? It has nothing to do wi-'' he was cut off, but not by Bang screaming, not Bang hitting him but by something else.
He widened his eyes as he noticed Bang was k-kissing him!? What am I going to do!? He's kissing me! N-no, he has to stop!
He opened his mouth to speak but he felt the others tounge enter and exploring his mouth. He tried to resist but it was no use, it felt so good and he had been waiting for this for too long. Honestly he didn't want this to end, ever, he wanted to stay in that moment forever, feeling the others soft lips on his own.
He felt his heart beting like crazy, his face flush and he felt like he could melt. He put his arms around the others neck and kissed him back. He felt Bang grabbing his hair and pulling it back so he could deepen the kiss. 
They parted after a while to gasp for air as Himchan felt his eyes watering, he looked into Bangs eyes and felt tears roll down his face, the second time that day.
Bang leaned in once more and stared kissing him, softer this time. It felt so good and Himchan was afraid he was going to wake up and it would all be a dream. 
They parted once more and he hard Bang asking him the same question.
''Are you dating her?''
He looked down and shook his head. He let his arm down from Bangs neck and was just about to walk away when he felt the other wrapping his arms around him and hugged him, hard yet soft. 
''I'm sorry..'' he heard Bang say.
''F-for w-what'' he said between sobs.
''Lying to you...''

He felt Bang loosen his grip around him and cupping his face. He smiled a sad smile and looked into his eyes.
''I wasn't lying to Hyosung when I told her I liked you..'' he said with a small voice.
Himchan felt the tears building up in his eyes again. He likes me? He started crying even harder this time as he hugged Bang.
''Y-you idiot... ''
''I know.. I'm a idiot. But a Idiot that likes you.'' Bang smiled.
Himchan looked up and kissed him.
''I h-hate you''
Bang just smiled and kissed him back. ''I like you too''



AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND this was a reeeeaallyy short chapter, I know, I wanted to make it longer but I had things to do and I wanted to update today >,< Maybe I'll come back later and edit this a little more putting in some extra details, I don't know. 
I wasn't really happy with this but well well :C 
AND A CONFESSION. As I said before things have to start happening or else it's going to get too long. >.< 
Anyways hope you enjoyed it c:
And I love you, that's right you.

for reading and/or subbing/commenting <3


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Chapter 11: Hey new subbie here ! ^^
You wrote a great story ! Like this story based on a real one, in a normal one. The interaction of the characters is soooooo natural. Love it !
Glad the other members accept them happily, even hana !
Totes amazing ! Can't wait to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 12: This story was wonderful!!~~ I'm so glad that in the end Hana understood and was still up for being good friends with channie :3 can't wait til the sequel! ^^
Chapter 7: Ok now I can't stay silent..... oh my....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....*dancing* happy ....laalalalalalalaaaaa : ))
Chapter 12: OMG sequel yayyyyyyy~
Chapter 11: ommo! I loved it *w* can't wait to read the sequel :D
pleeeease just let them be together and happy forever and ever despite what others say and I'll love you even more author-nim! <3
PotatoLife #6
Chapter 11: Ahhhhh I loved it. Well I'm gonna be waiting for the sequel and I know it will be as awesome as this story......or even better
Chapter 11: OMG! THE BEST STORY EVER! I LOVE IT! I'm so sad though that it's ending but I'll be waiting for the sequel. Hehe. Can't wait~!
kola__nim #8
Chapter 1: SO GOOD! i cant stop reading it again and again!
xMiu-Chan #9
Chapter 11: How cute! I loved it! I think Hana's my new favorite Secret member, I empathize with her, however, my BangHim feels are much too strong for me to support her one sided love. Can't wait for the sequel, but don't work yourself too hard, ne?
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 11: yeahhh thanks for your work!!!
waiting for your sequel ^^