Partner work with P.O (part 1)

When A Playboy Meet His Real Love

B.A.P - Crash 




It was Saturday.


Youngmi was busy preparing stuffs for her partner work. She continously checked her self on the mirror. She fixed her hair for the 1235443454 th time. She bit her lips nervously and straighten her shirt. She wore a cute bunny shirt and denim short.












She isn’t the person that really really care about how she looks, as long as it’s comfortable, she would wear it altough she still wants to look good. She grabbed a pair of sneakers and wore them. She checked her self once again and smiled. She felt excited and nervous since it was the first time Youngmi went to a boy’s house. She did projects before but she mostly had girl partners, if she got a boy partner, they would do the it in Youngmi’s house (while B.A.P ‘protecting’ youngmi). She always tells her B.A.P about that kind of thing, especially to Yongguk-...


Youngmi froze.


‘OMG FOREGT TO TELL YONGGUK OPPA! THIS IS NOT GOOD I’M DEAD!!!?!!’ Youngmi ran quickly and missed her breakfast.


“Miss.. Eat your food first,” The maid said.


“Later....,” Youngmi said, panting. She pouted, knowing that her hair wasn’t nice anymore. She fixed it a little bit  and continued to run.


She clumsily opened the door and tripped aciddentally. She rubbed her sore knee and hissed. It became more painful because she was wearing short. Suddenly someone offered his hand and Youngmi grabbed it quickly. Yongguk stared at her worriedly and leaned in to check if Youngmi’s okay or not. Her eyes widened when she realized her face THIS closed with Yongguk. She suddenly remembered about P.O and her in this awkward position yesterday....


‘OH YEAH P.O!!! PARTNER WORK!!’ she face palmed and became a lot more nervous because Yongguk in right in front of her right now she couldn’t say anything.


“Youngmi.. Why are you in a rush?” Yongguk asked confusedly. Youngmi felt more guilty than ever.


“Oppa.. don’t be mad okay? I-I.. I...,” Youngmi said alreay tearing up.


“Youngmi-ah, what’s wrong? I won’t be mad, you don’t do something wrong,” Yongguk stared at her and her cheek.


“I-I I’M GOING TO P.O’S HOUSE TODAY FOR DOING A PROJECT I’M SORRY I DIDN’T TELL YOU OPPA!!!!!” Youngmi blurted out. Then she covered her face in embarrassment.


Yongguk stared at her, completely confused. ‘P.O? who the hell is P.O? Project? What project? Youngmi doesn’t do anything wrong...’ He thought.


Then slowly he understood what Youngmi said and chuckled.


“Youngmi-ah, you are so cute...,” he pinched Youngmi cheek.


“Eh, Oppa? You’re not angry?” Youngmi carefully looked at him.


“Of course not, why would I be? It’s good that my Youngmi has a new friend...,” Yongguk ruffled her hair. Youngmi smiled sweetly at him. This is the reason why she loved her Yongguk Oppa so much. He understands her like no one.


“Come on, I’ll drive you. Your friend must be waiting...,” Yongguk said. He led Youngmi to his car and opened it for Youngmi. Youngmi blushed and got in. Anyway, Yongguk came from wealthy family that’s why he already owned a car.


Yongguk grabbed Youngmi’s seatbelt and putted it around her. Youngmi face turned red as tomato, she looked away and tried to hide her face from Yongguk. Yongguk chuckled and started to drive.


Suddenly Youngmi spoke.


“But.. Oppa...  He is a boy... it’s fine with you?” Youngmi asked him carefully.


Yongguk froze. ‘A boy.. A boy... A boy...’ That sound kept ringing on his mind.


But he didn’t want to be overprotective on Youngmi. She had the right to friend with anyone and do want she wants to. Yes, Yongguk did felt jealous but he won’t let that jealousness broke the relationship between Youngmi and him. Relationship needs trust right? Yongguk is such a perfect man.


“It’s okay... You can friend with anyone..,” Yongguk said and smiled at Youngmi. Youngmi sighed in relief and smiled sweetly at him.


“BUT REMEMBER!” Yongguk suddenly said. Youngmi gulped and stared at him, Yongguk chuckled.


“Hand off, don’t do anything inappropriate, no kissing and all of those-,”


“inappropriate things, I know it Oppa.. Thanks for worrying me.. You can trust me!!” Youngmi grinned widely. Yongguk smiled at her ruffled her hair.



Soon, they arrived at P.O house. It’s extremely big but still looks very simple.


‘eh? Is P.O live with his big family?’ Youngmi wandering. She went back to reality when Yongguk called her.


“Oh yeah Oppa..,” Youngmi smiled.


“Be safe, okay? If he does anything wrong to you, call me and I’ll kill him soon, bye bye..,” He kissed Youngmi cheeks and got off. Youngmi waved at him and covered her red face.




Youngmi rang the bell. She gasped and closed her eyes when someone with no shirt on opened the door for her. The man looked at her in confusion. Soon, P.O came. His eyes widened when he saw Youngmi closed her eyes, scared.


“Jaehyo hyung!! You scared her!! Go wear you clothes!! I already said that Youngmi will come today!!” P.O ruffled his hair with frustation. Jaehyo pouted (because he always being bullied) and got some clothes half-heartedly.


“H-hi Youngmi.. Uhmm sorry about the earlier, Jaehyo hyung is kinda.. mmm... you know mmm...,” P.O said awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.


Youngmi opened her eyes slowly and sighed in relief when she saw P.O with clothes on in front of her.


“Yeah, Hi P.O, sorry for being late and it’s f-fine...,” Youngmi said and bit her lips nervously.


“Come on. We should do project!!” P.O grinned and tried to bring the mood.


“Ne...,” Youngmi smiled. She got in and was about to putted her shoes, She gasped when she saw a ton of shoes on the rack.


‘It is just me.. or P.O has A TON of shoes?!’ Youngmi thought confusedly. But then she remembered that P.O is one of the Block B members. She slapped her forehead, feeling so stupid. 


Youngmi gasped once more, this time louder when she heard someone singing some high notes. She putted her hand on her chest and tried to breath normally. ‘Is that a ghost?’ Youngmi’s eyes widened.


That time P.O appeared and handed her a coca-cola. She drank it quickly and nodded.


“I’m sorry, I was getting drink for you. Are you okay Youngmi? You looked pale...,” P.O said and looked at her worriedly. Suddenly that sound came again, this time Youngmi jumped and hold P.O’s arm tightly.


“What sound it that?” Youngmi asked P.O consfusedly. Then, P.O laughed.


“ARE YOU A GHOST TOO?” Youngmi stepped back and about to fell, fortunately P.O grabbed her waist. He chuckled and ruffled Youngmi’s har.


“Youngmi, that’s Taeil Hyung. He is the lead vocal of Block-B,” P.O said and laughed. Youngmi covered her face in embarrassment and looked down.


“I’m so stupid....,” Youngmi knocked her head.


P.O stopped laughing and softened. “hey it’s okay.... come on, I’ll intoduce you to them,” P.O said softly and grabbed Youngmi wrist.


And this is the thing that happened. (please watch the video^^)

(let’s just imagine, taeil sang in the living room with a lot of emotions while zico and kyung were busy jumping on the couch laughing and imitating him XD)




‘Immature hyungs.............,’ P.O face-palmed.






Another update for you!!!! <3

That video AHHAHAHAHAHAHAH XD I can't not share it to you guys it's soooo funny!! XDXDXD kekekkee poor taeil XD 

anyway let me know what you think on the comment box ^^ THANK YOU I LOVE YOU!





jdbjlbtgudbvfdbjksaajvjvsvhfkjl;'hmgklmh JONGUP OPPA PLEASE STOP SEDUCING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!


Ah I love you Himchan Oppa :)


reader : Ah, this story isn't good. What a waste of time. Better leave and look for another story.

Zelo : HAJIMAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBSCRIBE IT!!!! I HAVEN'T EVEN APPEAR THAT MUCH YET!! T___________T



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Chapter 11: Oooohhhhh Yongguk is sooooo cuteeee. Gosh I kinda ship Yongguk and her now..... Tehee
toonsy7dnie #2
Chapter 10: Aww P.O. is so protective, it's so adorable :3 but ooh is someone jealous? Hmm B-bomb are you jealous or just angry? Haha.

Well, I do like this story a lot so I will wait for updates! ..and I'll comment more so you know that I'm reading (: thanks for updating!~
Badass-Kid #3
Chapter 7: Yay~! You updated~
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 6: Update! Please?
klienchoung #5
Chapter 6: Teddyteddy cute
Hunny_chan210 #6
Chapter 4: Please update soon author-nim
I wanna know what will happen next ^^
Chapter 1: Naww it's so cute hehe loved it, can't wait for more ^_^