War Movie

When A Playboy Meet His Real Love


4men - 사랑해 (I Love you)

Youngmi tried to sleep but she can’t. Usually when she is this tired, she will sleep in no time. But although she already wear her hello kitty mask from her Yongguk Oppa. He knew that she is really hard to sleep when she’s not tired so he bought it for her. Usually, she will sleep a little while after she placed the mask on her eyes. But this night, she can’t even close her eyes. Suddenly, it rained. Youngmi covered her ears because of the thunder, she hated thunder and darkness. Also, She was really afraid because she was alone at her house, her mom and dad were in Japan for bussiness. She burried herself in the blanket but it made her more scared. She some calming and cozy music but as soon as it played the thunder rang again. This time, Youngmi can’t help but cried a little bit. She wiped her tears and calmed her self. But then, she had an idea.


‘Erm.. Should I go to Yongguk Oppa’s house?’ she thought.


‘But I will disturb him ><’


‘Yongguk oppa won’t hate me right?’


‘Maybe I’ll try.. Since Yongguk’s oppa parents were in Japan with my parents (remember? Yongguk’s mom and Youngmi’s mom are friend^^), I won’t disturb anyone, except Oppa’


Then, she decided to go to Yongguk’s house.


Since her house is really near with Yongguk’s, she didn’t bring anything. But the rain is heavier then thought. She tired to covered her head which made her arm even more wet. She ran quickly to Yongguk’s house. Soon, she arrived. She punched the bell several times but she got nothing as response. She looked at the screen..


“Oppa.. It’s me *hachi* Youngmi *hachi*..” she said, softly.


Meanwhile Yongguk was looking for the war movies that he wanted to watch. He can’t sleep either. He didn’t really know why. He isn’t easily sleep, but usually already sleeps at this time. Heck, it was 11.30 pm. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice. A very familiar one..


“Oppa.. It’s me *hachi* Youngmi *hachi*..” she said, softly.


“Isn’t is Youngmi’s voice?” he mumbled.


Curious, he opened the door. His eyes widened when he said Youngmi’s wet body while Youngmi rubbing the back of her neck and smiled sheepishly.


“Oppa.. Can I stay here? I’m afraid of the thunder?” She asked slowly.


“Youngmi-ah.. Why don’t you bring umbrella? Come on, go inside..,” Yongguk worriedly looked at her. He grabbed her hand and bring her inside.


“Hold on, Oppa will take a sweater for you,” Yongguk ran quickly and back in no time.


“But O-oppa.. Whe-Where can I-I.. umm.. c-change?” Youngmi stuttered in embarrassment.


Yongguk blushed, him, Youngmi, alone in the house, changing. All of this thing makes him blushed even more.


“You can change it my room,” Yongguk said awkwardly.


Being cluless, she didn’t notice the awkwardness in Yongguk voice and said..


“Okay Oppa!!” She smiled happily.


Yongguk quickly shook his head when Youngmi left.


‘She is your sister Yongguk, keep that in mind! ‘ he demanded himself.


Then, Youngmi appeared. The sweater was too big for her. She giggled. She even knew how ridiculous she looks right know. Yongguk can’t help but laughed as well. But actually he thought about how can this oversized sweater still makes Youngmi looks so cute...


Youngmi sat beside her oppa.


“Oppa.. Why didn’t you sleep?” Youngmi asked.


“Oppa couldn’t...,” Yongguk smiled at her.


“But.. You should sleep Oppa, you will get sick and...,”


“shhh,” Yongguk putted his finger on Youngmi lips to shut her. She blushed.


“Oppa’s fine...” he showed her his gummy smile and fixed her sweater sleeved because it was too long.


“I’m sorry if I disturbed you Oppa....,” Youngmi pouted sadly.

“It’s okay.. I’m happy because you’re here.. It was really lonely” He smiled.


“aww Oppa why are you so sweet!!” She giggled while Yongguk blushed


“What do you want to do? How about war movies? You like them!!? Youngmi cheered.


“I was about to but you don’t like war movies right, youngmi? We can do something else,” He smiled and wrapped his arm around Youngmi’s shoulder.


Youngmi softened.


‘I suffers Oppa...,’ She thought sadly.


“It’s okay Oppa, I’m a big gril, besides I have you right?” Youngmi hugged him.


“Okay.. Okay...” Yongguk sighed, knew that he won’t ever can resist Youngmi.


“You can sleep if you want to,” Yongguk ruffled her hair.




Soon, the movie started. Youngmi closed her eyes, scared. Yongguk softened.


‘Youngmi-ah, you don’t have to do it’ he sighed.


Seeing Youngmi uncomfortable, Yongguk brought her head to his chest. He uncovered her hands and hugged Youngmi  in his chest. Youngmi blushed, thanks to Yongguk, he turned the light off or he will see her tomato red face. He her hair and kissed her temple which making Youngmi blushed even more and felt those butterflies on her stomach. Then, a scary sceen appeared. Although Youngmi didn’t see anything beacuse she was in Yongguk’s chest she still heard the sound. She didn’t know why but she felt really scared. Unknowingly, tears started falling. Yongguk felt his shirt turns wet. He whispered in Youngmi’s ear....


“Youngmi-ah, are you fine?” Yongguk asked worriedly.


“It’s okay Oppa,” she cried once more.


“Youngmi-ah....” he hugged even more tightly.




“Shh.. Let’s stay like this for a while....,” Yongguk wishpered, burried her head in his chest once again and hugged her waist with his other hand again. He continued to her hair and rest his chin on her shoulder.


This feeling.. This undescriptable feeling. This lovely warm feeling that Yongguk always gives her. Youngmi loved it a lot. She wished she can stop the time and stay like this forever.


‘Oppa.. are you trying to make me fall for you?’


As time goes by, Youngmi fell asleep in Yongguk’s chest. She snored slowly. Yongguk smiled at her sweetly. She carried her bridal style to his room. He gently placed Youngmi in his bed and wrapped her body with blanket. He sat beside Youngmi and looked at her. Suddenly this warm feelings surrounded him. He gulped. Slowly he laid his fingers on Youngmi angelic face. He softly ran fingers on Youngmi skin, until he touched her lips. Hu gulped once again. He really wanted to kiss her, now. He thought that he was wrong ( he wasn’t :p), he shook his head.  But the feelings came again. Unknowingly he went near and nearer to Youngmi, and.... He kissed her chin. He smiled and about to sleep on the couch but Youngmi grabbed his wrist and made him laid on his bed with Youngmi.


“Don’t go teddyteddy...,” she mumbled.


“I won’t,” Yongguk said.


Then she wrapped her arms around Yongguk’s waist. Yongguk shocked at first but he didn’t push her, to be honest he loved this feeling too.. A lot... He wished that she would hold him like this forever.


Then, He feel asleep as weel with his arm embracing Youngmi.


 ‘Youngmi-ah.... I love you,’






SURPRISE!! :p I'm back with another chapter!!



Yongguk : SUBSCRIBE! or else.. YOU'LL GET THIS!!!



yeahhhh yeahh yeahh!!XD


teheee XDXD


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Chapter 11: Oooohhhhh Yongguk is sooooo cuteeee. Gosh I kinda ship Yongguk and her now..... Tehee
toonsy7dnie #2
Chapter 10: Aww P.O. is so protective, it's so adorable :3 but ooh is someone jealous? Hmm B-bomb are you jealous or just angry? Haha.

Well, I do like this story a lot so I will wait for updates! ..and I'll comment more so you know that I'm reading (: thanks for updating!~
Badass-Kid #3
Chapter 7: Yay~! You updated~
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 6: Update! Please?
klienchoung #5
Chapter 6: Teddyteddy cute
Hunny_chan210 #6
Chapter 4: Please update soon author-nim
I wanna know what will happen next ^^
Chapter 1: Naww it's so cute hehe loved it, can't wait for more ^_^