Yongguk Oppa

When A Playboy Meet His Real Love


“Oppa, I don’t want to go to school...,” You pouted.



It was the time for going back to *boring school*, this year Youngmi gonna be in 2nd grade and *most of* her lovely B.A.P Oppas gonna be seniors. Her oppas approached her happily with evil grins on their face. Yongguk showed her his playful gummy smile. Zelo made a face, this year he was in  2nd grade as well as Youngmi and he hated school, just like Youngmi too. Jongup showed her his angelic smile and ruffled her hair. Daehyun and Youngjae were in their own world. Himchan cracked an evil smirked and grabbed her waist, carried her bridal-style.


“Weeeeeeeeeeee,” He spinned her. Typical Himchan...


“Oppa, put me down, what if.. what if my friends see me!!!” Youngmi shouted and closed her eyes.


“Then, you must be proud, because I only carry someone special,” He smiled playfuly and spinned her again.





Youngmi friends were only B.A.P. B.A.P and Youngmi have been friend since they were little. They knew each other when Youngmi moved to B.A.P neighborhood when she was six. Her house were beside Yongguk’s. Her mother and Yongguk’s were friends. Youngmi moved there beacuse his father got a new job there. At first, she thought that this idea was bad. She was crying non-stop and did’nt accept the new environment. But as time goes by, she knew B.A.P and got allong with them better and better. Now, she can’t even think how she would live without her oppas.




Little Youngmi was crying non-stop, even her mom has given her, her favorite chocolate candy. She missed her old house already. Her toys and her dolls (although she did bring some with her). Her mom embraced her and whispered some soothing words to her ears. She calmed a bit, but she still had that frown on her face.


“Youngmi, this is Yongguk, your Oppa..., come on, say hi!” her mom said cheerfully to her.


“Oppa?” she said, trembling.


She was actually scared and thought this Yongguk Oppa was a big bully. Because at her old school, she used to be bullied because of her small body, although she really was a beautiful girl. She tried to be nice to the kids who bullied her, she leaned them her toys but they broke it. She gave them some of her food, but they throw them away. She called them ‘Oppa’, but they called her Ahjumma for no reason. Not a really happy childhood but she didn’t really think about it. But, when she must meet another ‘Oppa’, she couldn’t help but felt scared. But she erased all of those bad memories and streched out her hand, unsure.


“Youngmi imnida, It’s nice to see you Oppa,” She shook Yongguk’s hand.


Yongguk gave smile gummy smile to her, he looked at her softly and chuckled. Youngmi couldn’t help but smiled back and blushed. She actually expected him to call her ahjumma and mocked her, but instead of doing that he said,

“Annyeong Youngmi-ah, It’s nice to see you too, I’ll be the best Oppa for you, You trust me, right? Now let’s play!!” He grabbed her hand and said goodbye to his mother and Youngmi’s mother.


Youngmi cheeks turned red because of Yongguk’s touch.


“Woahh Hyung!! Is she your girlfriend?” Innocent Jongup ran to his hyung and Youngmi.


“N-Nno!!!!” They said in unison, redden.


“Eh, then why are you holding her hand hyung?” Cute Zelo came from somewhere.


“Oh I forgot! She is my dongsaeng! Her name is Youngmi!” Yongguk said while smiling.


“Then why didn’t you tell us?” Daehyun and Youngjae asked him, confused.


“Aigoo... She’s not my sibbling, but yeah she is my dongsaeng!” Yongguk said proudly, then smiled at Youngmi.


“WOAH!! WHO IS THIS HYUNG?!” Himchan ran to Youngmi. He stood in front of Youngmi and looked at her deeply making Youngmi blushed.


“Aww you are so cute and pretty!!” Himchan pinched her cheeks.


“I LIKE YOU,” He said loudly making Youngmi even more red and looked down awkwardly.


Yongguk smacked his head and glared at him playfully,

”Yahh Himchan!! You can’t just say that!! Youngmi is my dongsaeng and I’m her best Oppa!!”


“But Yongguk.....,” He pouted like a litte kid (well, he was a kid). Youngmi giggled because of his cuteness.


“Look! I make her smile,” Himchan said proudly, that time, he earned more smacks from his jealous friends.



Since that time, Youngmi always plays with her B.A.P oppas. They knew each other better and better. She didn’t get many friends at school, because the girls always get jealous at her and didn’t want to be friend with her. But it didn’t bother her at all. She had her Oppas and that’s all she needed.

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Chapter 11: Oooohhhhh Yongguk is sooooo cuteeee. Gosh I kinda ship Yongguk and her now..... Tehee
toonsy7dnie #2
Chapter 10: Aww P.O. is so protective, it's so adorable :3 but ooh is someone jealous? Hmm B-bomb are you jealous or just angry? Haha.

Well, I do like this story a lot so I will wait for updates! ..and I'll comment more so you know that I'm reading (: thanks for updating!~
Badass-Kid #3
Chapter 7: Yay~! You updated~
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 6: Update! Please?
klienchoung #5
Chapter 6: Teddyteddy cute
Hunny_chan210 #6
Chapter 4: Please update soon author-nim
I wanna know what will happen next ^^
Chapter 1: Naww it's so cute hehe loved it, can't wait for more ^_^