Confessions Part 1

Always Wanted to Be Yours

^^JI HOO^^

I had talked to everyone who knew Min Hee and checked everywhere for her. Even Shin Woo was shocked to hear Min Hee had disappeared without a trace. It was already past the date of our wedding which had to be canceled. Min Hee's mother had gotten sick from stress of the disappearance of her only daughter. The police were doing everything they could with the little evidence they had.

I kept replaying the conversation I had with Jun Pyo the first time I called him about Min Hee. Something was about about how he stopped in the middle of his sentence. Maybe Jan Di was hiding her, but why? I decided to stop by their house


Ji Hoo had arrived at Jan Di's house and rang the door bell. He was positive that Jan Di and Jun Pyo were hiding Min Hee. 

"Ji Hoo! What a surprise! What are you doing here?" Jan Di asked nervously.

"Just visiting. I heard that you were pregnant so I thought I'd bring you a present."

"Kamsamnida. Come on in." The two headed to the living room. 

"Oh, Ji Hoo. Good to see you. Have you found Min Hee yet?" Jun Pyo asked. Ji Hoo shook his head.

"Ji Hoo...There's something I need to tell you. Min Hee called me on the day of what was supposed to be your wedding. She told me that she was fine and that you knew the reason why she left. Is that true?"

"Anio. This is the first time I've been to your new house. Do you mind if I look around?" Ji Hoo asked. Jun Pyo and Jan Di exchanged glances.

"Um...sure."Ji Hoo looked through all the rooms to find one with Min Hee's suitcases.

"Jan Di, where are you hiding Min Hee?" Ji Hoo wondered to himself. Jan Di saw him at the door of Min Hee's room. Jan Di dropped the basket of laundry which she was holding. Ji Hoo turned and walked over to her.

"Where are you hiding her?" Meanwhile, Min Hee was just around the corner and was leaning against the wall. She covered to prevent her from making noise and her body shook. She dropped on her knees catching Ji Hoo's attention. Her skirt was sticking out making Ji Hoo realize Min Hee was there. He was about to approach her when Jan Di grabbed him by the arm to stop him.

"Look Ji Hoo, unnie doesn't want to see you. She is upset about what you did. Jun Pyo wanted to kill you for what you did to her and yet unnie wanted to protect you. I don't get what she sees in you. You need to get a clue," Jan Di hissed and let go of him. She left the two alone hoping they would make up.

"Min Hee, what did I do that hurt you? Please tell me and I'll fix it."

"...Why did you agree to the marriage in the first place?" Min Hee asked.

"I thought that it wouldn't be so bad marrying my childhood friend and I promised harabeoji that I would protect you. Please let me see you. I want to hold you like I always do. I miss your scent and your smile. Being at home is lonely without you."

"Why did you come? Why did you look for me? I told you not to," Min Hee's voice shook and she began to cry. Ji Hoo ran to her and embraced her. He held her tightly. Min Hee attempted to push him away, but he wouldn't let go.

"Tell me what I did wrong. I'll make it up to you." In a final attempt, Min Hee used all her strength to pushed him away and stood up. 

"I've been in love with you for thirteen years- " Min Hee covered . 

Sorry this chapter is short. Thanks for all the reviews so far!

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Chapter 11: It was cute to read. :)
nss1991 #2
Chapter 11: wonderful story !
deermao #3
Chapter 11: interesting...
lavi018 #4
Chapter 11: sorry wrong spelling of awesum in excitement....:-)
lavi018 #5
Chapter 11: I loved the story......... Each and every part of it... ITS AAAAWWWWAAAAAUUUUMMMMM......!!!!!! :-)
liSSie #6
Chapter 11: can't you do another story like this one? this much...
XxharumixX #7
August 21 is my actual birthday :)
SooJung #8
Awwww.. What a nice story.. ^^
cute :3
VeeVeeEnn #10