Our Day Has Arrived

Always Wanted to Be Yours


It's finally my time. My heart can't stop racing. My heart is going to explode of happiness. I was waiting with my bridemaids and my maid of honour who all wore a one strap yellow dress with black pumps, can you guess? If you guessed Jan Di, Ga Eul, Jae Kyung, and Seo Hyun then you're correct! I was getting my hair styled into a messy side bun. 
"I can't wait to see what your dress looks like! I bet it's fabulous with your sense of style!" Jae Kyung squealed, "I can't belive your brother disaproves of you getting married when he was the one hooked you two up."
"Yeah...Wait! He did what! Oh my god!" I shouted, "I love oppa so much! I can't believe he did this for me. Well, actually I can since he's a very nice person..."
"Miss, you may put on your wedding dress now," the stylist announced.
"Neh, kamsamnida. Seo Hyun unnie help me put on my dress?"
The two went to the dressing room locking the bridemaids outside. After fifteen minutes or so, Seo Hyun opened the door.
"You can come in now," Jan Di stated. The two entered the room, but didn't see anything a but a folding screen. Min Hee stepped out from behind it wearing her elegant wedding dress.
"OMO! You look hot!" Jae Kyung exagerated.
"Unnie, you look beautiful! Ji Hoo is going to be speechless in a good way," Ga Eul commented. Somebody knocked at the door and Hye Ri and Min Hee's mother entered.
"My baby girl is so gorgeous! All my babies have grown up and moved out of my house," Min Hee's mother sniffed.
"Unnie, you look amazing! I can't wait to get married," Hye Ri announced. The two left when Min Hee's father stepped in.
"It's time."
Ji Hoo waited nervously as the bridemaids came down and then the maid of honour. Then came his soon to be wife. His eyes widened as she walked down the aisle. "Dude, close your mouth. You're gonna drool," Yi Jeong whispered. Ji Hoo smiled as Min Hee was passed to him. "You look drop dead gorgeous, but you will forever be mine," Ji Hoo whispered making Min Hee blush. The two had spoken their vows and their fathers had spoken. The two exchanged rings. 
"I love you," Ji Hoo whispered.
"I love you too," Min Hee replied with a smile. The two came together for a passionate kiss. 
The next chapter is going to be the last! Thanks readers for reading and commenting on my story. I'll have a new one soon so check it out.
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Chapter 11: It was cute to read. :)
nss1991 #2
Chapter 11: wonderful story !
deermao #3
Chapter 11: interesting...
lavi018 #4
Chapter 11: sorry wrong spelling of awesum in excitement....:-)
lavi018 #5
Chapter 11: I loved the story......... Each and every part of it... ITS AAAAWWWWAAAAAUUUUMMMMM......!!!!!! :-)
liSSie #6
Chapter 11: can't you do another story like this one?..love this much...
XxharumixX #7
August 21 is my actual birthday :)
SooJung #8
Awwww.. What a nice story.. ^^
cute :3
VeeVeeEnn #10