
Always Wanted to Be Yours

"Goodbye," Min Hee waved to the children of her preschool class as they walked to their parents. She went back inside and began picking up all the toys. She heard the door open and looked up. Ji Hoo and Seohyun were coming in. 

"Annyeong, could you wait a moment. I need to clean up. It's nice seeing you again unnie. You look even prettier than before! How's France?" Min Hee asked smiling and continued cleanning up. Ji Hoo came to assist her as well.

"I see you haven't been doing well," Seohyun commented.

"Aw, you caught me," Min Hee pouted.

"Yah, Ji Hoo-ah, can't you take better care of your soon to be wife? You two have been living together for almost a year and you've known each other since you were practically babies."

"Unnie, don't blame him. I didn't want to distract him from his work."

"Aigoo, you care too much about other people. You should take more care of yourself. When's the wedding anyways?"

"In a week," Ji Hoo replied. 

"Min Hee, you better get some rest. Take a day off. Oh! I know! Why don't you two go on a date? Tomorrow I'm coming over at eight in the morning to help Min Hee dress up and you guys are going out all day. I'll be at your house all day so you better not come back until ten or eleven."


The doorbell rang waking the soon to be weds up. The two groaned at the sound. "Ji Hoo, can you go get the door?" Min Hee asked while turning to face him. "Mmmm. Give me five more minutes." He wrapped his arms around her waist. The doorbell constantly rang. Min Hee got fed up with the sound and opened the door. She was greeted with a hug from Jae Kyung. 

"What are you four doing here?" Min Hee asked while yawning. The four girls came inside.

"Unnie told us you were going on a date so we are going to help dress you up," Ga Eul replied. Ji Hoo came out, stretching his arms. He went to MIn Hee and wrapped his arms around her chest.

"Jagiya, who's here?" Ji Hoo asked sleepily. The four girls squealed.

"I didn't know you two were that close. I should have just left you two alone," Seohyun giggled.

"But unnie, did you know? They have never been out on a date with just the two of them. So we have to help them," Jae Kyung insisted. The four girls dragged Min Hee into their room. She mouthed to Ji Hoo, 'Help me'. They locked the door behind them and bombarded Min Hee with questions

"Speak one at a time. I can't understand you," Min Hee shouted.
"Let's get her dressed. Jun Pyo and I have plans today," Jan Di stated. After an hour, the girls were having a long argument except for Min Hee who quietly snuck out of the room carrying clothes. Ji Hoo chuckled as he watched Min Hee escape. 
"Why are you laughing? Would you like to be in there?" Min Hee asked. Ji Hoo shook his head. Min Hee continued her way to the bathroom.
"Are you girls done yet? I need to get dressed," Ji Hoo called from the other side of the door.
"NO!" the four girls shouted. Seohyun opened the door and threw some clothes at him.
"Thanks," Ji Hoo said and went to what used to be his harabeoji's room.
Min Hee and Ji Hoo came out of the two rooms at simultaneously. The two bumped into each other.
"Yeoppuda," Ji Hoo commented. She wore a white shirt and a black skirt along with a pair of black heels
"Gomawo," Min Hee replied while blushing. They looked around to see their room's door still closed. The shouting and screeching could still be heard. "They're still arguing?" Min Hee asked wincing at their loud voices, "Should we leave without telling them?" The two exchanged mischeivious glances. Ji Hoo took Min Hee's hand and twined them together. 
"Kaja," Ji Hoo said. The two left the house. Ji Hoo's motorcycle was parked in front of the house. Ji Hoo put on the helmet for Min Hee and then he put on his own. He sat on the motorcycle and helped Min Hee on. She held onto his shoulders shyly. "Put your arms around my waist," Ji Hoo commanded. He moved her hands from his shoulders to his waist. "Hold on tight," he said. The two zoomed off.
"Where are we going?" Min Hee asked.
"You'll see," Ji Hoo replied. After fifteen minutes, the two had arrived at the destination. Ji Hoo helped Min Hee take off the helmet and fixed her hair. She smiled and said, "Gomawo." She looked around the area. Ji Hoo took her hand and pulled her into a nearby cafe.
"What do you want to eat?" Ji Hoo asked. Min Hee looked at the pastries in the display.
"I want that!" Min Hee pointed at a cheesecake decorated with fruits.
"Can I have that cake and a cup of coffee?" Ji Hoo asked the worker. 
"Neh, wait a moment," the worker replied. Ji Hoo glanced at Min Hee who was smiling in joy. "Ji Hoo-ah, gomawo," Min Hee said facing him and still smiling."No problem." He smiled back and kissed her on the cheek. Min Hee was flustered and blushed. "Here you go sir," the worker said giving Ji Hoo the cup of coffee and the piece of cake. Ji Hoo paid for it. The two sat in a table by the window. Min Hee happily ate the cake.
"Yummy," Min Hee commented. She hummed IU's 'Marshmallow' as she ate. "I have a cute wife," Ji Hoo stated. Min Hee smiled at him not knowing what he said. "Ji Hoo, say 'ah'" Min Hee ordered. 
"Ah," Ji Hoo said. Min Hee fed him some of the cake and watched him eat. "It tastes good right?" Min Hee asked. Ji Hoo nodded in response. Min Hee had seen someone out the window and waved. The person had waved back. Min Hee urged him to come in which he did.
"Shin Woo oppa!" Min Hee called. Shin Woo hugged Min Hee and kissed her on the cheek. He pulled up a chair and sat across the table. Ji Hoo quietly sipped his coffee as the two friends chatted. Min Hee noticed Ji Hoo looked disturbed. 
"Kwenchana?" Min Hee asked. Ji Hoo nodded and looked at his watch. 
"Should we go ---" Ji Hoo began. He was interupted by the screech of a car and a scream. The three ran outside to see a woman had been hit by a car. The woman was surrounded by a group of people. Ji Hoo ran to the woman's side. "Min Hee, Shin Woo, call for help!" Ji Hoo commanded and did CPR on the woman. Shin Woo called 911 while Min Hee was frozen. Memories from the past came back to Min Hee, memories she thought had been locked away. Tears unknowingly rolled down her cheeks.
"I told you, you wouldn't be able to forget what hapenned," Shin Woo stated while wiping away her tears, "Want to make him jealous?" 
"Huh?" Min Hee asked. The ambulence had arrived and the woman was sen tto the hospital. Ji Hoo turned around to see Shin Woo pulling Min Hee into an embrace. Shin Woo pulled back a little and grabbed Min Hee's chin. Shin Woo leaned very close to Min Hee, whispering something into her ear before kissing her on the lips. Ji Hoo felt rage inside him. He clenched his fist.  He walked over to the two and aggressively pulled Min Hee away from Shin Woo. Min Hee was so shocked at Shin Woo's actions that she was speechless.
"I must be a great kisser to make someone speechless," Shin Woo sneered. And with that, Shin Woo left.
"Ji Hoo, there's somewhere I want you to take me," Min Hee said almost inaudible to hear.
Min Hee stood in front of her best friend. She placed a bouquet of yellow roses in a vase. "Kang Su Ji, mian. It's my fault your lying like this right now. You should be married and having the time of your life. Your suppose to have three kids, but you're here. Jeongmal mianhae Su Ji," Min Hee sobbed. Ji Hoo pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back. He spoke comforting words into her ear, trying to relax her. But he couldn't do anything more.
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Chapter 11: It was cute to read. :)
nss1991 #2
Chapter 11: wonderful story !
deermao #3
Chapter 11: interesting...
lavi018 #4
Chapter 11: sorry wrong spelling of awesum in excitement....:-)
lavi018 #5
Chapter 11: I loved the story......... Each and every part of it... ITS AAAAWWWWAAAAAUUUUMMMMM......!!!!!! :-)
liSSie #6
Chapter 11: can't you do another story like this one?..love this much...
XxharumixX #7
August 21 is my actual birthday :)
SooJung #8
Awwww.. What a nice story.. ^^
cute :3
VeeVeeEnn #10