Their Story Begins

Always Wanted to Be Yours

Listenning to SS501's "Because I'm Stupid" from BOF!!!


Its been six years since I've met Geum Jan Di. She and I along with one other person are attending Shinhwa University. Everybody is going their separate ways. It's my last year at Shinhwa University and I want to make these memories count. Jan Di and Ga Eul are the only ones who now who I have a huge crush on, well besides my oppa.

I spotted Jan Di along with Ji Hoo and a group of kids playing in a sandbox.

"Jan Di-ah!" I call and wave. She waved in return.

"Min Hee unnie! I haven't seen you in so long! You've gotten really pretty unnie. You grew out your hair right?" Jan Di complemented as I approached her.

I nodded and said, "What do you mean you haven't seen me in so long! I've seen you around." I giggled at her sorry expression. "Kwenchana Jan Di. I know you're busy with school."

"How do you have so much free time?"

"Me? I don't I'm being tested today later on how I treat kids. I'm so nervous."

"Just act how you would normally act. You'll ace the test," Ji Hoo stated and smiled. My heart skipped a beat.

"Neh. Oh! Jan Di-ah, oppa told me that Jun Pyo would be coming today. I hope you haven't forgotten your promise." Jan Di smiled and blushed. "I'm so excited for you! You're getting married! Then Ga Eul and Yi Jung oppa will probably be next and I'll be all alone," I whined.

"Don't worry unnie. You'll find your soul mate." Jan Di gestured towards Ji Hoo while he was playing with a little girl. Right on time, a helicopter landed on the beach by the medical outreach. I smirked at her and urged her to go. I watched her figure disappear. A little baby boy tugged at my dress catching my attention. I turned to see him hold his arms out towards me so I picked him up with a smile.

"Seeing you taking care of kids suits you," Ji Hoo said making me blush.

"Ah, thanks for watching them for me. The call was really important," I sighed, "Min Nam-ah it's getting cold put on your jacket," I said to the baby. I attempted to put his jacket on, but unfortunately I couldn't. 

"Let me help."

"Neh. Gomawo." Ji Hoo took Min Nam so I carefully put the jacket on Min Nam's small body making sure his hands came out of his sleeves. I smiled and took him back. I looked at the beach to see Jun Pyo kneeling down on one knee.

"Min Hee-ah," a voice called from the opposite direction. There was Yi Jung and Woo Bin oppa. 

"Yi Jung! How was Sweden? You did go see Ga Eul before us right?" Yi Jung chuckled and nodded. It got a little chilly well since I was wearing a dress and no leggings. "Everyone, let's go inside and play okay? I don't want you catching a cold," I said to the kids.

"Neh, noona/unnie," the chorused. The six of them got up and brushed the sand off their clothes.

"I'll see you guys soon since there's going to be a wedding!" I giggled and walked after the kids. 

"Ji Hoo, can you go with my sister?" Woo Bin oppa asked. Woo Bin oppa is the best!

"Sure." Ji Hoo walked beside me crowded by the little girls. 

"Sae Byul is going to grow up and marry doctor prince in the future," Sae Byul, the little girl Ji Hoo was playing with, stated.

I smiled and asked, "Really? Then Sae Byul is a princess who will be very pretty when she grows up." Sae Byul smiled brightly and nodded enthusiastically making me laugh. She held one of my hands as we walked.

"Does unnie have a boyfriend?" Sae Byul asked. I shook my head. 

"Why not?" one girl asked.

"Unnie is the prettiest in the world," another stated.

"Do you have someone you like?" Sae Byul asked.

"Neh," I answered. 

"Who is it? Who is it?" the three girls asked.

"It's a secret. But he's very nice to unnie. He's like a prince," I replied. I looked down at Min Nam and saw that he was sleeping. "Shhh, Min Nam is sleeping so can you be quiet?" I asked in a whisper. They nodded. The six kids walked inside to the playroom while Ji Hoo and I put Min Nam to bed. I took off his jacket and laid him in his crib. I pulled the blankets over him. 

"Have a good sleep Min Nam," I whispered and kissed his forehead. I quickly turned and bumped into Ji Hoo falling backwards. He grabbed me by the waist to stop me.

"Kwenchana?" Ji Hoo asked. I nodded.

"Neh. Ji Hoo, could you, um..." I began. I looked down at his hand and looked back up. 

"Mian," Ji Hoo stated pulling back making sure Min Hee was balanced. I walked to the playroom where all the kids were patiently sitting in a circle. 

"What do you want for a snack? Jello or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" I asked.

"Sandwich!" they all shouted. 

"Arraso. Go and play okay? Ji Hoo can you watch them while I get them snacks?" I asked.

"No problem," he replied. I turned to the kitchen and made two sandwiches. I cut off the crust and cut each sandwich into four pieces which were each put on small plates. I took out six boxes of apple juice and put them on a tray along with the sandwiches. Ji Hoo saw me and took the tray from me.

"Everyone, let's eat," I announced. The six rushed to the table and took their seats. Ji Hoo and I handed out the sandwiched and juices.

"What are the two sandwiches for?" Ji Hoo asked.

"Their for you and me, silly," I said. 

"You're doing a great job taking care of these kids."

"I love kids. I can't wait to have one. Then you can be my baby's doctor." I shivered slightly. Ji Hoo took of his coat and draped it around my shoulders.

"Aren't you cold?" I was wearing a floral dress, a cardigan, and heels. I shook my head. "Now that I think about it, you wear a lot of clothes with flowers." 

"That's because I love them too. I want to have a house with a huge garden so my baby can play in."

"What about your husband?" 

"My husband? Well, he has to like flowers to that way we could have picnics in our garden. But I'm getting married." 

^^JI HOO^^

"I'm getting married," I heard Min Hee say. My eyes widened. I looked at her, but she looked down.

"Who are you getting married to? Does your brother know?" Hye Mi shook her head.

"My umma set up the marriage. She told me the the guy is someone I know. Oppa doesn't know. Umma said she was going to tell him."

"Eh? Unnie's getting married? But, but doesn't unnie have someone she likes?" Sae Byul asked.

"He... he doesn't like unnie. We're just friends." She gave a sad smile. I opened my mouth to say something, but right on cue, Ga Eul entered. Ga Eul thanked us for watching the kids and we left to catch the last bus back to Seoul.


"Sorry for taking you from your work! I'll make it up to you. Hm... I know! I'll treat you for dinner to tonight! I'll cook dinner for you and your harabeoji! How does that sound?" Min Hee suggested. Min Hee wasn't going to take no for an answer which Ji Hoo knew.

Ji Hoo smiled and said, "Sound great. Let's head to my house since it's already so late." Min Hee nodded in response. The two got onto the bus and sat at the very back. Min Hee sat by the window while Ji Hoo sat next to her. Hye Mi breathed on the glass creating fog and wrote on it.

" 'Min Hee was here ^^' " Ji Hoo chuckled.

"What's so funny? I've always wanted to do something like this even if it doesn't last forever," MIn Hee pouted. Ji Hoo pinched her cheeks. He reached over her and fogged up the glass as well. He wrote 'Min Hee and Ji Hoo were here ^^'. 


"We're finally at your house! I haven't been here in so long! I wonder how it looks like..." Min Hee wondered aloud. Ji Hoo's harabeoji saw them walk to the door and opened it for them.

"Min Hee-ah! I haven't seen you in so long. You've become a beautiful young woman," Ji Hoo's harabeoji welcomed Min Hee with a warm smile.

"Neh, kamsamnida harabeoji," Min Hee shyly answered back and bowed, "Harabeoji is doing good I presume?"

"I'm as healthy as I can be. Now come on in. I don't want you freezing to death especially in a dress." The three went into the living room and sat down. 

"Do you want tea?" Ji Hoo asked. Min Hee nodded and smiled.

"I made a good decision," Ji Hoo's harabeoji mumbled to himself.

"Harabeoji, did you say something?" Min Hee asked. 

"Just thinking to myself. Do you have a boyfriend yet Min Hee?" 

Hye Mi shook her head and said, "Anio." Ji Hoo came in carrying the tea for the three of them. He poured a cup for Min Hee and himself.

"Be careful it's hot. Wait for it to cool off." he warned her.

"Neh. Kamsamnida," Min Hee replied. She let the cup cool and drank the tea.

"Min Hee-ah, why did you come over all of a sudden?" Ji Hoo's harabeoji asked

"Oh! I wanted to cook you two a meal since Ji Hoo helped me out today and I kept him from work." 

"Oh? But I already ate so you two eat. I'm going to sleep."

"Neh," Ji Hoo and Min Hee said in unison.


"I'm so full!" Min Hee complained resting a hand on her belly. Ji Hoo looked at his watch to check the time.

"It's late. Why don't you stay over?"

"Can I?" Min Hee asked. Ji Hoo nodded in returen. "I'll tell oppa I'm staying over then." Ji Hoo cleaned the table while Min Hee called her brother.

"Ji Hoo-ah, do you have any clothes I could wear for the night?" 

"I think I have old clothes from Seo Hyun you can borrow." Ji Hoo pulled out a set of pajamas for Min Hee. 

"Gomawo Ji Hoo." Ji Hoo smiled and ruffled her hair. Min Hee immediately fixed her bangs. Min Hee changed in the bathroom while Ji Hoo changed in his room. Min Hee came out wearing a blue and white plaid shirt with matching shorts. 

"Ji Hoo-ah, the sleeves are a little bit long."

"It's fine. It looks good on you." Ji Hoo's comment made Min Hee blush slightly.

"Um...should I sleep on the floor?" Min Hee asked looking around.

"I'll sleep on the floor. You sleep on the bed."

"I'm a guest. I'll sleep on the floor."

"It's my house so you sleep on the bed." Min Hee huffed in frustration. 

"Isn't the floor uncomfortable? Just sleep on the bed with me." Ji Hoo sighed. 

"Alright." The two got on the bed with their backs facing each other.

"Doesn't it seem like we always have a conversation like this when you sleep over?" Ji Hoo asked.

"Ah! You're right!" The two laughed. 


Min Hee's eyes fluttered open to see Ji Hoo's sleeping face. Her face blushed having him so close to her. His arms were around her waist, embracing her. The door squeaked as it opened a crack. Ji Hoo's harabeoji stood there smiling.

"Harabeoji! Help me!" Min Hee whispered. Ji Hoo's harabeoji ignored her pleads and closed the door on them. Min Hee shifted slightly, stirring Ji Hoo. Ji Hoo moved closer to Min Hee and nuzzled her neck. Min Hee bit her lip.

"Ji-Ji Hoo-ah wake up." Min Hee whispered and poked him. Ji Hoo woke up and faced Min Hee. He immediately pulled back and sat up while covering his mouth. Ji Hoo's cell phone rang.

"Yeoboseyo?" Ji Hoo asked, "Jan Di-ah. Neh. I slept in" Ji Hoo's face lit up as he spoke to Jan Di. Min Hee decided to head to the kitchen to make breakfast, but Ji Hoo's harabeoji had beat her to it. 

"Good morning harabeoji. Did you have a good sleep?" Min hee asked.

"Neh, I did. It was a peaceful rest." As the two ate breakfast, Ji Hoo came out carrying Min Hee's cellphone.

"Min Hee, your umma called. She wants to talk to you," Ji Hoo stated. Min Hee abandoned her breakfast and took her cell phone. 

"Umma? Neh. I'm meeting him now? Neh. Neh. Araso..." Min said sadly, "Thanks for having me over. I have to go home now."

"Why?" Ji Hoo asked out of curiosity.

"I have to meet my fiancé." 

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Chapter 11: It was cute to read. :)
nss1991 #2
Chapter 11: wonderful story !
deermao #3
Chapter 11: interesting...
lavi018 #4
Chapter 11: sorry wrong spelling of awesum in excitement....:-)
lavi018 #5
Chapter 11: I loved the story......... Each and every part of it... ITS AAAAWWWWAAAAAUUUUMMMMM......!!!!!! :-)
liSSie #6
Chapter 11: can't you do another story like this one? this much...
XxharumixX #7
August 21 is my actual birthday :)
SooJung #8
Awwww.. What a nice story.. ^^
cute :3
VeeVeeEnn #10