His and Her Fiancé

Always Wanted to Be Yours


"Umma? Neh. I'm meeting him now? Neh. Neh. Araso..." Min said sadly, "Thanks for having me over. I have to go home now."

"Why?" Ji Hoo asked out of curiosity.

"I have to meet my fiancé." Min Hee gave a ninety degree bow and went to change. As she exited Ji Hoo's room, Ji Hoo's harabeoji was standing in front of her.

"Why don't we take you home? It's the least we could do for you since our house is far from here. What do you say?" Ji Hoo's harabeoji asked. Min Hee was hesitant. She hated getting favors from others.

"I'm free today. I could drive you," Ji Hoo suggested.

"Okay..." Ji Hoo and his harabeoji got dressed while Min Hee waited patiently for the two. Min Hee sat in the passenger seat while Ji Hoo's harabeoji sat in the back. 


They arrived at the house. When they entered, Min Hee's family gang and maids bowed to her.

"Welcome home, Young Mistress," they all said while bowing ninety degrees.

"Annyeonghaseyo," Min Hee replied, "Is my umma in the office?"

"Neh, Young Mistress," a maid replied.

"Kamsamnida." The three climbed the grand staircase. Down at the end of the hallway, after they climbed the staircase, was a giant door which lead to Min Hee's parent's office. Min Hee knocked on the door.

"Appa, umma. It's me," Min Hee called.

"Ah! Min Hee-ah! Come in!" Min Hee's mother chimed from inside. A maid opened the door for them and closed it after Min Hee, Ji Hoo, and his harabeoji entered.

"Jin Ae, Min Woo! It's been so long," harabeoji said and shook Min Hee's parent's hands.

"Ji Hoo-ah! It's been a long time since I've seen you! My! You've grown to be a handsome young man!" Mrs.Song gushed, "No wonder Hye Mi-"

"Umma!" Min Hee interrupted her from spilling secrets, "Can you please tell me who I'm getting married to? You said I was going to meet him today."

"Yeobo, why don't you just tell them?" Mr.Song suggested. Min Hee tilted her head in confusion.

"Tell us what?" she asked carefully.

"You and Ji Hoo are getting engaged!" Mrs.Song squealed in excitement. Min Hee's eyes widened and her jaw dropped slightly.

"What did you just say?" Min Hee asked.

"Hye Mi and Ji Hoo are getting engaged!" Inside, Min Hee was filled with joy and excitement.

"Harabeoji, why didn't you tell me anything about this marriage?" Ji Hoo asked sounding upset.

"I did. You just weren't listening to me," harabeoji said and smirked.

"Why are getting married so suddenly?" Min Hee asked. 

"We heard all Jun Pyo and Yi Jung were going to get married and your oppa has a girlfriend so..." Mr.Song began.


"So I didn't want you to be lonely." Min Hee sighed and stomped away to her room. She shut the door behind her and plopped onto her bed. 


After Min Hee had left, Ji Hoo asked, "Why did you choose me?"

"Your harabeoji requested it," Mrs.Song replied.

"Oh really," Ji Hoo glared at his harabeoji, "Please excuse me." He bowed and exited the room. He remembered that Min Hee was still pissed off because of her brother and headed to her room. He was about to knock on the door when he heard a scream from the other side. He also heard Min Hee ask, "How could they not tell me?" He then heard a yelp and a crash. Ji Hoo entered the room to see Min Hee lying on the floor. He helped her stand up. Coincidentally, Woo Bin barged into the room.

"Minnie! I see you heard you're getting married to Ji Hoo!" Woo Bin teased. Min Hee glared at him.

"Yah! How could you not tell me you had a girlfriend? Geez. What kind of brother are you? I tell you I'm dating, but you don't tell me," Min Hee huffed, "Get out of my room!"  She threw a pillow at his face and began approaching him.

"Ehehe, Ji Hoo! I need to talk to you for a moment." Woo Bin grabbed his friend and raced out of Min Hee's room. As they ran out, Ji Hoo looked back and saw Min Hee fall onto her knees. She clutched her chest and started coughing. Ji Hoo escaped from Woo Bin's clutches and ran back to Min Hee. She covered with  her free hand. Ji Hoo put an arm around her shoulder.

"Yah! Woo Bin! What's wrong with Min Hee?" Ji Hoo shouted. Woo Bin raced back to his precious sister's room.

"Dammit! Min Hee where did you put your medication?" Woo Bin asked. Min Hee pointed towards a basket on her night stand. Woo Bin rummaged through her things to find the medicine. He grabbed a bottle of water and rushed to his sister. He grabbed a hankerchief and gave it to her. "Move your hand," Woo Bin commanded. When she did, her hand was covered in some blood. Ji Hoo gripped Min Hee harder. Woo Bin gave Min Hee the pill who popped it into and drank water. 

"F**k. Ji Hoo stay here with Min Hee. I need to go get my parents," Woo Bin stated. Ji Hoo nodded and Woo Bin ran out. Ji Hoo moved Min Hee onto her bed. She continued coughing into the hankerchief. Ji hoo couldn't help but worry over his precious friend and held onto her hand. Woo Bin came back with his parents and Ji Hoo's harabeoji.

"You gave her the medicine right?" Mrs.Song asked as she sat by her fragile daughter. Woo Bin nodded. Mrs. Song sighed in relief. "That's good. It'll stop in about five to ten minutes. She'll probably be asleep by then." 

"What sickness does Min Hee have?" harabeoji asked. 

We'll tell you later," Mr. Song replied. After her coughing had stopped, the adults had left to the office. After a moment of silence between Ji Hoo and Woo Bin, Ji Hoo spoke up.

"What hapenned to Min Hee? She wasn't like this before."

"That's because when she was around F4, she would always try to hide it. It's a condition she had since she was a baby. She was always around people who smoked and since her body was originally weak, it damaged her lungs. It's odd though. She doesn't have lung cancer."

"Does anybody else know about her condition?"

"Yi Jung, Jan Di, and Ga Eul. Her being in this house will make her condition start up. It won't affect how long she lives though, but it's painful to see Minnie go through all this." Ji Hoo kept silent and stared at Min Hee's sleeping face. Woo Bin left without a word and closed the door leaving Ji Hoo and Min Hee alone.

"Ji Hoo? What are you doing here?" Min Hee asked waking up.

"Kwenchana?" Ji Hoo asked avoiding her question. Min Hee nodded.

"Ji Hoo, can you losen your grip? My hand is losing all feeling." Ji Hoo released her hand.

"Woo Bin told me about your condition."

"Well, it couldn't have been avoided."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you were going to worry about me. It's not like I'm going to die from the condition."

"You are going to live at my house." 

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Chapter 11: It was cute to read. :)
nss1991 #2
Chapter 11: wonderful story !
deermao #3
Chapter 11: interesting...
lavi018 #4
Chapter 11: sorry wrong spelling of awesum in excitement....:-)
lavi018 #5
Chapter 11: I loved the story......... Each and every part of it... ITS AAAAWWWWAAAAAUUUUMMMMM......!!!!!! :-)
liSSie #6
Chapter 11: can't you do another story like this one?..love this much...
XxharumixX #7
August 21 is my actual birthday :)
SooJung #8
Awwww.. What a nice story.. ^^
cute :3
VeeVeeEnn #10