Messed Up

Always Wanted to Be Yours

The soon to be married couple laid on their bed facing each other. There was something that Ji Hoo couldn't get off his mind and hesitated to ask.

"Ji Hoo, is there something you want to say?" Min Hee asked. 

He nodded and said, "But it's an uncomfortable question for you to answer."

"Just ask. Since we're getting married there can't be any secrets between us."

"What happened to your friend that we saw at the hospital." Min Hee's eyes widened in surprise and gulped.


"It's okay. You don't have to tell me now."

"Mian. It's just...I'm not comfortable speaking about it. Thanks for understanding me." Min Hee put her arms around her neck and smiled. She quickly kissed his lips and pulled back. "Good night," Min Hee whispered. She turned around so her back faced Ji Hoo who was still shocked at her sudden action. It took him a minute to realize what had happened. He smiled and embraced her, pulling her close.

"Yah, Ji Hoo, I'm trying to sleep," Min Hee whined.

"Then sleep." Ji Hoo replied and kissed her cheek and then her neck. Frustrated, Min Hee turned around to face Ji Hoo.

"Oppa--" Before she could complete her sentence, Ji Hoo cut her off with a small kiss on the lips. Ji Hoo smiled as he pulled back and said, "Good night." Min Hee was blushing and traced her lips with her finger. Her heart was racing 100 miles per hour. 

How am I suppose to go to sleep now? Min Hee thought.


Ji Hoo had arrived at Min Hee's classroom with a bouquet of her favorite flowers, yellow roses. But when he opened the door, he spotted an enemy speaking with his soon to be wife. "Jagi," Ji Hoo called as he walked in.

"Annyeong~ You're done with work already?" Min Hee asked while walking up to him. He nodded and handed her the flowers. "Gomawo, my favorite," Min Hee beamed as she received them. Min Hee was putting the bouquet into a vase and filling it with water. "Ah! Oppa! I forgot to introduce you. This is Shin Woo oppa! He's an old friend of mine. I'm going to get some tea for you so get to know each other."

"It's nice to meet you Ji Hoo hyung. I've heard a lot about you from Min Hee," Shin Woo stated.

"Nice to meet you too," Ji Hoo replied as they shook hands, "Since you're friends, mind telling me why you kissed my woman?" 

"She's not your woman yet and it's because I like her."

"Well, Min Hee doesn't like you so give up on her."

"How do you know that? Have you ever asked her if she wanted to marry you?" Ji Hoo was stunned at Shin Woo's comeback. Min Hee returned, stopping the 

"Are we going somewhere Ji Hoo?" Min Hee asked Ji Hoo pulled Min Hee onto his lap. He kissed her lovingly making Min Hee blush.

"Anio. I can't see my adorable fiance?" Ji Hoo replied, "Do  you want to go somewhere?" 

"Hmmm, not really. I'm okay spending time with you." 

"Min Hee-ah! You said you were going to let me see your wedding dress!" Shin Woo whined.

"Oh, right. Oppa, sorry but you can't come with us." Shin Woo smirked in victory.

"I hope you two have fun," Ji Hoo said sarcastically.


"Gomawo Shin Woo!" Min Hee thanked as Shin Woo drove away. She checked the time and it was already past midnight. "He's going to get mad at me for breaking our promise," Min Hee sighed. She quietly entered the house, but the lights were off and Ji Hoo was no where to be seen. So she checked their bedroom. When she the lights, she gasped and a tear rolled down her cheek. Ji Hoo and another woman lied on their bed half . She covered a sobbed for ten minutes. She didn't want to believe it, but it was right in front of her eyes and so she packed. She went to Ji Hoo and whispered, "I'm so stupid for loving you for thirteen years. I thought I had a chance, but I guess not. Thanks for taking care of me while I was here. Goodbye." Min Hee kissed him one last time and left.


^^JI HOO^^

I woke up with a massive headache, but at least my cute wife is here. I opened my eyes and was about to give her a good morning kiss, but it wasn't her. I shot out of bed and searched the entire house for Min Hee. She was nowhere to be found, but she left a note. 'Ji Hoo, Thanks for being kind and taking care of me while I was here. Please don't look for me. Goodbye. Love, Min Hee.' So that wasn't a dream? That was real? Why did she leave though?

"Ji Hoo, where are you going?" the woman I brought home last night asked.

"Get out," I mumbled.


"Get the hell out of my house!" The woman scoffed, but she gathered her things and left. I called her cellphone first.

"Hello," Min Hee's voice said.

"Min Hee whe-," I began.

"Sorry I can't speak to you right now, but please leave a message!" I slammed my fist on the table hard. Where would she go first? I called Woo Bin.

"Oh, Ji Hoo! I haven't heard from you in a while. Can't wait for you wedding. What's up?" Woo Bin greeted.

"Min Hee. She's gone."

"WHAT! Why? What did you do?"

"I don't know."

"My sister isn't the type of person who would get upset over nothing. Did you call her?"

"Yeah. It went straight to voicemail."

"I'll check my parent's house. Call Jun Pyo and Yi Jeong. The girls might know where she is. Don't call the police until we really need them." Woo Bin hung up.


Min Hee rang the doorbell of Jun Pyo's house. Jan Di had opened the door. 

"Unnie! What are you doing here? You look like a mess!" Jan Di exclaimed. Jan Di brought Min Hee inside and the maids brought in Min Hee's bags. "Don't tell me..Ji Hoo did something?" Min Hee bursted into tears again and explained the situation. "That jerk. It's been thirteen years and he still hasn't figured it out," Jan Di said pissed off.

"Jan Di, Ji Hoo wants to know-Ji Hoo she's-!!!" Jun Pyo began. Jan Di covered his mouth and took the phone.

"Ji Hoo? No, shouldn't she be with you? What! What did you do? You don't know!? You better find her and figure out why," Jan Di hissed and hung up.

"Why didn't you tell him Min Hee is here?" Jun Pyo asked.

"Because that guy is a jerk! It's been thirteen years since Min Hee loved him and hasn't figured it out yet. He also slept with another woman in their bed."

"That bastard. I'm going to kill him!"

"Wait! Please don't hurt him."

"He's hurt you so much. You're too kind for your own good." Jan Di sighed. 

"Don't tell anyone I'm here. Promise?" 

"Alright. He needs to find you on his own any ways. Did you turn off your cell phone?" Min Hee nodded in response. "You can stay here until he figures out you're here."

"Gomawo Jan Di, Jun Pyo."

"Go take a shower. Tha maids will bring your stuff into a room and will show you to it afterwards," Jun Pyo stated. Min Hee obeyed and left.

"Her life is such a mess. First, her best friend is in a coma which she thinks is because of her and now this," Jun Pyo sighed.

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Chapter 11: It was cute to read. :)
nss1991 #2
Chapter 11: wonderful story !
deermao #3
Chapter 11: interesting...
lavi018 #4
Chapter 11: sorry wrong spelling of awesum in excitement....:-)
lavi018 #5
Chapter 11: I loved the story......... Each and every part of it... ITS AAAAWWWWAAAAAUUUUMMMMM......!!!!!! :-)
liSSie #6
Chapter 11: can't you do another story like this one? this much...
XxharumixX #7
August 21 is my actual birthday :)
SooJung #8
Awwww.. What a nice story.. ^^
cute :3
VeeVeeEnn #10