Hail Justice!

Down the Rabbit Hole

He was carried through the transition of worlds, and arrived at the other side in no time.

This new world he fell into was tranquil.

There seemed to be nobody around, at least not in a proximate range.

However, when Kyuhyun straightened himself up, an ear-ripping alarm bell tore the air, flashing red light everywhere.


"Intruder! Intruder!" shouted a group of people, which turned out not exactly to be people, but TURTLE MEN, fully armed for security and rushing towards Kyuhyun.


Before Kyuhyun could even explain himself, they thundered upon and arrested him at once.


"Wait, wait, wait, there's a serious misunderstanding going on here." Kyuhyun tried, but it was too late.


The turtle men bound Kyuhyun with ropes and cuffed his hands behind his back.

They dragged Kyuhyun away to the castle without a further word.

When they took him inside the castle and up before the throne, a trumpet sounded from afar, signalling the entrance by the King.

A courtier ran out to the center and announced loudly.


"His Highness, His Excellency! The Red Land in Ye- I mean, Yesung of the Red Land! His Royal Majesty appears! With Mistress Sungmin!"


A dashingly handsome king with a red, elegant cloak draped over the shoulder strode in, followed by (to Kyuhyun's surprise) the rabbit man, Sungmin.

Sungmin was wearing beautiful silver garment; the kind that only the royal personage would wear.

He sat next to the Red King and smiled at Kyuhyun.

As the King contracted his eyebrows in indication of his unpleasantness at the presence of a trespasser, the turtle men forced Kyuhyun down on his knees in front of the Royal Highness.


"What's the meaning of this?" King Yesung inquired in a dark voice.

"Your Majesty, we have captured a trespasser." reported one of the turtle men.

"Hold on a second." Kyuhyun gritted his teeth. "I didn't fall onto this place on purpose, okay?"

"You dare speak in front of His Royal Majesty?" the guard hissed. "Insolent bastard!"

"Silence." the King ordered with an annoyed expression.


He looked to his right, where Sungmin was sitting.


"What do you think?" the King asked Sungmin. "Does he deserve my mercy?"


At that, Sungmin stood up and moved towards Kyuhyun in breath-taking steps.

Kyuhyun's madly pumping heart halted when Sungmin's hand brushed against his face.


"I'm afraid he's a rare kind, Your Majesty." Sungmin's voice flowed like stream.


He circled Kyuhyun, the tip of his fingers trailing the line of Kyuhyun's shoulder in such a bewitching way that it sent chills down the spine.


"Impulsive." Sungmin continued. "Lawless, and unruly."


The whole crowd fell silent to listen to his words.

He went on at excruciatingly slow pace, subjecting Kyuhyun to his intense gaze and his torturous touches.


"Arrogant, uncontrollable, hotheaded, and stubborn." said Sungmin.


He then stopped in front of Kyuhyun.


"But," he cupped Kyuhyun's chin with one hand, raised it to meet his eyes, and twitched his lips up into a beam so damn y and luscious that it almost felt like it's illegal to even lay eyes on those plump cherry lips. "Stunning and captivating."


Sungmin turned back to the King.


"Seems like a decent guy." he said. "He's definitely worthy of your grace, Your Majesty."

"But I've never let an intruder walk back out alive before." the King shook his head.

"Why don't we have a trial, then?" Sungmin suggested in a sweet voice. "Let's have things fair and square, shall we?"

"Ugh, you know I loathe complexity." the King frowned in distaste.

"Just a little one wouldn't hurt." Sungmin persisted.

"Fine, then." the King gave in. "I'll appear in court myself."


The turtle men didn't need another word of instruction.

They jerked Kyuhyun up and pushed him to the court, where juries were already seated as if they had been waiting for him.

Kyuhyun was shoved into the accused's stand with his hands still firmly tied behind him.

Soon enough, the Red King rose to the judge's bench, and Sungmin found his place in the midst of the audience.

Before Kyuhyun could figure out what the hell's going on, the trial kicked off without a second of delay, because the King hated court formalities and dismissed all the standard procedures, to Kyuhyun's dismay.

Pretty amazing.


"State your name." the King requested in an unenthusiastic tone.


"You're charged with trespassing and disrupting peace in this Kingdom of mine." said the King. "Do you plead guilty?"


Kyuhyun couldn't help but let out a bewildered laughter.


"No, I don't." he answered. "I've done nothing wrong."

"Blatant dishonesty and contempt of court, as well as denial of allegations." the King murmured, and the clerk scribbled every single word down on a piece of paper.

"Wait a minute." Kyuhyun interrupted. "That's not even a crime."

"You have no right to speak when I'm examining you." the King glared at Kyuhyun.

"How's that even-"

"Because I said so. Now shut up and say you're guilty, so we can get this over with."


"I said shut up!"


So he shut up.

And the King hammered the bench furiously.


"If you don't answer me right now, I'm imprisoning you this instance!"


At that nonsensical decision, the members of jury and the audience suddenly got up and cheered; some of them even waving a flag that said 'Hail the Red King! You Rock!'

Obviously, Kyuhyun decided that there was no point fighting.


"I choose to stay silent." Kyuhyun emphasized each word.

"That's it, I've had enough!" the King snarled. "I sentence you to imminent death!"


The cheers from the jury and the audience peaked even higher, and the turtle men gave a standing ovation, with one of them shouting 'that was the best decision ever!'

Kyuhyun was absolutely dumb-founded, but there was nothing he could do to calm down the commotion. (I mean, come on. It was one against a hundred plus the cranky oh-so-fantastic Majesty.)

It was the King's so-called mistress who came to assistance at that point.


"I think this is a good timing to call the witnesses, Your Majesty." said Sungmin.

"Witnesses?" the King knitted his eyebrows as if he has never heard of the word before. "What are we calling the witnesses for?"

"I say we bring in just a couple of them, hmm?" Sungmin persuaded like he was talking to a kid who refused to go to a dentist.

"Alright, then." grunted the King. "But be quick!"

"The Queen of White takes the witness stand." Sungmin announced to the court, as the White Queen, Leeteuk, (yes, she just popped up out of nowhere) was escorted to the witness stand by the turtle men, accompanied by Kangin, the knight.


She seemed calm and composed unlike before, but Kyuhyun felt like there was already a time bomb ticking away.

One mistake, and she was gonna crack up.


"What do you have to say about this despicable incident?" asked the King.

"I have nothing to say." the Queen answered in a dignified manner.

"That's a very important piece of evidence." said the King, ensuring that the clerk was writing everything down. "Now, where were you and what were you doing when all this happened?"

"I was in my room washing my military uniform." said the Queen.

"Military uniform?" the King raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I'm serving in an army, and I'm just on vacation now."

"And how does that make you feel?" the King inquired.


There was a silence in the court for a few seconds.

Then, without a warning, the Queen burst out crying.

Oh, dear God, dear Lord, you never stray from expectation.


"I'm devastated because I have to leave my children!" she wailed. "When they come back, they'll have no mommy at home! They'll miss me, and they'll want to see me, so they'll decide to visit me, but they wouldn't know the way so they'll be lost in the woods and evil stranger will come up to them and kidnap them and sell them to a circus, but they're hot, so they'll earn a lot of money and be famous and everybody will want to be their mommy, so they'll buy a better mommy, and they won't need me anymore, so when I come back, there will be no one at home!"

"There, there, now don't cry." Kangin comforted her.

"I believe that's enough evidence collected!" the King exclaimed. "We move onto the verdict! Jurymen, give us a verdict!"


The foreman of the jury named Shindong, who was constantly munching on a cheese burger and gulping down the coke with gurgling sounds the whole time, pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and read it out with his mouth full.


"We come to no verdict so we conclude that there should be a trial by combat."

"Combat, hmm." the King pondered for a moment, before turning to Sungmin. "What do you think?"

"That's not a bad idea." Sungmin smiled.

"Combat it is, then!" the King said in full confidence. "Get him ready for the duel!"



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saphirebluefish #1
Chapter 10: this was super funny...especially teukie umma's ranting!! cm back soon oppa....anyway great story authornim^^
Chapter 10: Wow! I love this. I hate Alice in wonderland (don't ask me why), but I love this! Great job.
SilkChiffon #3
Chapter 10: I loved it! Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite stories, the fact that you made a parody with the SuJu boys is absolutely perfect not to mention hilarious. Great job!
Chapter 10: That was epic!! Ryeowookie is so crazy! XD

I loved how Hae repeats anything that Hyukkie says. Especially " 'an !' He said with passion" xD

Mimi! Mochi! Why so crazy?? I just laughed so hard! Though it reminded me of my logic class but Mimi made me understand more :3

Ohhh....y cat Heechul ;3

Aww! Poor umma Teukie! I still love you! No need to cry! You're the best umma out there! Ana appa Kangin will always be by your side.

And Yesung, why are you baby? XD but I love him! Such a brat xD
Chapter 10: Aahhh....... This's great!! So amusing.. Funny and.. A bit weird (in a good way).. Lol.. I like the idea.. Though, honestly, I get a little confused at some point.. And the ending!! Omo~ is it a dream again?? Or..no?? Kyu's a prince?? Aaahh.. I don't know >.<
evilmagnae5 #6
Chapter 10: Just wowwwwww
Awesome idea
bedhairrrr #7
Chapter 10: brilliant piece! Enjoyed it so much :D eunhae's bantering & leeteuk talking about her sons were the funniest xD
I can't even tell you how many times I bursted out laughing! x'DDD Great fic! Hope you write more like this! >:D Fighting!
Chapter 10: just wow................