Who Am I?

Down the Rabbit Hole

'Where's he gone off to now?' thought Kyuhyun, quite irritated by now.


What's more, there was a not-very-pleasant smell coming from somewhere near him.

It smelled like a type of cigarette or something along that line.

Kyuhyun walked towards the source of the smell, where he bumped into a buffed up caterpillar.

Not just a caterpillar, but a caterpillar that was smoking a pipe.


"Excuse me." Kyuhyun called, assuming that the caterpillar would be able to talk (I mean, it smokes too, so why not).


The caterpillar turned its head towards Kyuhyun, then widened its eyes in surprise.

With a long draw from the pipe, it suddenly puffed into smoke, causing Kyuhyun to cough.

When the smoke dissipated, there was a terribly good-looking male lying where the caterpillar was.


"Who are you?" inquired the handsome caterpillar man, pulling on the pipe.

"I'm Kyuhyun." answered Kyuhyun.

"Who's that?"


"Who's me?"


"Who's that?"

"The person standing in front of you."

"Who's standing in front of me?"

"I am."

"Who are you?"


'Ah, it.' thought Kyuhyun.

"Can I ask you something?" he said regardless of the caterpillar man. "I'm a bit lost."


"I need to know where the white rabbit went to." said Kyuhyun.


The caterpillar man, however, didn't give any reply, continuing to look at Kyuhyun with drowsy eyes.


"Um, hello?" Kyuhyun knitted his eyebrows.

"Hi." the caterpillar man responded indifferently.

"I said I need to know where the white rabbit went to." Kyuhyun reiterated his question.

"So?" the caterpillar man shrugged.


'Okay, what the hell is wrong with THIS guy now.' thought Kyuhyun, grinding his teeth.


"I wanted to ask you where the white rabbit went to." Kyuhyun tried to keep calm.

"Ask." repeated the caterpillar man.

"I just asked you!" Kyuhyun scowled.

"I did not hear any question." the caterpillar man blew smoke on Kyuhyun's face. "And do not raise your voice at me."

"Jesus Christ." Kyuhyun let out a sigh.


At that, the caterpillar man jolted up in a sitting position.


"What did you just say?" said the caterpillar man.


"You must be Christian." the caterpillar man's eyes were glittering with interest. "Do you go to church everyday?"

"What?" Kyuhyun was totally flabbergasted at the randomness.

"Prayer can resolve all your problems." the caterpillar man clasped his hands together in an unnecessarily solemn way. "Pray with me, little lost lamb."

"To be honest, I don't think praying will help me find that white rabbit." Kyuhyun scoffed.

"I beg your pardon?" the caterpillar man shrieked. "Are you doubting the power of almighty God?"

"That's not what I meant, I'm just saying-"

"Do not lie to me." the caterpillar man scolded. "God knows everything. Everything including every single lie of yours."

"Oh, so God knows about your lies as well?" Kyuhyun challenged, referring to how the caterpillar man wasn't even a real caterpillar. A ing lie indeed!

"I do NOT lie." the caterpillar man shot back. "Except when I'm lying."


He breathed out the smoke, lying back down on the mushroom he was sitting on.

Kyuhyun gave out a bewildered laughter.


"Right." he said with deep sarcasm in his voice. "Listen, I'm just trying to find a way here."

"Do not chase it out of greed." the caterpillar man lectured on.

"All I'm asking for is a direction." Kyuhyun suppressed his rising temper. "Would you kindly show me the way?"

"I'm busy preparing to be a butterfly." said the caterpillar man, shaking his head. "Pray to God. God will show you the way. God can give you anything you want. That's why I pray."


'Talk about greed, huh.' Kyuhyun rubbed his temple to soothe the headache.


"Well." he whirled on his heels. "I'll take it as that you're not willing to help, so I say that's enough advice from you, Mr. Caterpillar. Nice knowing you."

"Call me Siwon." the caterpillar man ordered. "That's a better name to suit a perfect butterfly-to-be like me."

"Yeah, whatever." Kyuhyun dismissed the remarks, striding away from the mushroom.

"Keep in touch, little lost lamb!" Siwon yelled from behind the back. "We shall discuss more about heaven and hell next time!"


'Keep in touch, my .' thought Kyuhyun. 'Hell, no.'


He was now in a different part of the forest.

There wasn't even a hint of the rabbit man, and he merely kept on strolling, when he heard music flowing from somewhere.

It was the only hope for him at the moment, so he followed the sounds.


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saphirebluefish #1
Chapter 10: this was super funny...especially teukie umma's ranting!! cm back soon oppa....anyway great story authornim^^
Chapter 10: Wow! I love this. I hate Alice in wonderland (don't ask me why), but I love this! Great job.
SilkChiffon #3
Chapter 10: I loved it! Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite stories, the fact that you made a parody with the SuJu boys is absolutely perfect not to mention hilarious. Great job!
Chapter 10: That was epic!! Ryeowookie is so crazy! XD

I loved how Hae repeats anything that Hyukkie says. Especially " 'an !' He said with passion" xD

Mimi! Mochi! Why so crazy?? I just laughed so hard! Though it reminded me of my logic class but Mimi made me understand more :3

Ohhh....y cat Heechul ;3

Aww! Poor umma Teukie! I still love you! No need to cry! You're the best umma out there! Ana appa Kangin will always be by your side.

And Yesung, why are you baby? XD but I love him! Such a brat xD
Chapter 10: Aahhh....... This's great!! So amusing.. Funny and.. A bit weird (in a good way).. Lol.. I like the idea.. Though, honestly, I get a little confused at some point.. And the ending!! Omo~ is it a dream again?? Or..no?? Kyu's a prince?? Aaahh.. I don't know >.<
evilmagnae5 #6
Chapter 10: Just wowwwwww
Awesome idea
bedhairrrr #7
Chapter 10: brilliant piece! Enjoyed it so much :D eunhae's bantering & leeteuk talking about her sons were the funniest xD
I can't even tell you how many times I bursted out laughing! x'DDD Great fic! Hope you write more like this! >:D Fighting!
Chapter 10: just wow................