Quest for Insanity

Down the Rabbit Hole

Shadowed by the irony of this night, Kyuhyun was now encountering a new phase in wonderland.

The chilly wind clung to the leafless branches of ghastly trees, whistling to attract a bunch of invisibles to roam around in clandestine reunion, and singing a hair-rising, blood-curdling tune.

It wasn't exactly the most pleasant place to be lost in.

But Kyuhyun couldn't just stand there and wait for something to occur, so he began to walk in the direction that seemed the most familiar.

And that was when he heard a low voice above his head.


"Not afraid of the darkness, you must not be an ordinary human." the voice said.


Kyuhyun raised his head up to find a man lying so comfortably on a tree branch.

The man had dark hair falling down on one side to cover his right eye, a pair of black cat ears on top of his head, and rather feminine, yet dangerously attractive, features about him.

The cat man curled his lips up, looking down at Kyuhyun.

He then effortlessly jumped off the branch and landed on the ground with a light step.


"Humans think they're not afraid of the dark, but in fact, they're scared less." the cat man continued, slowly circling Kyuhyun. "Such vain, feeble-minded creatures, there's really no reason for them to pretend otherwise. Foolish beings, ignorant as to the fact that they possess darkness within themselves."

"You know," Kyuhyun sighed. "I'm fed up with all this bull, so whatever you've got to say, just get on with it."

"I believe," the cat man wrested the box of Beijing fried rice off Kyuhyun's hand. "This is for me."

"Who are you?" asked Kyuhyun.

"You should know who I am, you're the one who called me out." the cat man shrugged.

"No, I'm not." Kyuhyun shook his head.

"Yes, you are." the cat man chuckled, pointing to the box in his hand. "Even the Red King knows that this is the only way to get my attention."

"I wasn't carrying that because I wanted to."

"I know." the cat man put the box aside for now and inched further towards Kyuhyun. "You must have met the Mad Hatter and March Hare."

"How do you know?" Kyuhyun seemed a little shocked.

"Oh, I TEND to know." the cat man answered in a rather seductive voice.

"Then I suppose you can tell me where I should go?" Kyuhyun lifted an eyebrow.

"Well, it all depends on where you're going, y." the cat man looped an arm around Kyuhyun's shoulder.

"I'm looking for the white rabbit." Kyuhyun said it for nth time.

"The mistress of His Majesty, you mean?" the cat man corrected him. "I warn you, that's a risky target you're shooting for."

"Mistress?" Kyuhyun gathered his eyebrows together. "I thought he was a guy?"

"Tut, tut. What kind of unfortunate, closed up and confined world do you come from?" the cat man sneered in disbelief. "You're in wonderland, mister. There's no limits, no boundaries. Anyone can be whatever anyone wants to be."


Then he took a brief pause.


"Except," he went on with a bitter smile. "Only with His Majesty's permission."

"Guy with some power, huh." Kyuhyun murmured.

"Power, yes." the cat man smirked. "Mercy, not so much."

"So where is he?" Kyuhyun questioned.

"Who? The Red King?" the cat man feigned astonishment in an exaggerated way. "You gotta be kidding me, young man. No one dares to stick up with the King."

"Well, I've stuck up with the crazy hatter who eats spoons, so why not." Kyuhyun replied dryly.

"What are you trying to find the King for?"

"I came all the way here for that white rabbit, I can't turn back now."

"Unbound lust can kill you and untamed desire is no right way for a man." the cat man spread an evil grin across his face. "However, that's what we live for, isn't it."

"You're gonna help me or not?" Kyuhyun urged.

"Well, if you insist."


The cat man did a little hand trick and whipped up a lovely white feather out of nowhere.

He passed it over to Kyuhyun.


"Take this to the White Queen." the cat man instructed. "She'll let you know how to meet the Red King."

"Where does the Queen live?"

"Her castle will appear when this night recedes." said the cat man. "Tell her the Cheshire Cat sent you, and she'll recognize you."

"Cheshire Cat must be you, I see." Kyuhyun gave a grateful beam.

"It's what they call me." the cat man admitted with a y stare. "But I'd prefer you to call me Heechul."

"Thank you, Heechul." Kyuhyun shook the Cheshire Cat's hand (or maybe paw). "Good thing I found at least one person who talks sense around here."

"Oh, you're sadly mistaken." Heechul laughed mischievously. "Nothing is what it seems to be."


He attached his body close to Kyuhyun's, their cheeks almost touching, and he whispered into Kyuhyun's ears.


"No one else here is as half mad as me."


He stepped back from the dumb-founded Kyuhyun, and smiled with his eyes half-closed.


"Catch you later, baby."


When the wind blew again, the Cheshire Cat vanished out of sight (by the way, let's not forget that he took the box of Beijing fried rice with him, it's very important for him, and we ELFs know why).


"This," mumbled Kyuhyun. "Is definitely going into my autobiography."


Without even allowing him a minute of rest, the dawn was breaking.

Time indeed was a flexible matter in this world of wonder.

And just as Heechul predicted, Kyuhyun could already see a magnificent castle in front of him, boasting its sheer size.

Everything was white.

The walls, the doors, the towers, even the grass in the yard were all whitest of the whitest white.

Kyuhyun admired the castle larger than his own, which was in the real world, of course.

The castle hardly had any decorations, just white all over, but it somehow rendered the viewers awe-struck.



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saphirebluefish #1
Chapter 10: this was super funny...especially teukie umma's ranting!! cm back soon oppa....anyway great story authornim^^
Chapter 10: Wow! I love this. I hate Alice in wonderland (don't ask me why), but I love this! Great job.
SilkChiffon #3
Chapter 10: I loved it! Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite stories, the fact that you made a parody with the SuJu boys is absolutely perfect not to mention hilarious. Great job!
Chapter 10: That was epic!! Ryeowookie is so crazy! XD

I loved how Hae repeats anything that Hyukkie says. Especially " 'an !' He said with passion" xD

Mimi! Mochi! Why so crazy?? I just laughed so hard! Though it reminded me of my logic class but Mimi made me understand more :3

Ohhh....y cat Heechul ;3

Aww! Poor umma Teukie! I still love you! No need to cry! You're the best umma out there! Ana appa Kangin will always be by your side.

And Yesung, why are you baby? XD but I love him! Such a brat xD
Chapter 10: Aahhh....... This's great!! So amusing.. Funny and.. A bit weird (in a good way).. Lol.. I like the idea.. Though, honestly, I get a little confused at some point.. And the ending!! Omo~ is it a dream again?? Kyu's a prince?? Aaahh.. I don't know >.<
evilmagnae5 #6
Chapter 10: Just wowwwwww
Awesome idea
bedhairrrr #7
Chapter 10: brilliant piece! Enjoyed it so much :D eunhae's bantering & leeteuk talking about her sons were the funniest xD
I can't even tell you how many times I bursted out laughing! x'DDD Great fic! Hope you write more like this! >:D Fighting!
Chapter 10: just wow................