Work Those Instincts!

Down the Rabbit Hole

"Come on, I know you're there, show yourself." Kyuhyun tried once more.


It was then, when a person peeked his head out from behind a tree.


"Somebody's speaking to us." said the person.


'Us?' thought Kyuhyun, throwing a glimpse around to see whether there was another person.

Another person did peek his head out from the other side of the same tree.


"Speaking to us!" the second person repeated the first person's words.

"Yeah, it's me." Kyuhyun grabbed their attention. "Look, guys, I need help in-"

"It's a human!" the two people shrilled in astonishment at the same time, running towards Kyuhyun for a closer look.


They seemed like twins or at least very intimate friends.

They didn't exactly seem ordinary, but they were doubtlessly human as well.


"Aren't you human, too?" Kyuhyun lifted his eyebrows.

"How absurd!" said the first person, poking Kyuhyun's nose. "I'm an anchovy!"

"An anchovy!" the second person repeated.

"And he's a fish!" the first person pointed to the second person.

"A fish!" the second person repeated again.

"Uh...." Kyuhyun creased his brow. "Isn't anchovy a kind of fish too?"


At that, the two people stared at each other in surprise, as if they never thought of it that way before.

Like in a 'holy crap, this human's a smarty-pants!' sort of way.

Three seconds of awkward silence went by the three of them.

Then it was the 'fish' that broke the silence.


"That's right!" he admitted, pointing to the 'anchovy'. "He's part of me!"


The 'anchovy' smacked him on the back of his head, causing him to vibrate in shock.


"What was that for?" Kyuhyun demanded.

"We're both fish!" the 'anchovy' concluded with a stern poker face.


Kyuhyun just got reminded of the headless fish that Captain Dodo almost shoved down his throat, and couldn't help but think that these two were lucky.


"Well, good to see you in one piece, anyway." Kyuhyun told them.


Then he saw the name tags on the two people's collars.


"Tweedle Hyuk." Kyuhyun read. "And Tweedle Hae."

"He knows our names!" Tweedle Hyuk gasped.

"Knows our names!" Tweedle Hae imitated Hyuk.

"That's what it says on your tags." Kyuhyun stated the obvious.

"Oh~" both of them said in unison.


Tweedle Hyuk nudged Tweedle Hae with his elbow.


"We should give him a present." suggested Hyuk.

"Give him a present!" Hae clapped in joy.

"We'll tell you a story." Hyuk seated Kyuhyun down and cleared his voice. "It is our favourite story! About love and friendship!"

"Hang on, I never asked for-" Kyuhyun couldn't finish.

"Shh!" Hae pressed a finger on his lips in a gesture of 'be quiet, nobody cares'. "It's rude to interrupt when someone's talking."

"But I don't want to-"

"Now for those who are present here in the present, we present to you a present! A great story of our lifetime!" Hyuk ignored Kyuhyun like a boss. "Once upon a time, there lived thirteen boys in a tiny little dorm."

"It's fifteen boys!" Hae contradicted.

"It's thirteen boys!" Hyuk argued back.



"Why you stubborn little monkey!" Hae charged himself upon the other angrily.

"Why you stupid little dinosaur!" Hyuk fought back, flailing his arms.


They got tangled up with each other (don't get ideas in your head, girls) and threw slaps, though none of them was actually hitting one another in the face, because handsome boys had to treat their faces sacred. And they knew they were handsome. Period.


"Guys, guys, guys, settle down." Kyuhyun eventually intervened, and they fell apart, breathing heavy.

"Coming back to the story," Hyuk recovered fast, grinning at Kyuhyun. "One day, the thirteen boys in the dorm were divided up into six OTPs."

"What's an OTP?" asked Kyuhyun.

"It's when girls turn weird and want boys to each other." Hyuk explained in an extra kind tone with an extra serious expression.

"So boys get paired up and they become OTPs!" Hae added.

"For example, Hae and I are an OTP called Eunhae!"

"Nonsense!" Hae shook his head laughing. "We're an OTP called Haehyuk!"

"It's Eunhae!"

"It's Haehyuk!"

"Why does that matter?" Kyuhyun in. "Isn't that the same thing?"

"It's very important!" Hae fumed. "It determines who tops!"

"And in our case, I top!" Hyuk punched the air victoriously.

"No! I top!" Hae didn't show any intention to back out, either.

"I top!"

"No, it's me!"

"It's me!"

"Shut up, you little monkey!"

"You shut up, you little dinosaur!"


They began kicking and screaming again, leaving Kyuhyun a splitting headache.


"I don't give a single damn who tops in your case, okay?" Kyuhyun whined. "Get on with your story, or I'm dashing off."

"The story, yes, the story." Hyuk hurriedly pushed Hae away and struggled to his feet, fixing his collar. "I'm telling it, I'm telling it. Alright. So there were six OTPs."

"Let me get this math right first." Kyuhyun said, counting in his head. "Thirteen boys, and six pairs, that means there's one left."

"Oh, yes." Hyuk nodded. "Poor Shindong's forever alone."

"No, Shindong has Nari." Hae corrected him. "He's the only straight guy out of all thirteen, no, fifteen."

"Anyway, that's not the point." Hyuk continued. "The main characters of our story are an OTP called Kyumin. They're the sweetest couple. They always stand by each other, they hold hands with each other, they share love stares with each other, they kiss each other, they compliment each other, they feed each other, they sing a lullaby for each other, they . They do all sorts of gay stuff together."

"Amen." Hae gathered his palms together and closed his eyes.

"But they're no angels, so they do fight sometimes." Hyuk sighed. "Especially because the guy who tops is an ."

"An !" Hae agreed with passion.


'I thought this parody was supposed to be for kids as well?' thought Kyuhyun.


Yeah, the author says she's gonna change that.

Focus on the story.


"Min is such a nice guy that he never does anything that frustrates his boyfriend." Hyuk was saying. "His boyfriend loves to play games until late in the night, so makes really annoying noises all the time, but Min doesn't object to it. And when his boyfriend goes to sleep early, Min tries his best not to make any noises. Also, Min likes to call his boyfriend, but the boyfriend doesn't like to pick up. His boyfriend enjoys teasing Min with spiteful words. Sometimes, his boyfriend doesn't even let him sleep after a tiring schedule."

"What a jerk." Kyuhyun frowned.

"Precisely!" Hyuk clicked his fingers. "So Min decides to break up with him and find another guy. He stops phoning his boyfriend, he stops visiting his boyfriend, he stops talking to his boyfriend, he stops smiling at his boyfriend. He starts seducing other guys."


'Hold on a tick.' thought Kyuhyun, scowling even further. 'Why am I getting so uncomfortable about this?'


"And of course, Min's boyfriend gets uncomfortable about this." Hyuk went on. "So the boyfriend approaches the leader for a good advice."

"Wait, no, he approaches Lee Soo Man the Wise." Hae cut in yet again.

"No, it's the leader!"

"No, it's Lee Soo Man the Wise!"

"The leader!"

"Lee Soo Man!"

"You little-"


'Oh, , not again.' Kyuhyun shifted his uninterested gaze away from the Tweedles.

And that was when he spotted the rabbit man.

The blond-haired babe was quite far away from where Kyuhyun was, but the latter could swear he saw the former curling his finger in a luring gesture of 'I'm here, baby, come to mama.'

Kyuhyun's heart thumped harder than ever (and perhaps something other than the heart, too. Don't mention it, DO NOT mention it).

When he got a hold of himself and looked again, that foxy bunny flew an irresistible kiss and a teasing beam before hiding in the woods.

Kyuhyun tossed a glance at the Tweedles still at war, then soundlessly got up from his seat.

Without Eunhae or Haehyuk (whichever is the correct one, they're both hot) noticing, Kyuhyun managed to tiptoe out of the place.

He chased after the mysterious creature who was gone out of sight once more.


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saphirebluefish #1
Chapter 10: this was super funny...especially teukie umma's ranting!! cm back soon oppa....anyway great story authornim^^
Chapter 10: Wow! I love this. I hate Alice in wonderland (don't ask me why), but I love this! Great job.
SilkChiffon #3
Chapter 10: I loved it! Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite stories, the fact that you made a parody with the SuJu boys is absolutely perfect not to mention hilarious. Great job!
Chapter 10: That was epic!! Ryeowookie is so crazy! XD

I loved how Hae repeats anything that Hyukkie says. Especially " 'an !' He said with passion" xD

Mimi! Mochi! Why so crazy?? I just laughed so hard! Though it reminded me of my logic class but Mimi made me understand more :3

Ohhh....y cat Heechul ;3

Aww! Poor umma Teukie! I still love you! No need to cry! You're the best umma out there! Ana appa Kangin will always be by your side.

And Yesung, why are you baby? XD but I love him! Such a brat xD
Chapter 10: Aahhh....... This's great!! So amusing.. Funny and.. A bit weird (in a good way).. Lol.. I like the idea.. Though, honestly, I get a little confused at some point.. And the ending!! Omo~ is it a dream again?? Kyu's a prince?? Aaahh.. I don't know >.<
evilmagnae5 #6
Chapter 10: Just wowwwwww
Awesome idea
bedhairrrr #7
Chapter 10: brilliant piece! Enjoyed it so much :D eunhae's bantering & leeteuk talking about her sons were the funniest xD
I can't even tell you how many times I bursted out laughing! x'DDD Great fic! Hope you write more like this! >:D Fighting!
Chapter 10: just wow................