
I believe in you.

Your's Pov:


I his hand softly, feeling the warmth. This is not another dream, isn’t it? The image are so clear. I can feel beads of sweat on my forehead. There are so many colours. L.Joe has just opened his eyes.
I heard voices when I was sleeping. I thought the voices were just part of my dream, but the voices in my dream sounded so real, yet the images in it looked so hazy. Now, as I rubbed my eyes, both the voices and images were real. This is definitely not a dream.
"Talk to me." I said, my voice a bit dry.
"Hey, annyeong to my girl Min Young." His voice rang again, louder this time. His eyes were halfclosed and he was smiling. "Where's my peeled apple?" L.Joe asked.
I could feel my mouth opening wide and my throat choking with phlegm. I wanted to jump onto him, giving him the hug of his life. But if I really do that, he may plunge back into a coma again.
"You idiot." I whispered, toying with his fingers. "You idiot, do you know your omma was going to let you go if you had decided to wake up tomorrow? Do you know, huh? Wae, why don't you just go hell?"
L.Joe laughed weakly, "I choose my dates carefully."
"Sure you do."
"Like, when I was in middle school year 1, I chose comedian Shin Young as my date. When I was in middle school year 2 , I chose Bong Sun. Well, when I was in middle school year 3-"
"Not funny." I cut in.
"In middle school year 3, I chose Lee Min Young, and I'll make her my date forever."


When I first saw my grandmother's photo in her funeral, I squeezed L.Joe's hand tight. I did not shed any tears. I just stared, and stared, and stared.
My grandmother had passed away peacefully two weeks before my examination. Initially, when I saw her lying on the sofa, I thought she was just resting. I went forward, wanting to wake her up. It was then I realised she was smiling but her eyes were closed.
When I noticed that she was not breathing, I did not call the ambulance instantly. Instead, I paced up and down, and finally, I called L.Joe. Until now, the cause of the death is till unknown. It seemed to be of old age.
"You're a strong girl." L.Joe said to me.
There were less than ten people attending the funeral, and I felt sad for grandmother. Still I did not cry.
"Come on, sit down. I've something to tell you." L.Joe said, motioning to a chair. When I settled down, he passed me a packet of drink. "Remember the letter I wrote for you? I asked my omma to pass it to you if I was in coma." L.Joe said.
I nodded.
"Well, I did say something about an old lady in your void deck, giving me some advice onlove right? That love is either yes, or no. There're no other excuses."
My heart skipped a beat. My grandmother had told me that before, and L.Joe had heard this from some old lady near my void deck.
"Your grandmother was the old lady." L.Joe said.
Now I really felt like crying. Firstly, my grandmother became my chat mate. The she became my advisor. And now I discover that she also contributed to bringing me L.Joe.
"Now, look here." L.Joe pointed to my left. I turned my head and wheezed. It was the old man in the park at the hospital who had given me the advice of love as well.
"What the......"
The old man was staring at my grandmother's coffin with teary eyes. After awhile, he said something to himself and went off.
"Ours is not the saddest story in the world. There're so many stories going on. Ours is just one of the many."

Hello my dearest readers! ^^

I had come to the end of the chapter for my fanfic  

Thanks everyone who subscribe and comment for my fanfic! I hope you guys enjoy reading my fanfic! 

I will try my best to come up another good & interesting story up next if I have the time to come up a great story plot! 

Okay, once again thank you! ^-^ I love ya guys! <3

-Sensationoflove- <3


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jaerenceyoo #1
Chapter 23: omaygushhh so sad :'(((
minhoshawols #2
Chapter 23: Omg so saddd. I was trying to not cry but failed lol. Good job author-nim!
haeseoul #3
Chapter 23: Omg no way this is the best touching fanfic ever omg
Chapter 23: My eyes are swollen..... ;3
Chapter 22: I cried when she was reading the letter so happy that he woke up
@randomm Yup he woke up :)
@mellychau Yes he did :)
randomm #8
Chapter 22: yay he woke up :) thank you author-nim :D <333
mellychau #9
Chapter 22: L. Joe WOKE UP!!! Update soon!!
killerhuntercuteyfk #10
Chapter 21: So L.Joe died??